Why doesn't God reveal himself to those who don't believe? (3 min.VID)


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
Ok if Im "trolling" and need to "learn some history" please tell, is imperialism happening in the world today?

Yes, imperialism is still going on today to a much lesser extent than in the past. The UK doesn't lay claim to 75% of the world anymore.

You'll concede the wealth gap but then talk about iphones? Do you think that people would actually support a system that just ends up increasing the wealth gap if they knew that? And sure they're not standing in large food lines YET, but that debt aint just gonna keep increasing forever with no payback. So that will be on your children's (or children's children etc...) head whenever it does. Thats IF it isnt on your head.

Common people don't have the financial means to dictate the markets. If you follow finance you know that everything evens out and the market corrects itself over time, so a temporary wealth gap does not equate to a permanent wealth gap. You can keep listening to the conspiracy theorists on finance but its way overblown. We are about $15b in debt right now. Known Americas assets alone are almost $90 trillion. Putting it in an easy way for you to understand, say your bank account has $90,000 right now. Your credit card has a balance of $15,000. Is your situation as bad as you're trying to make it out to be?
Blacks have power? :mjlol: The same blacks that get beat in the street like they're pets? That isnt to laugh at the situation, but thats what it is. It doesnt matter about the gains they've made when we're talking about a wealth gap/debt. Both will just keep increasing if we just keep continuing with the status quo.
"Africa's problems are bad, but they arent lets kidnap entire tribes and sell them to slavery bad"

It doesn't matter what gains they've made? This is why I said your grandparents would be ashamed of you. They suffered and suffered for you to have a better life and you just neglect all of their gains like that? I'll say it again, blacks in the US are far better off than 100 years ago. Even 50 years ago. They have more power, respect, money, and influence than anytime before. They had it FAR worse in the past than right now.

:mjlol: First, please dont use that rhetoric as if that was the main reason slavery happened. Second, it is that bad in some places. There are places where rebels/mercenaries/gov'ts etc.... are running thru villages raping and pillaging. So what are you talking about? Thats without mentioning the outside influence that rapes the continent as well.

The crusades is the darkest time in history? How many people died in that?

Yes, it is still bad in some places. Overall, the amount of bad shyt happening is down by a lot from previous times. The imperialism of Africa is not what it once was. Not even close. Spain, England, and France aren't forcing shyt like they used to. They aren't stealing your men and selling them into slavery. They aren't "Owning" you. As bad as parts of Africa can be, if you can't see that its still better off than those times then I don't know what to tell you.

Ok. Your turn to address my points.


Nov 21, 2013
Can you please, for once, give a straight answer? No, I don't understand why you answered this way.

I got the run around this whole thread. Remember when I asked you for the specific study you saw that stated what you did? You gave me the run around. Kinda like you asking me for proof that God exists, and I tell you to read the words of Moses. You wouldnt take that. You would want to see what I saw, or at least know what I experienced. Thats what I asked you for.

In regards to others, they said I was retarded for saying something, I then elaborated, only to see them ridicule and name call some more.

In short, they gave me the run around instead of directly answering. But I did directly answer you here.

FOLLOW the money. Where it ends up (or starts), that will be your answer.


Nov 21, 2013
We're now in the 21st century. Not the 20th. At least use close timelines when you're talking about "current times".

Please elaborate on what this means in regards to what I said

We're putting our faith in a Harvard educated, accredited, and well respected person. The probability of him being correct is very high.

:mjlol: Man you guys arent serious are you? Did you really just say you're gonna place your faith in a man that would even tell you himself that he has been right/wrong on a variety of subjects?

The probability of a God existing is very low.

:mjlol: Nice probability factors you randomly came up with.

The professors thesis can be dissected and proven/disproven.

So why didnt you respond to the questions I posed in regards to what Pinker stated? :mjpls:

God can't because he's not real.


