Why do some black people claim obviously mixed people as black?

Jan 26, 2015
Are you a moron? That study as been proven time and time again to be a hoax.

King Tut is not European R1b. A more recent study showed him and his family to have STRs more similar with Great Lake Africans.
ofcourse it's a hoax...that's m point Wyclef..the same applies to siimilar finding exaggerting AAs admixture..the fact remains white supremacist in the genetic field released that propaganda as scientific fact and posted it on mainstream news organzations to push their agenda.. they using the pseudo science and tactics on AAs


Sep 29, 2015
I said there are black owned DNA companies, not that 23andme was black owned....not that it matter.

So not only do you suck at math but you are illiterate lol.
For posterity sake, can you list the prominent black owned DNA companies?


Mar 24, 2014
you say that as if this is unprecedented or something...google Hamitic theory, Tutsi Caucasian origin, and Khoisan mixed race then get back at me:comeon:

You cant be serious bruh..The Khoisan are the oldest living race on earth and the purest. They are only pale skinned because theyve been living in the Southern most part of Africa for 1000s of years and proximity to the South Pole has rendered them light skinned.


Jun 22, 2014
no i think you exaggerating the few token biracials documented as the norm of the AA family structure when vast majority of genetic records on AAs make no reference to non blacks within their family history which logically would equal most AAs being closer to racialy pure than mixed race..

you keep saying this but its false:russ:.The dna and geneological data all support the multi generational admixed nature of Aframs.


Jun 22, 2014
says the dumb snow ape whom claims all AAs are admixed due to a token halfbreed historical figures lumped with blacksand that these mayos are regular admixed AAs:comeon:



the only thing you proven is you are proficient copying pasting links/photos on mulatto history and that the AA community has a mixed race minority like most other ethnic groups:aicmon:

I showed you Tupac, Michelle Obama, Paul Robeson and Prodigy's white/mulatto ancestry and you still wanna keep posting your nonsense?:mjlol:Admixed (multi gen) Aframs are the majority, no ifs, ands or buts about it.:myman:
Jan 26, 2015
You cant be serious bruh..The Khoisan are the oldest living race on earth and the purest. They are only pale skinned because theyve been living in the Southern most part of Africa for 1000s of years and proximity to the South Pole has rendered them light skinned.
breh that's exactly my point....if cacs will make up admixture for native black Africans they aint above doing the same to AAs:comeon:
Jan 26, 2015

just like i suspected ....the socllaed black owned DNA sites are are figured headed by safe negro/tools of the white supremacist in the academic world like Henry Toby Gates whom's only parroting the propaganda white daddy gives in his mandate.

Henry Louis Gates Jr.
Henry Louis Gates, Jr. is the Alphonse Fletcher University Professor and Director of the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research at Harvard University. He is most recently the author of Finding Oprah's Roots, Finding Your Own (Crown, 2007) and the host and executive producer of the critically acclaimed 2006 PBS

Henry Louis Gates Is he a Sell Out? The African American are Myth Tellers?

Africa’s Cultural Sellouts and Political c00ns
Posted by ANNA RENEE on 05/09/2010

Photo of Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Black people are having a hard time right about now. The hateration nation is on the move. When I look at the hatometer, the measurements have gone off the scale. We black folks are being reduced to slippin’ and slidin’, and duckin’ and hidin’! From those crazy TeaPartiers, the poisonous music industry, the corporate media and all their “black woman no man” crap, from Bubba with the noose, black confederates, bad rappers, and some of y’all will even say Obama, himself.

Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Well we can deal with some of the haters out there. When we see Limbaugh, we sorta know what we’re getting. We rant and rave and wait until the next time he speaks so we can rant and rave again. That’s cool. We can handle that, mostly. But then there are those situations that we simply won’t stand for. There are some things that go far far overboard. What we simply won’t accept are certain types of cultural sellouts. Those “race traitors”. When we discover them, they get it from all sides from us. We react viscerally to them. Deep in our marrow, we don’t understand them and we can’t stand them. It’s because they have abandoned the fight and have become renegades to the black cause. The struggle became too hard and they simply capitulated. In my opinion, I believe with some, they weighed the “pros” and “cons” and came to the opinion and decision and conclusion that it would be better to be on “the other side” speaking somebody else’s truth, than to continue to struggle for our collective black interests.

So who am I ranting about? Henry Louis Gates, Jr. of course. He wrote an op ed piece for the NYTspeaking to the issue of reparations, and whether or not we ought to rethink if the “Africans” are at fault for entering into business “highly organized and lucrative” with the Europeans, earning huge payoffs for selling off their fellow Africans. Of course many people have rebuttals against the piece he wrote that was so subtly condescending concerning our reparations activists, and their understanding of our history. The best one that I’ve read so far was written by Abdul Arif Muhammad for The Final Call newspaper. The brother breaks it down on Henry Louis Gates’ philosophical and academic level, just so Henry will understand. I enjoyed the scholarship of the piece and the fact that brother Muhammad used our black scholars as his point of reference.

I also found a link to the preeminent African studies historian,Ali Mazrui, who created a program called The Africans, a Triple Heritage. Brother Mazrui had a bit to say about brother Henry Gates scholarship ten years ago when Gates created his own program on Africa for PBS, called Wonders of the African World. Dr. Mazrui felt that Henry Gates, who he consideres a friend, imposed too much American racial and cultural bias to his interview subjects, which the Dr. felt was very poor objective scholarship.

So Dr. Gates was taken to task back then. Mr. Gates has been taken to task for what he has said now. We have said what we needed to say to him. So where do we go from here? Well, we keep on pushing like Curtis Mayfield said. We all have a part to play in the struggle. Find your part and play it well. There always have been and there always will be “race traitors” in this struggle, but we have fought up until this point and are strong enough to continue the fight. The long list of the Henry Louis Gates of the struggle will get exactly what they ask for in the end. No doubt.


name drop a institution ran by one leading tap dancing Uncle Toms of this generation as reputable source for in impartial data on black ancestry/history brehs:camby:
Jan 26, 2015
you keep saying this but its false:russ:.The dna and geneological data all support the multi generational admixed nature of Aframs.
and i'm going to keep exaggerating the impact cac admixture has had on AAs as unit:ufdup:you mean the same dna and genological data which says Ancient African Pharoah king tut was genetically Western European:childplease:
Jan 26, 2015
I showed you Tupac, Michelle Obama, Paul Robeson and Prodigy's white/mulatto ancestry and you still wanna keep posting your nonsense?:mjlol:Admixed (multi gen) Aframs are the majority, no ifs, ands or buts about it.:myman:
nah you posted a few links form obscure sites you probably made yourself making bold claims but with no real receipts supporting them..:stopitslime:if mixed breeds were the majority they would be counted as such and have it documented :stopitslime: