I got decent game. I can talk to chicks about anything and everything, I can keep the conversation going by asking detailed questions getting deeper and deeper into whatever a chick is telling me. But when it comes to being sexual, I hesitate and get scared. Now I sometimes be giving chicks the

face though. I got a lack of experience when it comes to women tho. Like let's say I see a cute chick, and she starts checking me out, throwing signs that she likes what she sees and wants me to approach. Ima get close, flash her a smile and then say something like "sup, hey" etc. I got a really deep voice with a lot of bass too. Then I use the environment to ask questions. If I'm on campus ask her where she's headed, what she's majoring in, what year she is, etc. Tell her a lil bout myself. I don't talk to these chicks for too long. Like 5 minutes, tell'em I gotta go and for them to give me their number.
I get the number, but when I text these chicks... no reply. And I'm no trick or simp either. I don't put chicks on a pedestal, I don't do that friendzone sh, etc. I've had two chicks try to put me in the friendzone, told them no both times and we never spoke from that point on. First one was my fault tho, I wasn't direct and came thru on some friend sh.
Second time it was a chick I was dating for a while. She would tell me a lot that she was cold when we were outside, I would tell her I was cold too and kept it moving

. I'm not into that lovey dovey sh in public, now if we behind closed doors I ain't gon hesitate to make a move. I did flirt, tease, touch and tell her she looked good from time to time though. Thing is this chick wasn't direct at all

. She'd tell me she was really nervous and excited (mostly over text right before we were gonna meet up), and I'm asking her why, not knowing wtf she on about. She wouldn't give me a direct answer, and my lack of experience made me go ehh whatever

. Thing is too she played games right from the get go, but I overlooked that sh cause of how fine she was and I thought it would stop over time. Stuff like taking her time to reply to texts or just not replying at all. She was texting me more than I was texting her so I was like whatever. One time I was like lemme come thru and watch a movie at your place

. She said no and that she needed to get to know me better, I fell for the okey doke and said ight

. When I finally was over at her dorm after ignoring her for a couple weeks cause she was bullshyttin' and I tried to make a move she wasn't having it

. Fronting saying "no, stop" in a girly ass voice

. It was over after that.
I can look back on it now and just laugh. It taught me to have more respect for myself, not take any bs from women, and to be more sexually aggressive. To check them immediately when they try anything, and if I sense any red flags to charge them to the game and keep it moving before I develop feelings. I wasn't talking to no other chicks then, and the ones I holla'd at and got numbers from never replied to my texts.