Why do Gays feel the need to let it be known they are homosexual

Sierra Mist

May 13, 2012
That's what I thought. Know your role and shut your mouth jabroni!

on topic
Does giving them the right to marry challenge or undermine your marriage?

Its funny.
I'm a pentecostal christian, born and raised.
Do i agree with them being together? Nope.
Do i technically want them to be able to marry? Nope.
But until an answer can be formed without going to religious text, i can't legitly take a stand against it, since one of the things i champion loudest is a separation of church and state.
And the whole fiasco of gay marriage comes from the church involving itself in the state.
I'm not religious. I'm not talking about it from a moral or religious standpoint. By definition marriage is between a man and a woman. The purpose of marriage is to pass down generational wealth to your children and make the bloodline stronger, have more land, more assets, more power, ect. Gay people won't even be able to procreate with their partners to pass down any generational wealth. I'm talking strictly logic here. Personally I think ALL marriage is wrong, especially in 2012. If you're gay you take what comes with the territory. If you can't have children to pass down generational wealth to then you don't deserve to get married. Marriage isn't about love. People just want you to believe that. Marriage is about money and power. If I decide to Antarctica and start bytching about how cold it is I'll look stupid. If you want warmer weather don't go to Antarctica. Go to Puerto Rico or Arizona or some shyt. Some things just come with the territory. You can't have your cake and eat it too! That's my biggest beef with gay people and feminists too.

Eternally Jaded

Jun 19, 2012
CT/North-east Caribbean American Crew
That's what I thought. Know your role and shut your mouth jabroni!

on topic

I'm not religious. I'm not talking about it from a moral or religious standpoint. By definition marriage is between a man and a woman. The purpose of marriage is to pass down generational wealth to your children and make the bloodline stronger, have more land, more assets, more power, ect. Gay people won't even be able to procreate with their partners to pass down any generational wealth. I'm talking strictly logic here. Personally I think ALL marriage is wrong, especially in 2012. If you're gay you take what comes with the territory. If you can't have children to pass down generational wealth to then you don't deserve to get married. Marriage isn't about love. People just want you to believe that. Marriage is about money and power. If I decide to Antarctica and start bytching about how cold it is I'll look stupid. If you want warmer weather don't go to Antarctica. Go to Puerto Rico or Arizona or some shyt. Some things just come with the territory. You can't have your cake and eat it too! That's my biggest beef with gay people and feminists too.

Gay couples tend to be a powerful force in the adoption arena.
Providing children who might otherwise be doomed to constantly switching foster homes/orphanages the chance at permanent, happy homes.
High earning(which homosexuals tend to be) couples maybe not MAKING children, but taking care of the abandoned ones drowning in the system and desiring to pass their wealth down to them is illogical?

Seems to make plenty of sense.

Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012
That's what I thought. Know your role and shut your mouth jabroni!

on topic

I'm not religious. I'm not talking about it from a moral or religious standpoint. By definition marriage is between a man and a woman. The purpose of marriage is to pass down generational wealth to your children and make the bloodline stronger, have more land, more assets, more power, ect. Gay people won't even be able to procreate with their partners to pass down any generational wealth. I'm talking strictly logic here. Personally I think ALL marriage is wrong, especially in 2012. If you're gay you take what comes with the territory. If you can't have children to pass down generational wealth to then you don't deserve to get married. Marriage isn't about love. People just want you to believe that. Marriage is about money and power. If I decide to Antarctica and start bytching about how cold it is I'll look stupid. If you want warmer weather don't go to Antarctica. Go to Puerto Rico or Arizona or some shyt. Some things just come with the territory. You can't have your cake and eat it too! That's my biggest beef with gay people and feminists too.

Thats a contradiction to your original statement then. If Marriage is about money/power/legacy then it shouldn't matter WHO is actually getting married just as long as there is a mutual gain, right?

So do you think that gays should not be protected under the US Constitution which states they are entitled to the same RIGHTS as you or I?


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
having sex with your same sex is perverted gays have attempted to and succeed to attach this perversion to "civil rights" and legitimized it.

blacks were treated as sub-human. gays aren't treated as sub-human they are just excluded from certain legalities like marriage because their alternative lifestyle doesn't align with our country's conservative nature.

yet gays who aren't treated as sub-human have succeeded in making the comparison to the black struggle legitimizing their perversion.

i don't know why gays so desperately want everyone to accept homosexuality. you do your thing and i'll do mine but don't expect me to approve of the freaky shyt you do just because you do it. lots of people have weird fetishes. i view homosexuality as just another fetish.

Kobes Two Jerseys

8 or 24 best player of the era
May 19, 2012
Fistful of jewels
This is just incorrect.

