Why do you personally sympathize/empathize for/with the people who were


Apr 30, 2012
baiting answers?

Me asking you to explain specific parts of your responses is baiting? lol

my questions are straight forward and direct.....your answers are anything but that.........but whatever.....

keep talking nikka, maybe your words will stop the next bomb from exploding

dude, look at the thread title you created and the question you asked.

The response to it by multiple ppl has been, "because we do"

And saying, "who says I said I didnt care" is you just trying to play semantics. "Well I never said I did or didn't..." type of stuff. "Who's on first base....." Useless.

Regardless of the answer to ANYTHING in life, you can find another reason to ask "but why?"


Mar 18, 2013
ive actually gotten pretty desensitized to that type of shyt. last time I really gave a fukk was the VT massacre.

Doobie Doo

May 2, 2012
Raleigh, NC
What pisses me off is when people wait till a tragedy happens to stand up on their soap box to speak their piece. Honestly I don't know anybody in Boston and this tragedy does not affect me in any way shape or form, but I wouldn't use this as an opportunity to speak out against violence happening halfway across the world. IF people were so conscience about violence in the middle east they wouldn't wait till a tragedy happens on US soil to speak against it.

But to those that ask why garner so much empathy towards Boston and not he rest of the world is quite simple. IT WAS ON TV fukkING ALL DAY! Maybe if they showed 24/7 news coverage of kids with missing limbs and the tragedy of war we could all muster some grief towards people outside of our country.


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
What pisses me off is when people wait till a tragedy happens to stand up on their soap box to speak their piece. Honestly I don't know anybody in Boston and this tragedy does not affect me in any way shape or form, but I wouldn't use this as an opportunity to speak out against violence happening halfway across the world. IF people were so conscience about violence in the middle east they wouldn't wait till a tragedy happens on US soil to speak against it.

But to those that ask why garner so much empathy towards Boston and not he rest of the world is quite simple. IT WAS ON TV fukkING ALL DAY! Maybe if they showed 24/7 news coverage of kids with missing limbs and the tragedy of war we could all muster some grief towards people outside of our country.

I made the thread when i did because it takes for something like this to happen for me to see all these fake care bears start opening their mouths talking this dumb shyt. Normally i take people's lack of attention to world tragedies as a sign they dont care........cool. My problem is when these same people who dont give no fukks about kids dying across the world start hooping and hollering when ONE does here. Ignorance isnt an excuse......... if u dikkheads wanted to find out whats going on in the world u could. But u dont, you instead sit here and let the media spoon feed u information and just eat it and wait for ur next serving.....

And on that note.........you say its cause it was on tv all day is why you feel so strongly about this and not the other world tragedies......................how dumb does that make u? To conciously know ur feelings and emotions are being manipulated by the media and, instead of being outragged at that, u use it as a reason for having the feelings and emotions that you do.....smh...........ur an idiot

Doobie Doo

May 2, 2012
Raleigh, NC
I made the thread when i did because it takes for something like this to happen for me to see all these fake care bears start opening their mouths talking this dumb shyt. Normally i take people's lack of attention to world tragedies as a sign they dont care........cool. My problem is when these same people who dont give no fukks about kids dying across the world start hooping and hollering when ONE does here. Ignorance isnt an excuse......... if u dikkheads wanted to find out whats going on in the world u could. But u dont, you instead sit here and let the media spoon feed u information and just eat it and wait for ur next serving.....

And on that note.........you say its cause it was on tv all day is why you feel so strongly about this and not the other world tragedies......................how dumb does that make u? To conciously know ur feelings and emotions are being manipulated by the media and, instead of being outragged at that, u use it as a reason for having the feelings and emotions that you do.....smh...........ur an idiot

Look here Malcolm Ex LAx. You talk all this bullshyt about tragedies and us being spoon fed shyt by the media. Like I said originally how come you didn't talk about the shyt before the Boston Marathon? I never once saw a thread where you discussed tragedies happening around the world, but when some shyt goes down in America now you wanna hop on your soap box and run ya yap about what's going on in the world today trying to divert our attention away from a tragedy on the home front and tell us how we are supposed to feel. You a fukking Coward cause you don't stand up for what you believe in. You gotta wait till some shyt goes down in America to tell us how you really feel. You are an ARM CHAIR ACTIVIST! I highly doubt you have done anything to help out the people you are talking about overseas. You just hop on a internet message board thinking you've done your part by informing us of what we already know. I don't give a fukk about what happens in the Middle East unless it affects the price of gas and oil here in the states. nikkas die everyday B, do us all a favor and be another one when you kill yourself.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
werent yall calling for a pre-em nuclear strike on North Korea despite the fact that they can't and wont ever harm the U.S no matter how much lipping they do. you do realize that nuclear bombs kill thousands of people right.