Where did he get his stats from? I don't know. I didn't do his research for him. If you've ever been in higher education then you should know where he finds his sources. National governments put out statistics. Well respected advocacy groups put out statistics, etc. They don't just make this stuff up out of thin air like someone claiming the Holy Spirit told them what to write in the Bible.

So you dont know where he got his stats from but hes right because he went to harvard? :mjlol: So you believe him because of his title??????

Economic warfare has gone on since the start of humanity. Kings (Ironic with your name and all) hoarded all of the cash and their people were slaves to them. The opportunities of wealth for the common man is greater than before. I'd talk more finance with you but from your posts I don't think you truly understand finance so I won't go deeper into that.

I dont think I stated that economic warfare is new. What I did state, was that economic warfare can be considered violence no? Say the UN places sanctions on a country that doesnt allow food to enter into the country (just as an analogy) thus causing millions to starve. Now does Pinker consider this violence since millions could have died from this? The link doesnt say. How would we think that our reporting which would be much more accurate than 100's of years ago relate equally with the past?


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
As for your comment on the Crusades:

Crusades (1095-1291) 3,000,000

    • Estimated totals:
      • Robertson, John M., A Short History of Christianity (1902) p.278: 9,000,000
      • Aletheia, The Rationalist's Manual: 5,000,000
      • Henry William Elson, Modern Times and the Living Past, (1921) p. 261: 5,000,000
      • Om Prakesh Jaggi, Religion, Practice and Science of Non-violence, (1974) p. 40: "The crusades cost Europe five million young men"
      • Fielding Hudson Garrison, Notes on the History of Military Medicine, Association of Military Surgeons, (1922) p. 106: 3,000,000 total, incl. 2,000,000 Europeans
      • MEDIAN: 3 million
      • Philip Alexander Prince, Parallel universal history, an outline of the history and biography of the world divided into ... (1838) p.207: "Although two million souls perished in the Crusades..."
      • Charles Mackay, Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (1841): 2,000,000 Europeans killed. [http://www.bootlegbooks.com/NonFiction/Mackay/PopDelusions/chap09.html]
      • Wertham: 1,000,000
      • John Shertzer Hittell, A Brief History of Culture (1874) p.137: "In the two centuries of this warfare one million persons had been slain..."
      • NOTE: No scholar has ever published a death toll of less than one million or more than nine million, so the order of magnitude is generally accepted even if the precise number is unknown.

Christianity directly killed 3 million people. To put this in perspective, the UN estimated there were 300 million people on Earth at that time. Thats 1% of the entire world population that was killed. In todays terms, there are about 7.2billion people on earth. That would be 72 million people killed today.


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
Please elaborate on what this means in regards to what I said

:mjlol: Man you guys arent serious are you? Did you really just say you're gonna place your faith in a man that would even tell you himself that he has been right/wrong on a variety of subjects?

:mjlol: Nice probability factors you randomly came up with.

So why didnt you respond to the questions I posed in regards to what Pinker stated? :mjpls:


So you dont know where he got his stats from but hes right because he went to harvard? :mjlol: So you believe him because of his title??????

I dont think I stated that economic warfare is new. What I did state, was that economic warfare can be considered violence no? Say the UN places sanctions on a country that doesnt allow food to enter into the country (just as an analogy) thus causing millions to starve. Now does Pinker consider this violence since millions could have died from this? The link doesnt say. How would we think that our reporting which would be much more accurate than 100's of years ago relate equally with the past?

People don't get into Harvard and then become a well respected person in their field by being an illogical retard like yourself. Sorry for the name calling but its frustrating talking to someone with no sense of reality or reason. Harvard isn't one of the best schools in THE WORLD by chance. A man that can admit he is wrong on a subject proves that he's not a biased a$$hole with a one sided point of view. If he is proven wrong he accepts his loss, learns from it, and moves on. Thats what separates people like him from people like you. Discredit one of the most prestigious and intelligent schools breh
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Nov 26, 2013
Yes. Anything with a beginning cannot be God. Because whatever started that "beginning" would be greater than the creation/thing that had a beginning.
so god can't have a beginning because god began everything? so god is a thing that can't have a beginning?
how do you know this is so?


