I don’t mind the “complaints”...
It’s the lack of honest discourse..
With some of the brehettes..
Then they want to talk in circles..
When simple questions are asked..
It’s the blatant hypocrisy that comes with some of their posts..
But the shyt that really gets me is..
The “Ray Charles/Stevie Wonder”..
I’ve never seen that in public/around my friends shyt

I’m too old and seen too much fukk shyt..
To believe that

And every time..
Some captain save ‘em..
Swoops in and calls you a woman hater..
Not seeing the game being played

I’m all for women posting because we do need both perspectives..
But to speak with a fork tongue..
A lot of these chicks are either..
Self loathing LSA transplants..
Never been challenged in the “real world”
Ultra feminist that don’t understand how they have been played
You want men to listen to you..
But always find a way to try to shut us up..
Piss on the fun because you don’t find it “adult” enough..