Johnny Kilroy
79 points in 1 quarter
religion should be completely SEPARATE from politics. Decisions should be made based on what is the BEST decision. Not what decision best goes along with my religious beliefs. Atheism isn't a political view. I don't care if people don't agree with my viewpoints on life, but don't let a man-made religion influence policy decisions.
the god damn chair of the fukking SCIENCE commitee doesn't believe in evolution and takes the bible literally.
And good luck getting into office as an Atheist or Agnostic not gonna happen
Religion is separate from politics but that doesn't mean people's minds won't be swayed by whatever various factors. Religion, sexuality, race. None of these represent "political views" on their own but they all consist of people who make up the voting population and people can vote for whoever they want based on whatever they want.
You're complaining about a man-made government acknowledging a man-made religion?
Sounds like your beef is with the government, not religion per se.