- Apocalypse himself is vastly underwhelming compared to his comicbook/90's TAS incarnation.
- Mystique was shoehorned into the hero role because of JLaw's star power. Not a good look.
- (As dope as both characters are...) Magneto and Professor's tragic bromance is way played out.
- Storm, Psylocke, and Angel were criminally misused. (IMO They should have been on the X-men side from the jump. Have Angel get turned near the end and use the same pestilence/war/famine from the comic books)
- No actual costumes until the final shot. (The black leather was cool in the early 2000's when the Matrix was huge and superhero movies weren't a big thing yet. The bar has since been raised.)
- Very little actual
team X-men action. (Have Cyclops actually lead the group into the final battle! With Jean, Psylocke, Nightcrawler, Beast, Storm, etc. Maybe have Wolverine join up in the third act.

- Show more of the characters being people. Cutting the mall scene was a big mistake IMO.
- The film also had some very bad CGI, especially the final fight.