Why does the Coli hate landlord's so much?

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
You can't even get basic terminology right. You didn't "produce" anything in this equation, so don't call it a "product". It's an asset.

And in most cases it's not some fukking choice on their part not to own, they can't own cause the a$$hole with more money bought up more land than he needed so the people with less money go without.

You took control of an asset because you had more expendable money than the other person, and you are profiting off the fact that they can't afford a down payment on their own place. You are profiting off of their relative poverty despite not having added a single property to America's net total of land or homes. You take without having given - by some definitions, that makes you a parasite.

Everything else in you diatribe is, "Why don't you just stop being poor, working-class person?" :mjlol:
No how about you live in your own means... Goddamn y'all do sound like fukking peasants

A motherfukker went about his life and made more money than you... And he bought up land and property... And now since you obviously can't afford the same place... And you refuse to buy less than and build your own shyt like the people you brought up before from the past.........

But now it's the other person's fault? They should have done what exactly with their money? Who's in charge? What if they wanted one house but have it on 100 acres? Oh that'd be wrong too right? So we gonna have a national housing cap AND an acre cap?

Y'all sound like some fukking beggers.... Yea.. I said it.. Get fukking money nikka or pay a nikka who got it. It's the American way. Stop fukking crying cause you want to live in NYC for $600 a month... Which you actually could.. But you also don't want to live where that is so you want what exactly? Them to lower that too while also giving you the same quality and location?

In what world? In what industry? Last I checked I pay a water bill too.. And if I don't pay, they cut it the fukk off. Same with everything else I "need" electric, gas, food... You get money and pay for it, or you fukking die...

May 22, 2012
RENO, Nevada

Dorian Breh

Jan 14, 2016
They could have paid it too right? But didn't right? How is that my fukking problem?
Intention matters, friend. You already had a place to live, and decided for no other reason than to take advantage of someone poorer than you, to go out of your way and take another home out of the market, with the sole intention of having someone else pay off your mortgage. This is a much more egregious crime than the millionaire who pays cash and buys up the property all at once and lets it sit empty, because at least he isn’t getting someone else to buy it for him.
May 22, 2012
RENO, Nevada
No how about you live in your own means... Goddamn y'all do sound like fukking peasants

A motherfukker went about his life and made more money than you... And he bought up land and property... And now since you obviously can't afford the same place... And you refuse to buy less than and build your own shyt like the people you brought up before from the past.........

But now it's the other person's fault? They should have done what exactly with their money? Who's in charge? What if they wanted one house but have it on 100 acres? Oh that'd be wrong too right? So we gonna have a national housing cap AND an acre cap?

Y'all sound like some fukking beggers.... Yea.. I said it.. Get fukking money nikka or pay a nikka who got it. It's the American way. Stop fukking crying cause you want to live in NYC for $600 a month

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Intention matters, friend. You already had a place to live, and decided for no other reason than to take advantage of someone poorer than you, to go out of your way and take another home out of the market, with the sole intention of having someone else pay off your mortgage. This is a much more egregious crime than the millionaire who pays cash and buys up the property all at once and lets it sit empty, because at least he isn’t getting someone else to buy it for him.
How do you know their reasons? How do you know what's paid off or still being paid off? How you know one house isn't a family home, it was left to them, but they already had a home... Or got 5 left to them... Or bought one, couldn't sell the other but found a renter... or a host of other reasons.........

Y'all have made up this evil landlord man, given him a background story, know is finances, what he's paid, his bills, how many places he got, why he got them, what his intent is................ And not a single of you could name 5 bad landlords you seen in your entire lifetime... Straight slum lords... And they probably was again...... a corporate person and not some nikka with a house in florida and another in atlanta

Dorian Breh

Jan 14, 2016
No how about you live in your own means... Goddamn y'all do sound like fukking peasants

A motherfukker went about his life and made more money than you... And he bought up land and property... And now since you obviously can't afford the same place... And you refuse to buy less than and build your own shyt like the people you brought up before from the past.........

But now it's the other person's fault? They should have done what exactly with their money? Who's in charge? What if they wanted one house but have it on 100 acres? Oh that'd be wrong too right? So we gonna have a national housing cap AND an acre cap?

Y'all sound like some fukking beggers.... Yea.. I said it.. Get fukking money nikka or pay a nikka who got it. It's the American way. Stop fukking crying cause you want to live in NYC for $600 a month... Which you actually could.. But you also don't want to live where that is so you want what exactly? Them to lower that too while also giving you the same quality and location?

In what world? In what industry? Last I checked I pay a water bill too.. And if I don't pay, they cut it the fukk off. Same with everything else I "need" electric, gas, food... You get money and pay for it, or you fukking die...

Why don’t you live within YOUR means and only purchase property with the money you already have? Why get someone else to buy it for you?

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Why don’t you live within YOUR means and only purchase property with the money you already have? Why get someone else to buy it for you?
Buying a house you can afford the mortgage on, is living in your means.. Wanting to buy a house that you couldn't afford, and in turn want everyone to sell their property so you can afford the one you want, instead of affording the one you can.... is fukking stupid

I'll ask again.... Why can't you sacrifice and buy land and build or commute farther if that's what you truly want?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
They could have paid it too right? But didn't right? How is that my fukking problem?
No they couldn't have paid it, that's the point. :dwillhuh:

Some of y'all are acting like the densest people I have ever seen. :gucci:

No how about you live in your own means... Goddamn y'all do sound like fukking peasants

A motherfukker went about his life and made more money than you...
Personally, I am one of the lucky ones who can make as much money as I ever care to. We used to own, right now we rent because my work requires me to move around too much to be tied to one place. I don't have a personal problem here cause I haven't had anything to worry about financially since I got my degree and my wife was pretty much set from birth.

I advocate against the system cause it's a fukked-up system. And if you can't see how much you've been able to take advantage of that, if you really believe that every fukking family in America could have just bought their own place if they really wanted to, then it's no surprise that you don't want to go any deeper into what is really going on.

Dorian Breh

Jan 14, 2016
Buying a house you can afford the mortgage on, is living in your means.. Wanting to buy a house that you couldn't afford, and in turn want everyone to sell their property so you can afford the one you want, instead of affording the one you can.... is fukking stupid
Then why are these landlords worried that the bank is going to take away their properties?

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Then why are these landlords worried that the bank is going to take away their properties?
No they couldn't have paid it, that's the point. :dwillhuh:

Some of y'all are acting like the densest people I have ever seen. :gucci:

Personally, I am one of the lucky ones who can make as much money as I ever care to. We used to own, right now we rent because my work requires me to move around too much to be tied to one place. I don't have a personal problem here cause I haven't had anything to worry about financially since I got my degree and my wife was pretty much set from birth.

I advocate against the system cause it's a fukked-up system. And if you can't see how much you've been able to take advantage of that, if you really believe that every fukking family in America could have just bought their own place if they really wanted to, then it's no surprise that you don't want to go any deeper into what is really going on.
Because freeloaders think they deserve a free home, faked on their contract, and instead of just moving out, was given protection to be hoarders for months.. aka something that never happened in the history of america

They'll have new renters the day they are able and would have been just fine without the government coming in and blocking them from doing so. THEY didn't do anything wrong. THEY were fine and affording these places

I'm going to say what I keep saying and asking what I keep asking. That NONE of you have addressed....


I am not for raping people for rent. I'm not for overcharging when you don't need it. I'm not talking about a company that got 500 properties. I'm not talking about the managers office at your apt building. I'm talking about normal ass people, who may have land, two homes, etc etc etc....

What's the law gonna be? You can only own one home? So what if I'm like dude and my job don't makes it so renting is better... Who the fukk am I renting from? What if I don't want to own a house? Who am I renting from? What if I'm rich and I want 50 acres? What if I have a farm and I sell off the farm portion? What about my parents house when they die? I got a mom with a house and a dad.. I'll have three houses.. Who determines who I sell them too? Who pays if I can't sell them? What if the profit don't cover what I have to do to sell it? What if I want the land but I want to demolish the house? Does that count?

See how deep we can get it. On some "fukk all landlords" No... fukk SLUMLORDS.. fukk people trying to live like Diddy, based on raping poor people. That's usually not the fukking landlord. That's usually a company. Y'all are mad at the wrong people and have zero solution on how to fix the problem. But mad at me cause I said get a cheaper house, farther away, that you can afford, instead of yelling at "landlords" when you have zero idea what is going on financially or asset wise, to even know why you so damn mad.

Guess what... None of us have house in cash money.. We all gotta borrow.. Like for our car, credit cards, and a host of other shyt. Let someone hit you with all this shyt, about how you a dummy cause you only had downpayment money. nikkas got 2-3-5 cars with two drivers but mad a man with 2 houses and says he should be forced to sell it.. But not, you should be forced to live where you could afford