But show a disdain for black people?
Now I got love for my Spanish people's out here in NYC....but I see the same type of behaviors with them yo..
Some of them don't like us and some of them deny their African heritage..
But...they be dressing like us...walking like us...talking like us...even listening to the same music as us.
I've notice some Arabs in this city are on that steez as well.
And asians...
And whites...
Yo...I remember this one dude that would post in this forum I used to post on. This was some racist white Italian dude...but this dude idolizes rappers like biggie and pac...produced rap albums...tried to be a rapper and got black balled by the industry...it was interesting to say the least.
So what gives? It's like what my dude Paul Mooney said...
"Everybody want to be a n!gga...but nobody want to be a n!gga"
Black culture as a whole is not emulated at all. You may think that certain aspects or portions of it are emulated but that's not the case either.
Emulating would be them taking something from Black Culture and calling it there own.
You don't have to be Black to embrace black culture, just like you don't have to be asian to embrace asian culture. Same thing for hispanic culture.
Now for the bolded..I understand the point you are trying to make but lets be clear so people don't run rampant in this thread not knowing what their talking about.
Dressing like us... I'm pretty sure there is no Dress Code for Black Culture but i'm assuming you mean bagging paints and some Jordans?
Walking like us...I'm pretty sure Black Culture doesn't have a "walk".
Talking like us.....
You know what forget it... Your interpretation of "Black Culture" is flawed and it seems you've been brainwashed like all the white kids by all the clothing brands, music labels, and marketers who tell you what "Black Culture" is so they can commercialize it for pure monetary gain.
You don't know shyt about Black Culture or what it actually is. I bet you think bugatti's, smoking weed, and busting at cops is black culture.
Black culture's influence on music, on fashion, on pop culture has long since passed. All this shyt you see now is manufactured to make you "think" this is what it means to be black. Its a fine tuned and oiled machine and they've just about worked out all the kinks.
Where's the WuTang of this generation? Young Money lol?
Where's the Nas of this generation? Kendrick lol?
The R&B scene has been replaced by Ed Sheeran's and Sam Smith's.
Hot N*gga by Bobby Shmurda. A song that had no business being on anything other than that GS whatever mixtape found its way to #1 on the Rap BB and #6 in the reg BB.
No doubt it had a catchy beat that you could bump in the car or at the club but lyrically it was a song that rap had moved on from or at least mainstream rap.
But white kids still loved it. And just like they are known to do with anything associated with us, they take the good (ie. catchy beat and funny dance) and charge any negative (ie. lyrics and message or flat out blackness) to Black culture/ Black people.
You have to realize, white people don't see or a least most don't see a difference in the "Black Culture" that is portrayed in music, fashion, and entertainment and the Black Culture WE actually EXPERIENCE in real life.
So that's how they're able to show love to our culture and not us.
Because they AREN'T showing love to OUR culture at all.