Why are they bringing up black on black crime in Trayvon's case?


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
the hood is the hole breh :stopitslime:

That's how you got it fucced up - the 'hood is not the "hole". It's just a location. Different people have different "holes" they have to deal with.

u need to understand where i come from. im a latino but i LOVE black people. im from HARLEM. my 6th grade teacher DRILLED our african heritage into us(dominicans). One of my heroes is Malcolm X. so it saddens me and pains me to see people just give up. white society throws dirt on ya and oppresses ya and ya, at least a large portion of ya, seem to be happy to oblige them. not consiously no, but when ya out there killing each other and glorifying murder and crime thru rap, ya only serve to hold the white man's foot on ya neck. then something like trayvon happens and ya get upset, but those same dudes in the hood upset about trayvon are responsible indirectly for his death. black men in america seem all too glad to perpetuate the thug gangsta stereotype. like its a fukking badge of honor. and then scream racism when a white person gets terrified of seeing a black kid with a hoody in their neighborhood? its just so stupid to me.

be outraged, i feel ya, its not wrong to feel outraged. but then turn that rage to those who are way too happy to perpetuate this stereotype that all black men are scary thugs and gangsters. its all relative wether ya wanna accept it or not. :manny:

Dude - this may surprise you, but most black people haven't killed anyone. And most black people aren't rappers. And rapping about murders doesn't necessarily glorify it. And just because some are rappers doesn't mean they have murder rhymes. And you're not a "thug gangsta" just because you wear a hooded sweatshirt.

If you love black people like you say, spread the word.


Mar 18, 2013

That's how you got it fucced up - the 'hood is not the "hole". It's just a location. Different people have different "holes" they have to deal with.

Dude - this may surprise you, but most black people haven't killed anyone. And most black people aren't rappers. And rapping about murders doesn't necessarily glorify it. And just because some are rappers doesn't mean they have murder rhymes. And you're not a "thug gangsta" just because you wear a hooded sweatshirt.

If you love black people like you say, spread the word.

Ask any non black or Latino from outside the ghetto to name 10 black people. How many gangster rappers are u likely to find on that list.

I kno that's not the case, but people outside of our reality do think that way. That's why I said turn that rage towards the ones perpetuating that stereotype.

Mac Brown

Jun 5, 2012
They're just playing dumb. They're deflecting from the issue, and weaving it into an anti-black narrative. Right wingers are like alchemists when it comes to that.

been meaning to say this for the longest but breh............

You always coming through with the logic




The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
Ask any non black or Latino from outside the ghetto to name 10 black people. How many gangster rappers are u likely to find on that list.

I kno that's not the case, but people outside of our reality do think that way. That's why I said turn that rage towards the ones perpetuating that stereotype.

Hell, I think YOU might be outside my reality. lol

And "rage" ain't gonna do anything productive. I mean, you yourself said white people are scared of black/latino people...so is rage the way to overcome that? What kind of sense does that make?


You ni66as don't exist we eat filet mignon
May 29, 2012
u need to understand where i come from. im a latino but i LOVE black people. im from HARLEM. my 6th grade teacher DRILLED our african heritage into us(dominicans). One of my heroes is Malcolm X. so it saddens me and pains me to see people just give up. white society throws dirt on ya and oppresses ya and ya, at least a large portion of ya, seem to be happy to oblige them. not consiously no, but when ya out there killing each other and glorifying murder and crime thru rap, ya only serve to hold the white man's foot on ya neck. then something like trayvon happens and ya get upset, but those same dudes in the hood upset about trayvon are responsible indirectly for his death. black men in america seem all too glad to perpetuate the thug gangsta stereotype. like its a fukking badge of honor. and then scream racism when a white person gets terrified of seeing a black kid with a hoody in their neighborhood? its just so stupid to me.

be outraged, i feel ya, its not wrong to feel outraged. but then turn that rage to those who are way too happy to perpetuate this stereotype that all black men are scary thugs and gangsters. its all relative wether ya wanna accept it or not. :manny:

You make a good point. We are not inherently thuggish criminals with multiple bodies under our belts. A lot of it is a false bravado intended to project manhood, and we became misguided, but the difference between us and whites who are similarly in the same socioeconomic situation (poor whites) is that they don't have entities, both corporate and governmental, that aggressively use their wealth and influence to keep us in the dire straits that we are in. Im talking about the drug flood, high crime, media image manipulation, violence, prison industrial complex etc.

