Why do you personally sympathize/empathize for/with the people who were

Danny Up

Jun 9, 2012
bombed in Boston?

I find it interesting to hear/see people (coloreds ones specifically) express sympathy, empathy, anger, etc.....on behalf of the victims of things like this (people they have never met) but never express those same feelings (or never express them as strongly) when similiar things happen to people (colored ones specifically) around the globe.

So why is this? Why do you feel such a connection with these particular people and not others?

When shyt interupts everything on Tv u got no choice to feel something. Plus this is a random attack people just chilling. It's not like they were in a "bad area" or had it coming.

Everybody in the crowd could have been evil but it's still random and unnecessary. I don't believe in collateral damage.


Et in Arcadia ego...
Jun 16, 2012
The "BUCKEYE" Nation
bombed in Boston?

I find it interesting to hear/see people (coloreds ones specifically) express sympathy, empathy, anger, etc.....on behalf of the victims of things like this (people they have never met) but never express those same feelings (or never express them as strongly) when similiar things happen to people (colored ones specifically) around the globe.

So why is this? Why do you feel such a connection with these particular people and not others?
Good question. I was listening to the radio on Monday, when they broke in with the news. I was dismayed, of course. The next day, I thought to myself that some time in the last week or so 55 some people were killed in Iraq in a bombing, and I really hadn’t thought about it, or cared until the bombing in Boston. I guess the short answer to why we should care is that it’s on our home soil, and it could’ve been any of us. The truth of the matter is terrorists don’t care about color, ethnicity, or nationality; we’re all just collateral damage to them. Timothy McVeigh was a racist, but when he bombed the Oklahoma City fed building, he didn’t care how many white people would be killed in the bombing, and all he cared about was destroying the fed building. With the Times Square attempted bombing, the person who attempted it was a Pakistani I believe, he didn’t care about whether or not any Muslims would be killed by his bomb. As a matter of fact, it was a Muslim who owned a food cart that alerted the authorities to the bomb, who would’ve been killed by the attempted terrorist act. In I believe in Dallas or Houston there was an incident where an Arab was trolling Al Qaeda websites seeking material support to build a bomb to detonate. For some reason Texas has a large Muslim population; the cat didn’t care if his bomb would’ve killed other Muslims or not. If you've watched the American Gangster episodes of Mutula Shakur, and Chazz Blackhand, they were criminals who just used the black power ideology to justify their crimes. Mutula Shakur, Tupacs stepfather actually killed a black cop in the course of a robbery. Its easy to say why should we care about these “cacs” in Boston who got blown up while running a race, but what if it was in Roxbury, Boston, which has always had a large, significant black population, where Malcolm X used to build, and lived with his sister when he was younger, or what if it was in Anacostia, D.C., or Howard University, or University of D.C., or Prince Georges County Community College, or Bowie State University, or the West Indian Day parade in New York, or Queens Bridge in Queens, East New York in Brooklyn. What if some terrorists set off a dirty bomb in D.C., and they detonated it when the wind was blowing east, so the containments would blow into Prince Georges County, a majority black county, or they set it off in Harlem, I doubt if any of those scenarios took place, we would be having this conservation. I understand your point, but the truth is if Abdul decides to blow himself up in a crowded market in Baghdad, we don’t have any control over that, or if Jesus, and Jose decide to go into a bar in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico and kills 20 some people with ak’s, we don’t have any control over that either, just like we don’t have any control of Tyronne if he decides to shoot Jerome in the head for hustling on his corner, or if Becky decides to slit her wrists because Mitchell took video of Becky giving him, and his boys becky, and put it on She’s Freaky. I go over to my cousin’s house, and I’ll read the tabloids she buys. I read one a few months ago where Willow Smith, Will Smith’s daughter was writing on twitter “I’m depressed, no one understands me!”, I read another one where Lamar Odon’s daughter was talking about cutting herself, on some “Woe is me!” shyt. I don’t care about these stupid broads, if they wanna kill themselves, more power to them, the world might be a better place. But if my sister was doing that stupid cry for attention shyt, I would care. It’s a double standard at best, hyprocisy at worst :manny:. But terrorism is real, and when it hits close to home people feel it. I was just listening to a radio story about world reactions to the bombing; they interviewed a Chinaman who said he was glad when the twin towers fell back in 2001. So what I'm saying is Americans aren't the only people who are ambivalent to the suffering of others.


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
I see it like this……….the boston bombing incident was crazy. I empathized, to an extent, with this situation more than others because my brother ran in a marathon event before (that I waited for him at the finish line at) so I could feel the situation a little more. But at the same time me, my brother nor anybody I personally know was at the race so I personally don’t feel much for it……..thats just being real. When I see/hear/read people like me (people who weren’t there and personally don’t know anybody involved) express all these different emotions about the event it gets on my nerves………..even the media front paging the story everywhere gets on my nerves……...and not even for the compassion aspect of it. Personally, id be moved if I felt the compassion was geninune………but I don’t think it is. I don’t think its genuine because I follow the news (to a certain extent), I read the stories of the bombings around the world, the drone attacks that kill innocent people, etc and I don’t see the media outlets front paging that stuff………I mean a human tragedy is a human tragedy right?……… I also don’t hear a peep from any of these same people who are in an uproar about this boston thing……….………..I also know most of these same people arent doing a got dam thing to help or change anything…………and that’s what bothers me. If you’re a genuine carebear, cool, get off your ass and do something the world needs you……….if you arent, just read the story and shut the fukk up with the bullshyt ………..we aint trying to hear it...

whats even more annoying is reading/hearing people say "well its all over the news what am i supposed to do?" Turning your tv off never crossed your mind? Complaining to the network about the coverage? Not clicking the article link?

I mean come on man, its like people know they are being manipulated and are ok with it.............smh........wtf


All Star
Apr 17, 2013
Me personally? I don't. Didn't feel a thing when 9/11 happened neither. fukk Boston and its racist inhabitants.