Nov 21, 2013
Yes, imperialism is still going on today to a much lesser extent than in the past. The UK doesn't lay claim to 75% of the world anymore.

Its still happening right? I mean we all saw what happened to Muammar didnt we?

Common people don't have the financial means to dictate the markets. If you follow finance you know that everything evens out and the market corrects itself over time, so a temporary wealth gap does not equate to a permanent wealth gap. You can keep listening to the conspiracy theorists on finance but its way overblown. We are about $15b in debt right now. Known Americas assets alone are almost $90 trillion. Putting it in an easy way for you to understand, say your bank account has $90,000 right now. Your credit card has a balance of $15,000. Is your situation as bad as you're trying to make it out to be?

Wealth inequality is getting greater. If you know so much about finance in regards to economies then what happens to countries with a rich/poor with no middle class? Are these positive countries to live in? Think of it like this, in the 60's we had a strong middle class. That is no w dwindling. Right as our economy goes down the drain? Coincidence? I think not :mjpls:

Where did you get that we are only 15 billi in debt? :patrice:
It doesn't matter what gains they've made? This is why I said your grandparents would be ashamed of you. They suffered and suffered for you to have a better life and you just neglect all of their gains like that? I'll say it again, blacks in the US are far better off than 100 years ago. Even 50 years ago. They have more power, respect, money, and influence than anytime before. They had it FAR worse in the past than right now.

Breh, If I need 5 dollars and you give me 5 then take three, why would I be happy with the 2 I have? I needed 5! So I wont be satisfied till I get what I deserve. Thats without mentioning the fact that for 400+ years blacks have been oppressed. This while supporting the economy in slavery and out of it. What do they have to show for it? Not much. They didnt get to build off their past generations hard work as the whites did.

Again, if my grandparents were in the civil rights, they would not be satisfied with how things are. You keep saying "power respect influence" yet I turn on the TV and see us getting disrespect. Look how we're portrayed in the media. Respect? Is respect where blacks get wrongfully convicted? Or overly charged for crimes? Or placed in for-profit prisons? Then again, you said you're not black so you're not gonna understand as much as a black person would unless you put yourself in their shoes.

Yes, it is still bad in some places. Overall, the amount of bad shyt happening is down by a lot from previous times. The imperialism of Africa is not what it once was. Not even close. Spain, England, and France aren't forcing shyt like they used to. They aren't stealing your men and selling them into slavery. They aren't "Owning" you. As bad as parts of Africa can be, if you can't see that its still better off than those times then I don't know what to tell you.

Gaddaffi.. Gaddaffi... Gaddaffi... What happened when my brethren tried to help his country and his fellow "africans?" Did we not see outside influence all of a sudden stick their neck in his business? They're held by the balls at a distance. You get out of line, thats what happens. It isnt just him. Those stories are all in Africa. Next up, try Lumumba. That is another that tried to help his brethren and what happened? Outside influence sticks its neck in.

Ok. Your turn to address my points.

As I have..


Nov 21, 2013
As for your comment on the Crusades:

Christianity directly killed 3 million people. To put this in perspective, the UN estimated there were 300 million people on Earth at that time. Thats 1% of the entire world population that was killed. In todays terms, there are about 7.2billion people on earth. That would be 72 million people killed today.

:mjpls: What a terrible and biased way to come to the conclusion that this was the worst disaster in history.

So lets say there was a time that there were only 10 people on earth. 5 of them die, and you're gonna call a bigger disaster then the time when 6 mill died in the holocaust? Or the (alleged) 20 mill (which some say is a SEVERE UNDERSTATEMENT) that died as a result of Stalin? I think thats being dishonest.