There's a heavily vested interest in keeping the black population under their boots. Black people before, during, and after the civil rights movement were just as "wholesome" as whites. This country wasn't standing for black people getting their slice of the American dream. Especially not when we used to be their slaves.


May 2, 2012
Los Angeles
The foxnews population loves to say that Zimmerman is Latino and allegedly even has black ancestry so there is no way he'd be racist :stopitslime:

Some of the biggest racists are the ones that feel like they've risen above the rest of their race and start identifying as white.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast

And that's not true, though.

We absolutely get mad when we "kill each other", but we know law enforcement gives less than a fucc about justice so we charge that to the game.

But white folks, who are supposedly teaching us when to get mad, and how to have a just society :dry: shouldn't think it's just to let an outlaw (yeah - if you disobey a direct order from law enforcement, you are an outlaw) murder an innocent boy.

Everybody should be mad about that.

Chicago is a war zone right now.

at one point I heard they had 70 shootings on the 4th of July alone. Not one black politicians is addressing the issue on the community level Jesse Jackson nor al Sharpton.

So the question is do we only value black life when a white or non-black person kills one of us.

Thighmaster B

Jan 27, 2013
The foxnews population loves to say that Zimmerman is Latino and allegedly even has black ancestry so there is no way he'd be racist :stopitslime:

Some of the biggest racists are the ones that feel like they've risen above the rest of their race and start identifying as white.

its pretty much the same colilogic in reverse: "Zimmerman profiled trayvon so he has to be white and why white people support him. see it all makes sense."


Mar 18, 2013

Hell, I think YOU might be outside my reality. lol

And "rage" ain't gonna do anything productive. I mean, you yourself said white people are scared of black/latino people...so is rage the way to overcome that? What kind of sense does that make?

when i say rage i dont mean to go attack thugs or anything like that. i mean it as in some tough, hard self-examination. ive met many older black folks who do this and are not afraid to admit what is wrong with this generation, and people write them off as old and out of touch. its sad what is happening to black folks everywhere. the prison rate, the murder rate, the jobless rate. but ya do have SOME responsibility in that. its an unfair world especially for ya, i get it. but instead of taking it as an excuse to just give up and fail and fall into the role they expect of ya, fight that shyt with RAGE turned INWARD and push through. i always think of this quote when it comes to this "god gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers". show some strength and blow their expectations up in their faces instead of living up to them.

You make a good point. We are not inherently thuggish criminals with multiple bodies under our belts. A lot of it is a false bravado intended to project manhood, and we became misguided, but the difference between us and whites who are similarly in the same socioeconomic situation (poor whites) is that they don't have entities, both corporate and governmental, that aggressively use their wealth and influence to keep us in the dire straits that we are in. Im talking about the drug flood, high crime, media image manipulation, violence, prison industrial complex etc.

There's a heavily vested interest in keeping the black population under their boots. Black people before, during, and after the civil rights movement were just as "wholesome" as whites. This country wasn't standing for black people getting their slice of the American dream. Especially not when we used to be their slaves.

u right bro its like i said above, this country is terribly unfair to people of color. but blacks AND latinos gotta be so strong that no matter what unfair shyt they come up with to keep us down, we keep blowing their expectations up in their face and turning the world on its head. this world is designed for us to either be the strongest and most powerful groups in the world cause of the tough obstacles we have to overcome, or to succumb to that boot on our heads pushing us down and do exactly what they expect of us.

