Ok if Im "trolling" and need to "learn some history" please tell, is imperialism happening in the world today?
You'll concede the wealth gap but then talk about iphones? Do you think that people would actually support a system that just ends up increasing the wealth gap if they knew that? And sure they're not standing in large food lines YET, but that debt aint just gonna keep increasing forever with no payback. So that will be on your children's (or children's children etc...) head whenever it does. Thats IF it isnt on your head.
Blacks have power?
The same blacks that get beat in the street like they're pets? That isnt to laugh at the situation, but thats what it is. It doesnt matter about the gains they've made when we're talking about a wealth gap/debt. Both will just keep increasing if we just keep continuing with the status quo.
"Africa's problems are bad, but they arent lets kidnap entire tribes and sell them to slavery bad"
First, please dont use that rhetoric as if that was the main reason slavery happened. Second, it is that bad in some places. There are places where rebels/mercenaries/gov'ts etc.... are running thru villages raping and pillaging. So what are you talking about? Thats without mentioning the outside influence that rapes the continent as well.
The crusades is the darkest time in history? How many people died in that?