Why are they bringing up black on black crime in Trayvon's case?


Mar 18, 2013

I didn't have a question about why people bring up black-on-black crime - I know why they bring it up, see my previous posts.

They have to awnser that for themselves.

nah we have to answer to that too. the fact that a white or asian or indian or african person cant walk thru harlem, the bronx, compton, or detroit at 1am without very likely being robbed has something to do with that. im from the hood, i know PLENTY of nikkas, black and hispanic, that if they see a white dude all alone with an ipad on the bus stop, first thought that comes to mind is "target".

what happend to trayvon is fukked up. zimmerman should be in jail. but lets keep emotions out of it and lets be reasonable and objective and look to ourselves. why does the rest of society assume that if a black or latino kid is in a white neighborhood, he is there to rob?

reminds me of the case of fat nicky here in nyc. this was maybe 5 years back. he was driving around in his nice middle class Long Island neighborhood when he spotted 2 black dudes acting suspicious. beat the shyt out of them with a baseball bat. black dudes ADMITTED they were there to steal a car. fat nicky went to jail cause he said the n word while hitting them but had he not said the n word, he would not be in jail.

im just saying, yea its fukked up, but lets not turn a blind eye to our own sins which are the reason people get so scared when they see us in the wrong neighborhoods.

hate and fear are brothers.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
nah we have to answer to that too. the fact that a white or asian or indian or african person cant walk thru harlem, the bronx, compton, or detroit at 1am without very likely being robbed has something to do with that. im from the hood, i know PLENTY of nikkas, black and hispanic, that if they see a white dude all alone with an ipad on the bus stop, first thought that comes to mind is "target".

what happend to trayvon is fukked up. zimmerman should be in jail. but lets keep emotions out of it and lets be reasonable and objective and look to ourselves. why does the rest of society assume that if a black or latino kid is in a white neighborhood, he is there to rob?

reminds me of the case of fat nicky here in nyc. this was maybe 5 years back. he was driving around in his nice middle class Long Island neighborhood when he spotted 2 black dudes acting suspicious. beat the shyt out of them with a baseball bat. black dudes ADMITTED they were there to steal a car. fat nicky went to jail cause he said the n word while hitting them but had he not said the n word, he would not be in jail.

im just saying, yea its fukked up, but lets not turn a blind eye to our own sins which are the reason people get so scared when they see us in the wrong neighborhoods.

hate and fear are brothers.

the same how a black man cant walk through certain areas in every city, the same how the black man cant visit most countries in the world without being discriminated against, jailed, beaten and maybe even death.

oh no a poor white person cant walk through the hood at 1am,

a black man cant walk through eastern europe in broad daylight


Mar 18, 2013
the same how a black man cant walk through certain areas in every city, the same how the black man cant visit most countries in the world without being discriminated against, jailed, beaten and maybe even death.

oh no a poor white person cant walk through the hood at 1am,

a black man cant walk through eastern europe in broad daylight

see ya just REFUSE to look at yaselves like im saying.

im sure african men can go anywhere in the world, but african american cant. so again, why are african americans so feared and discriminated against? it isnt skin color cause there are plenty of colored people of wealth and power in the world today.

why are african americans and latino americans so feared and discriminated against?

as far as eastern europe yea ill give u that one :pachaha:

King Poetic

I’m Washed
Feb 15, 2013
Los Angeles County, California
U guys need to watch Rachel maddow show... she killed fox news last night

She said I want fox news to imagine that there kids was walking home and a van pulls up and a white guy jumps out and grab your kid.. what do people tell there kids to do.. fight to get away... that's what trayvon was trying to do and he was killed.. but unlike your kids killer... trayvons killer was found innocent...