Chicago is a war zone right now.

at one point I heard they had 70 shootings on the 4th of July alone. Not one black politicians is addressing the issue on the community level Jesse Jackson nor al Sharpton.

So the question is do we only value black life when a white or non-black person kills one of us.



I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
none. but stop and ask yourselves, why are blacks and us latinos so scary to white people that they feel they need to follow us with a gun when we walk by their neighborhoods?

You really think this is new?



Mar 18, 2013
You really think this is new?


not at all, but there's a stereotype out there that all blacks and latinos are scary. some of us are way too happy for our own good to enforce it, thats all im saying.

i know the stereotype wasnt started by us, but we dont do a very good job of knocking it down.


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
when i say rage i dont mean to go attack thugs or anything like that. i mean it as in some tough, hard self-examination. ive met many older black folks who do this and are not afraid to admit what is wrong with this generation, and people write them off as old and out of touch. its sad what is happening to black folks everywhere. the prison rate, the murder rate, the jobless rate. but ya do have SOME responsibility in that. its an unfair world especially for ya, i get it. but instead of taking it as an excuse to just give up and fail and fall into the role they expect of ya, fight that shyt with RAGE turned INWARD and push through. i always think of this quote when it comes to this "god gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers". show some strength and blow their expectations up in their faces instead of living up to them.

I'm of the belief that God can fight his own battles without our interference.

I don't know where you keep getting this "give up and fail" business from...I have slim to none control over the prison rate, the murder rate, and the jobless rate. Neither one of those apply to me. So for you to say I do "have some responsibility in that", i'm gonna tell you to take that across the street.

And what happens when we "blow their expectations up in their faces" and (1) they become scared of minorities who are better than they thought they were, or (2) they don't care?

Point blank - there will always be people who will just not rock with us. It shouldn't be our job to make sure we don't put them on edge, especially because they damn sure ain't doing the same for us.


Mar 18, 2013
I'm of the belief that God can fight his own battles without our interference.

im not talking about god's battles i mean he gives the strongest battles for us to fight to the strongest of us.

I don't know where you keep getting this "give up and fail" business from...I have slim to none control over the prison rate, the murder rate, and the jobless rate. Neither one of those apply to me. So for you to say I do "have some responsibility in that", i'm gonna tell you to take that across the street.

the give up and fail im talking about is dudes being all too eager to accept the stereotype. or to just say things like "black man aint shyt in america anyway :manny: so let me sit here drink this 40 and slang this crack, fukk school"
im not talking about u specifically but u have to admit that way too many dudes do this. they have no control over it, but they have all the control in their reaction to it and whether or not they should let it dictate their lives. like i said, plenty of dudes say fukk them and make it regardless, but not enough have that perseverance and toughness.

And what happens when we "blow their expectations up in their faces" and (1) they become scared of minorities who are better than they thought they were, or (2) they don't care?

when their expectations are surpassed, the smartest among them will embrace and accept us and the ignorant and racist among them will keep coming up with ways to knock us down. its not gonna end in this generation but it has to start somewhere. the generation of blacks back in the day went thru hell to provide better chances and it seems like too many in this generation have given up that fight cause they havent had their expectations fully met. many tho, like i keep saying, have blown thru these obstacles and have become the most respected and succesful in many different areas. i.e. Oprah.

Point blank - there will always be people who will just not rock with us. It shouldn't be our job to make sure we don't put them on edge, especially because they damn sure ain't doing the same for us.

see u keep misdirecting it all towards them. u refuse to accept ur own part in this. i am NOT saying they are WITHOUT blame. in fact they have the vast majority of it. but u cant control what they do, u can only control what u do (not u specifically). we have to take control of the things we can control and not say "fukk it they dont accept us anyway might as well be as ratchet as possible cause they aint doing shyt for us anyway"

c'mon man, be honest with urself. stop looking at them. they share the majority of the blame sure but take control where u can.