All Star
May 28, 2012
Debt is good? So you're child is going off to college are you going to encourage him to accumulate debt? And to the extent that the US has? Riduloso. Theres nothing good about debt let alone the amount that the US has accumulated.

One, can you chill with the smileys? I get it, you think everything is hilarious, and the only way you can express it is through Jordan's face. Knock it off. Makes you look like an a$$hole, and the post longer than it needs to be.

Yes. A simple intro economics course can teach you that not all debt is equal and sometimes debt is a good thing ... or at least better than the alternative. If the choice is to take out a $30k loan and go to college to increase your skills and value, or go straight into the workforce, it might be more beneficial in the long-run to do so. Sure, you might not have much in the short-term, but if you're making $50k+/yr as opposed to $20k, that debt might not be a big problem in the long-run. Plus you've increased your human capital, which can lead to even greater wages later on. I can't beleive I'm explaining the benefits of going to fukking college to someone... Jesus.

Yeah, if I don't have the money (fortunately, my parents did), then yeah, most likely. One major problem is people are going to expensive colleges and are getting degrees in fields that growing or that have no opportunities to make an above average wage. Their having to pay off the debt longer, which is a strain on them, and keeps them from buying or doing other things that they need.

That is basic, and the same principle applies to the US. I agree that it's a concern, but it's not that big of a problem. It's not like we're at the point where we're going to default tomorrow and the whole global economy crashes.

No it doesnt. Because they wouldnt be happy with what we are experiencing either. They wouldnt be happy with how the media portrays us. They wouldnt be happy with how our alleged black "leaders" are leading us. They wouldnt be happy with our children having role models that are sell outs They wouldnt be happy with people losing their houses to banks, but when the banks eff up, they get bailed out ( on who's dollar again?) . Nope. They would be up in arms about these things and more. You seem fine with how things are which tells me that you dont know how they are.

Yeah but this is stuff that's always been happening. Most of it is happening at a rate less than it has in the past.

Its happening. Thats the point. And its not being stopped or even considered.

Again, so what? You're moving the goal posts again. Sure, it's happening. But it's not as egregious. Period. I mean, when was the last time you saw a group of white men surrounding a black man hung by a tree? Do you think we're gonna go back to that? What's your justification for this?

Do you believe any gov't respects dissidents?


Are you implying the US government conspired in the assassinations of these men?

Theres few places that arent affected by imperialism so I dont know where I could go. And I feel that on staying and voicing my opinion, but just doing that on the net aint gonna do much.

I mean... if there's no alternative then... what are we left with?

I want to voice my concerns. But MLK did what happpened to him? Malcolm X? Tupac? Lauryn Hill? I mean I can go on really.

I don't know... what happened? I still don't understand what you're implying

I dont think people should have their gardens destroyed because of frivolous reasons


I dont think it should be illegal to hand out food to the homeless...


In a free country, would either of these acts be considered illegal?

This hits close to home, cause Raleigh is my city, and I can understand your concerns. It looks like at least the woman in Tulsa is suing the city, and hopefully she can get some type of reparation if she really was in the right. These are unfortunate events, but I still don't think they compare to stories like this: http://newsone.com/2032853/emmett-till-story/


Nov 21, 2013
People don't get into Harvard and then become a well respected person in their field by being an illogical retard like yourself. Sorry for the name calling but its frustrating talking to someone with no sense of reality or reason. Harvard isn't one of the best schools in THE WORLD by chance. A man that can admit he is wrong on a subject proves that he's not a biased @sshole with a one sided point of view. If he is proven wrong he accepts his loss, learns from it, and moves on. Thats what separates people like him from people like you. Discredit one of the most prestigious and intelligent schools breh

Again you provide words, but nothing towards what I said in regards to the study. Nothing towards how he can be sure of whatever figures he got concerning violence in the past holding equal credibility with the numbers we have today. Nothing towards whether it was physical violence, or if economic violence (like I had mentioned) is considered. Nothing at all scusthov:

Breh, I didnt insult his intelligence. What I did do was ask YOU how we can come to the understanding that hes telling the truth. No answer. Where did he get his numbers? You dont know. You just place your faith that hes telling you the truth because hes from Harvard :lolbron: Its all good I guess. Just know that the same faith you place in him is the same (and better) faith that people put in the Eternal Creator of All things that exists. Food for thought, my brethren. :mjpls:


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
Its still happening right? I mean we all saw what happened to Muammar didnt we?