now all of sudden we're humans. lets face it, people only really care when it directly effects them, or people with similar background (tribalism)


May 1, 2012
Because they were innocent; and everytime an innocent person is killed in the world I feel empathy :yeshrug:


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
Look here Malcolm Ex LAx. You talk all this bullshyt about tragedies and us being spoon fed shyt by the media. Like I said originally how come you didn't talk about the shyt before the Boston Marathon? I never once saw a thread where you discussed tragedies happening around the world, but when some shyt goes down in America now you wanna hop on your soap box and run ya yap about what's going on in the world today trying to divert our attention away from a tragedy on the home front and tell us how we are supposed to feel. You a fukking Coward cause you don't stand up for what you believe in. You gotta wait till some shyt goes down in America to tell us how you really feel. You are an ARM CHAIR ACTIVIST! I highly doubt you have done anything to help out the people you are talking about overseas. You just hop on a internet message board thinking you've done your part by informing us of what we already know. I don't give a fukk about what happens in the Middle East unless it affects the price of gas and oil here in the states. nikkas die everyday B, do us all a favor and be another one when you kill yourself.

lol :umad:



The lack of response on this thread is why i dont make similiar ones. I saw most people really dont care so i kept it moving.

When you see me or hear me expressing outrage, grief, or whatever other feelings i may have about an issue and not doing anything about it then you can come with that "You are an ARM CHAIR ACTIVIST!" line. But as it stands now, You all are the "Arm chair activist!". A bunch of fake as care bears who talk all this shyt about issues and do absolutely nothing about them.............that the underlying problem i have with hearing/reading you all talk about things like this.

"I highly doubt you have done anything to help out the people you are talking about overseas."

You dont see me complaining about them either do you?

"I don't give a fukk about what happens in the Middle East unless it affects the price of gas and oil here in the states. nikkas die everyday B, do us all a favor and be another one when you kill yourself"

See, this is my point.........u nikkas dont care about people......ur just a bunch of posing ass nikkas who come on message boards/ make conversations to play this role.........

do us all a favor and shut the fukk............real people aint trying to hear that shyt. Most of you really dont care, so stop fronting..........

And stop posting like a bytch too, u bytch ass nikka...........all emotional and shyt......

u coming off like a real fakkit

Doobie Doo

May 2, 2012
Raleigh, NC
lol :umad:



The lack of response on this thread is why i dont make similiar ones. I saw most people really dont care so i kept it moving.

When you see me or hear me expressing outrage, grief, or whatever other feelings i may have about an issue and not doing anything about it then you can come with that "You are an ARM CHAIR ACTIVIST!" line. But as it stands now, You all are the "Arm chair activist!". A bunch of fake as care bears who talk all this shyt about issues and do absolutely nothing about them.............that the underlying problem i have with hearing/reading you all talk about things like this.

"I highly doubt you have done anything to help out the people you are talking about overseas."

You dont see me complaining about them either do you?

"I don't give a fukk about what happens in the Middle East unless it affects the price of gas and oil here in the states. nikkas die everyday B, do us all a favor and be another one when you kill yourself"

See, this is my point.........u nikkas dont care about people......ur just a bunch of posing ass nikkas who come on message boards/ make conversations to play this role.........

do us all a favor and shut the fukk............real people aint trying to hear that shyt. Most of you really dont care, so stop fronting..........

And stop posting like a bytch too, u bytch ass nikka...........all emotional and shyt......

u coming off like a real fakkit

Nah my G you got the game twisted. Like I said you are no different than them CACs on TMZ who wait till a celebrity die to talk shyt about them. The nerve of you trying to tell others how to feel about tragedy. And it's obvious you didn't read my original post correctly, cuz I said the Boston Marathon tragedy had no personally affect on me either. What I can't stand are bytch nikkas like you who use tragedy to draw attention to other shyt that ain't even got nothing to do with the Boston Marathon. You are just like them people at that church in Kentucky that protest at soldier's funerals. Then you come on here with an elitist attitude trying to tell other people how to feel about a tragedy when it affects people differently. You need to shut the fukk up, p*ssy.