I love that white lady for killing fox and the right wing every night


opposite of mediocre
Jun 8, 2012
nah we have to answer to that too. the fact that a white or asian or indian or african person cant walk thru harlem, the bronx, compton, or detroit at 1am without very likely being robbed has something to do with that. im from the hood, i know PLENTY of nikkas, black and hispanic, that if they see a white dude all alone with an ipad on the bus stop, first thought that comes to mind is "target".

what happend to trayvon is fukked up. zimmerman should be in jail. but lets keep emotions out of it and lets be reasonable and objective and look to ourselves. why does the rest of society assume that if a black or latino kid is in a white neighborhood, he is there to rob?

reminds me of the case of fat nicky here in nyc. this was maybe 5 years back. he was driving around in his nice middle class Long Island neighborhood when he spotted 2 black dudes acting suspicious. beat the shyt out of them with a baseball bat. black dudes ADMITTED they were there to steal a car. fat nicky went to jail cause he said the n word while hitting them but had he not said the n word, he would not be in jail.

im just saying, yea its fukked up, but lets not turn a blind eye to our own sins which are the reason people get so scared when they see us in the wrong neighborhoods.

hate and fear are brothers.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/Nc5v8r0rNk0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
nah we have to answer to that too.


How in the hell can we awnser why someone else is afraid of us, and we haven't done anything to them??

the fact that a white or asian or indian or african person cant walk thru harlem, the bronx, compton, or detroit at 1am without very likely being robbed has something to do with that. im from the hood, i know PLENTY of nikkas, black and hispanic, that if they see a white dude all alone with an ipad on the bus stop, first thought that comes to mind is "target".

what happend to trayvon is fukked up. zimmerman should be in jail. but lets keep emotions out of it and lets be reasonable and objective and look to ourselves. why does the rest of society assume that if a black or latino kid is in a white neighborhood, he is there to rob?

I was born in East L.A., the non-Mexican Mexican capitol of the world, lol. I've NEVER had problems with Mexicans. Ever. I and my parents had friends who were Mexicans. Let some other black folks tell it, they wouldn't dare go to East L.A. but it's my home, and plenty of times of walked to the corner store and back without some a$$hole confronting me assuming I don't belong there because i'm black...and that was in the early 90's.

This is 2013. "Black" people live in "White" neighborhoods, and vice versa. If some idiot thinks that somebody doesn't belong somewhere in this free country, they deserve any ass-whoopin' they get for trying to put hands on someone for it.

Why isn't the onus on other people to "be reasonable and objective about themselves" and consider the fact that it isn't far-fetched to have someone of a different race live closeby? Do they seriously think every black person is out to rob them? And if so, why don't they wonder why they think that?

im just saying, yea its fukked up, but lets not turn a blind eye to our own sins which are the reason people get so scared when they see us in the wrong neighborhoods.

Again, what i'm saying is if you live in a neighborhood - that's not the "wrong" neighborhood. That's where you belong. Trayvon Martin payed for someone elses' sins, and got shot in his own neighborhood. Sit down.


Mar 18, 2013
:snoop: there is no way to make ya see my point. its like talking to a wall. nvm carry on with the self pity and self victimization.

i was taught that all humans dig their own holes in someway shape or form. even if something is somebody else's fault, i look to myself. just a habit, and its done wonders for me as a man.

everytime i tell ya what i mean, ya go "but what about themmmmm :to:"

this is like raking leaves on a windy day.

:sits down:


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
:snoop: there is no way to make ya see my point. its like talking to a wall. nvm carry on with the self pity and self victimization.

i was taught that all humans dig their own holes in someway shape or form. even if something is somebody else's fault, i look to myself. just a habit, and its done wonders for me as a man.

everytime i tell ya what i mean, ya go "but what about themmmmm :to:"

this is like raking leaves on a windy day.

:sits down:

I understand your point - you don't understand mine...

It's up to all of us to try to climb out of our "holes", but the fact is a good number of us start out being put in holes, we didn't dig them ourselves...and some folk want to throw dirt on top of us while we're trying to climb out!


Mar 18, 2013

I understand your point - you don't understand mine...