Wealth inequality is getting greater. If you know so much about finance in regards to economies then what happens to countries with a rich/poor with no middle class? Are these positive countries to live in? Think of it like this, in the 60's we had a strong middle class. That is no w dwindling. Right as our economy goes down the drain? Coincidence? I think not :mjpls:

Where did you get that we are only 15 billi in debt? :patrice:

Breh, If I need 5 dollars and you give me 5 then take three, why would I be happy with the 2 I have? I needed 5! So I wont be satisfied till I get what I deserve. Thats without mentioning the fact that for 400+ years blacks have been oppressed. This while supporting the economy in slavery and out of it. What do they have to show for it? Not much. They didnt get to build off their past generations hard work as the whites did.

Again, if my grandparents were in the civil rights, they would not be satisfied with how things are. You keep saying "power respect influence" yet I turn on the TV and see us getting disrespect. Look how we're portrayed in the media. Respect? Is respect where blacks get wrongfully convicted? Or overly charged for crimes? Or placed in for-profit prisons? Then again, you said you're not black so you're not gonna understand as much as a black person would unless you put yourself in their shoes.

Gaddaffi.. Gaddaffi... Gaddaffi... What happened when my brethren tried to help his country and his fellow "africans?" Did we not see outside influence all of a sudden stick their neck in his business? They're held by the balls at a distance. You get out of line, thats what happens. It isnt just him. Those stories are all in Africa. Next up, try Lumumba. That is another that tried to help his brethren and what happened? Outside influence sticks its neck in.

As I have..

And again you completely ignore using relative rational for your argument. The entire premise of this back and forth is that you stated we are worse off now than before. To make that argument valid, you have to prove that events today are relatively worse than events in the past. You have yet to do so. I have multiple posts disproving your theory and you just keep finding silly bullshyt to keep it going. Before you post anymore ridiculous stuff, think of it in a relative term. Are blacks better off now than 100 years ago. Compare their freedom, financial situation, place in society, etc before you spew more garbage. I'll answer this for you again - Blacks are in better standing overall than they were 100 years ago therefore you cannot say that their situation is worse off than before. Is there more or less violence towards blacks now or before? The answer again, is before. They were literally owned by whites, were slaves, were raped and beaten without consequence. You can't get away with that shyt now no matter how bleak your outlook is and no matter how many random incidence you try to claim. If 100 blacks got beaten today, yes it horrible. But in RELATIVE terms, its not so bad when you can look back in history and know that if this were 100 years ago, that number may be 5000 blacks that got beaten today.


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
Again you provide words, but nothing towards what I said in regards to the study. Nothing towards how he can be sure of whatever figures he got concerning violence in the past holding equal credibility with the numbers we have today. Nothing towards whether it was physical violence, or if economic violence (like I had mentioned) is considered. Nothing at all scusthov:

Breh, I didnt insult his intelligence. What I did do was ask YOU how we can come to the understanding that hes telling the truth. No answer. Where did he get his numbers? You dont know. You just place your faith that hes telling you the truth because hes from Harvard :lolbron: Its all good I guess. Just know that the same faith you place in him is the same (and better) faith that people put in the Eternal Creator of All things that exists. Food for thought, my brethren. :mjpls:

If some hood rat tells you to buy stock in Best Buy cuz he knows its going through the roof, are you going to believe him?

If a Harvard educated Wall St hedge fund manager with a proven track record tells you to buy stock in Best Buy, are you going to believe him?

Now, where do you want to place your belief?