I don't blame Blake G. or Ill for not responding to that post because it's just a ridiculous position. And to be honest, if you're a black person too, you should really be ashamed of yourself.
You complain about debt and wealth inequality, and sure those are huge problems for many people. But at least we have the opportunity to seek higher education, and have the choice to accrue that debt. At least we can see a highly trained physician when we're sick, and have that medical bill. At least we're not living during Jim Crow where blacks were second-class citizens, and couldn't receive the same quality education/medicine/etc. At least sharecropping isn't our only option for work, and there are mostly successful social safety nets in place if we lose our jobs or something happens. You complain about blacks getting beat up. At least it's no longer common for a mob to lynch us for looking at a white girl the wrong way. At least we aren't ACTUAL slaves, and the property of another man. How dare you even suggest that we've got it worse now than any other time? Even if it's not a racial thing ... everything is just BETTER. You realize the economy was bad during other times in history, right? Do you not realize how fukking privileged you are? What a joke.
See you finally responded though it wasnt directed at you. But you didnt respond to the points made in the post. So heres my point (while I will also respond to what you said since Im sure someone will come cheerlead what you have said
Debt and wealth inequality is SEVERELY important. The fact that you gloss over these is ridiculous at best. Why? Because that debt is gonna have to be paid. Who's gonna pay? The gov't?
I dont think so. It will be me and you. The taxpayer. Or our children. Is that a positive outlook to leave for your children?
Breh, you (or blacks are if you're not black) are still second class citizens. Nobody said that blacks havent made progress, but look at unbiased news for once. They're still getting beat in thestreet by cops. They're still be wrongfully convicted (as I have). They're still being doused in negative media, with negative role models. When a positive one comes up, they get rid of them. Whether you think this role model is MLK, Malcolm, or Pac, all these people were silenced one way or another.
Brother, why gloss over the fact that blacks are still getting beat up in the street by the authorities?
You're free to leave whenever you want to leave the US. But speak up on whats happening in the world and you're silenced. I can make a list of people that this has happened to if you would like? But Im sure if you're as educated as I believe you are, you already know.
Breh, Im stuck in America tryna figure out when I can experience true freedom. Not illusioned, but true freedom. I want that for myself and the next generation. But people are still too busy supporting this illusioned freedom.