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
Nah my G you got the game twisted. Like I said you are no different than them CACs on TMZ who wait till a celebrity die to talk shyt about them. The nerve of you trying to tell others how to feel about tragedy. And it's obvious you didn't read my original post correctly, cuz I said the Boston Marathon tragedy had no personally affect on me either. What I can't stand are bytch nikkas like you who use tragedy to draw attention to other shyt that ain't even got nothing to do with the Boston Marathon. You are just like them people at that church in Kentucky that protest at soldier's funerals. Then you come on here with an elitist attitude trying to tell other people how to feel about a tragedy when it affects people differently. You need to shut the fukk up, p*ssy.

nah, this is just what ur dumb ass comprehension skills and simple ass perception took from what i wrote.....

how am i like the people from tmz that wait till someone dies to talk shyt about them?

How is me asking why people feel connected to people they dont know in this tragedy and not other tragedy's that take place in the world me attempting to draw attention to other things happening in the world. Quote where i attempted to draw attention to those other events ur referring too......

Am i asking the people who personally know people affected or were personally affected by this bombing why they feel like the way they do? So how am i like the people that protest at the soldiers funerals..............which are attended by those soldiers family and friends?

What im doing is more on par with asking the dumb ass ****** outside the church why he''s crying over the soldiers (whom he's never met) passing. Then when he goes off on his irrational speel on how he saw the story on the news im asking him, sincerly, why he isnt crying for all the other soldiers from other parts of the world who die in a similiar manner.............

Your analogies are stupid and so are you. I can tell your fathers a p*ssy and that your mothers a dumb bytch. Ol dumb ass nikka mad at me cause he dumb..........thats your parents fault for them dumb ass genes they gave u bytch, be mad at them

Doobie Doo

May 2, 2012
Raleigh, NC
nah, this is just what ur dumb ass comprehension skills and simple ass perception took from what i wrote.....

how am i like the people from tmz that wait till someone dies to talk shyt about them?

How is me asking why people feel connected to people they dont know in this tragedy and not other tragedy's that take place in the world me attempting to draw attention to other things happening in the world. Quote where i attempted to draw attention to those other events ur talking about......

Am i asking the people who personally know people affected or were personally affected by this bombing why they feel like the way they do? So how am i like the people that protest at the soldiers funerals..............which are attended by those soldiers family and friends?

What im doing is more on par with asking the dumb ass ****** outside the church why he''s crying over the soldiers (whom he's never met) passing. Then when he goes off on his irrational speel on how he saw the story on the news im asking him, sincerly, why he isnt crying for all the other soldiers from other parts of the world who die in a similiar manner.............

Your analogies are stupid and so are you. I can tell your fathers a p*ssy and that your mothers a dumb bytch. Ol dumb ass nikka mad at me cause he dumb..........thats your parents fault for them dumb ass genes they gave u bytch, be mad at them
bytch nikka you on here telling people how to feel about tragedy. fukk you, people can pick and choose whatever they want to mourn about cuz it affects them differently. Most people don't give a fukk about what's going on in the Middle East which is why we don't care about what's going on there. Nobody gives two shyts about it over there cuz it's not America. Donate some money to the tragedies there if you care so much, but don't tell people how to feel about terrorism on American soil. Talk slick about my peeps which means :umad: I win this argument. And for a consolation prize I'm gonna let you keep breathing. CUz lames like you only get bold on the Internet but you ain't live off that computer my nikka.


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
bytch nikka you on here telling people how to feel about tragedy. fukk you, people can pick and choose whatever they want to mourn about cuz it affects them differently. Most people don't give a fukk about what's going on in the Middle East which is why we don't care about what's going on there. Nobody gives two shyts about it over there cuz it's not America. Donate some money to the tragedies there if you care so much, but don't tell people how to feel about terrorism on American soil. Talk slick about my peeps which means :umad: I win this argument. And for a consolation prize I'm gonna let you keep breathing. CUz lames like you only get bold on the Internet but you ain't live off that computer my nikka.



Jun 19, 2012
So because the people weren't black we shouldn't care?

When you live in America obviously stuff like this is going to hit harder than if it happened in Iraq, because it's happening right in your own home.