It's up to all of us to try to climb out of our "holes", but the fact is a good number of us start out being put in holes, we didn't dig them ourselves...and some folk want to throw dirt on top of us while we're trying to climb out!

yea but u act like nobody from the hood ever made something out of themselves thru legitimate means. if everybody had the drive and perseverance of those that have and would stop blaming society and the past for their problems, black people would SOOO quickly pass whites in terms of power and education and wealth. racist white folks in power KNOW this which is why they DO throw dirt on ya, but alot of ya sit back and not only accept this dirt, ya throw it on ya selves and ya fellow man!

i remember one time sitting down reading the autobiography of malcom x and being ridiculed for it! i even been called a wanksta for reading books!

racism does exist, minorities DO have a disadvantage. but we gotta be MEN and let NOTHING victimize us. Accept responsibilities for OUR OWN ACTIONS and show some goddamn motherfukking perseverance!!

blacks and latinos HAVE made it out the hood. the ones that do get called sellouts and uncle toms! or nikkas start with the whole "oh he think he better than us like he aint come from these same streets!"

thats what im talking about bro. what does it have to do with trayvon? alot if u look at the big picture of it all.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Same reason they bring up rap for the excuse to use the word n***er.

some whites are quick to pull the "but look over here at what they are doing." It the same shyt a little child does when they try to deflect from the fact that they done wrong.

They just need to say that they miss the Jim Crow, Reformation days and get over themselves.



The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
yea but u act like nobody from the hood ever made something out of themselves thru legitimate means. if everybody had the drive and perseverance of those that have and would stop blaming society and the past for their problems, black people would SOOO quickly pass whites in terms of power and education and wealth. racist white folks in power KNOW this which is why they DO throw dirt on ya, but alot of ya sit back and not only accept this dirt, ya throw it on ya selves and ya fellow man!

i remember one time sitting down reading the autobiography of malcom x and being ridiculed for it! i even been called a wanksta for reading books!

racism does exist, minorities DO have a disadvantage. but we gotta be MEN and let NOTHING victimize us. Accept responsibilities for OUR OWN ACTIONS and show some goddamn motherfukking perseverance!!

blacks and latinos HAVE made it out the hood. the ones that do get called sellouts and uncle toms! or nikkas start with the whole "oh he think he better than us like he aint come from these same streets!"

thats what im talking about bro. what does it have to do with trayvon? alot if u look at the big picture of it all.

I didn't say JACKSON SCHITT about the bolded. LOL

Not a damn thing about making it out of the 'hood. I said "making it out of the proverbial 'hole'" you brought up. I did not mean "the 'hood" by that, I meant our personal circumstances.

Dig this though - of what good is it to "make it out of the 'hood" and move somewhere "better" only to have your son get killed by some clown who thinks he (and by extension you) don't belong there? Should you just chalk that up it being your fault for moving there and "accept responsibility for your own actions"?


Mar 18, 2013
u need to understand where i come from. im a latino but i LOVE black people. im from HARLEM. my 6th grade teacher DRILLED our african heritage into us(dominicans). One of my heroes is Malcolm X. so it saddens me and pains me to see people just give up. white society throws dirt on ya and oppresses ya and ya, at least a large portion of ya, seem to be happy to oblige them. not consiously no, but when ya out there killing each other and glorifying murder and crime thru rap, ya only serve to hold the white man's foot on ya neck. then something like trayvon happens and ya get upset, but those same dudes in the hood upset about trayvon are responsible indirectly for his death. black men in america seem all too glad to perpetuate the thug gangsta stereotype. like its a fukking badge of honor. and then scream racism when a white person gets terrified of seeing a black kid with a hoody in their neighborhood? its just so stupid to me.

be outraged, i feel ya, its not wrong to feel outraged. but then turn that rage to those who are way too happy to perpetuate this stereotype that all black men are scary thugs and gangsters. its all relative wether ya wanna accept it or not. :manny:


Mar 18, 2013

I didn't say JACKSON SCHITT about the bolded. LOL

Not a damn thing about making it out of the 'hood. I said "making it out of the proverbial 'hole'" you brought up. I did not mean "the 'hood" by that, I meant our personal circumstances.

Dig this though - of what good is it to "make it out of the 'hood" and move somewhere "better" only to have your son get killed by some clown who thinks he (and by extension you) don't belong there? Should you just chalk that up it being your fault for moving there and "accept responsibility for your own actions"?

the hood is the hole breh :stopitslime:

n it isnt like trayvon and zimmerman were next door neighbors. they lived in the same neighborhood but zimmerman didnt know him. im sure if he did he wouldnt of assumed he was there to burglarize.