Dude.... Gay people were never allowed to have a culture in the post-christian world. They were not tolerated to be in the open until very very recently? You know what they do to them in the middle east? They plug their asses with hot wax and feed them till their organs explode and they hemorrage out. You know what that witch drowning shyt came from in the middle ages? Because theyd catch gay people at it and basically execute them. Gay people were so repressed they literally werent allowed to be themselves for thousands of years in many cultures.

I would say they have plenty of struggles. You know how common fagbashing still is? Especially for gay kids still in school?


Is the "G" for "gay"?

mortuus est

May 26, 2012
gay people are scary, you know them ones that dont look like it? the manly looking ones that have beards and tash, creepy shyt.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Marriage isn't about love. People just want you to believe that. Marriage is about money and power.
marriage has two different aspects. the social aspects and the legal aspects. legally you're right marriage is about money and power but you fail to recognize that it has a social side to it as well. people often let the social aspects of marriage pressure them into something that has a legal definition and that side doesn't get paid attention to till its over and has to be dealt with.

Sierra Mist

May 13, 2012
marriage has two different aspects. the social aspects and the legal aspects. legally you're right marriage is about money and power but you fail to recognize that it has a social side to it as well. people often let the social aspects of marriage pressure them into something that has a legal definition and that side doesn't get paid attention to till its over and has to be dealt with.

Actually I have the same exact stance as you. lol

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
yea thats fukked up, but what does it have to do with gays being discrimanted against NOW?

I never understood the whole "yeah, me too" shyt nikkas keep regurgitating, Whats the point of that? If I'm walking down the street and I see an elderly person getting their ass beat for no reason I'm not gonna sit there and say "Man I caught worse ass beatings before, she'll be aight" I'm gonna INTERVENE regardless of what I've been through personally.

I don't understand why black feel the need to keep mentioning that shyt?

i mean, never forget, thats true....u should never forget slavery and all that shyt, but fuk that shyt gotta do with someone else getting their asses kicked b?

u should NEVER forget what we've been through and also be there for others to make sure they don't have to endure the same bullshyt we had to go through

u nikkas is bigots man, no better than the KKK

Don't know if u trollin I came in late,but don't u think the difference is that black people just wanted rights,equal rights to not be dragged out they house and killed,own a business,go into stores and not be denied entry,work....the motivation of gays seems to be they want us to love them,act like its normal,not find it disgusting:heh:.....blacks wanted the oppurtunity to play in the best sports league and get paid for there talents......gays always had the option to do that yet for sum reason Jason Collins is sum hero now and anybody who doesn't want him in the locker room lookin at they azz and balls or says its too weird is a horrible biggot and ignorant:laff:....I think gays should be able to have rights I don't too much give a shyt about that,its the "you must love us" shyt that's been goin on recently that's agitating,stick to the we want equal rights married people have shyt,we want to be able to talk about bein gay without bein thrown out the military and have protection from harrasment shyt....that's sumthin I think most people can say is understanable....getting teased happens to everybody not cnsidered normal:rudy: kids kill theyself everyday for gettin teased for not being considered normal,some walk with they head hedl high,kick azz don't give a shyt or at least don't kill theyself....Emmit Til wuz actually murdered and his killers found not guilty:snoop:...but I digress

I think its most comparable to interacial relationships,u shouldn't not be able to show pictures of your white wife,white husband if your black and vice versa.....u can hide it knwoing sum people are sickened by it or u can talk about it freely....u should be protected and free of people harrasing u and makin u uncomfortable in your home life proffesional life.....u can't force people to not feel sum kindve way about interacial relationships though and that's what gays is tryna do,u see it in all these tv shows and through the media.....there's been more of an effort to push the idea of gay couples as normal familys on people than interacial couples actually that I've ever seen:heh:


All Star
Jul 25, 2012
having sex with your same sex is perverted gays have attempted to and succeed to attach this perversion to "civil rights" and legitimized it.

blacks were treated as sub-human. gays aren't treated as sub-human they are just excluded from certain legalities like marriage because their alternative lifestyle doesn't align with our country's conservative nature.

yet gays who aren't treated as sub-human have succeeded in making the comparison to the black struggle legitimizing their perversion.

i don't know why gays so desperately want everyone to accept homosexuality. you do your thing and i'll do mine but don't expect me to approve of the freaky shyt you do just because you do it. lots of people have weird fetishes. i view homosexuality as just another fetish.

This is the gahtdamn truth.

And it's really racist (or c00nish) to compare a person's fetish to a person's skin color.

Imagine a white person saying "He gets off eating crap. I don't like eating crap, but I'm not going to say anything negative about it because that's the same as saying I don't like black people. Some people enjoy eating crap just like some people live being black. I don't see how you can talk disparingingly about shyt-eaters when you yourself are a nygger and we used to talk bad about you too!"

If beastiality ever becomes acceptable in society, y'all would probably compare sheep lovers to blacks too. Disgusting, self-hating, and ignorant all at the same time. :mindblown: