I came across this tweet on my TL a few hours ago and thought it was a simple innocuous tweet.
But you go into the comments and you see a bunch of angry ass Dominicans hating even though this post said nothing about them. This is something I've seen across all forms of SM for years: this one-sided beef they have with Haitians.
I've been following a Haitian subreddit since 2021 and I've rarely seen them on there mentioning those people.
But I remember seeing Dominicans on there posting all kinds of negative remarks about them, sometimes overruning threads with hate, going out of their way to visit their sub just to troll.
I'm in there asking questions, chopping it up and these MFs interrupting with that racist bullshyt.
But you go into the comments and you see a bunch of angry ass Dominicans hating even though this post said nothing about them. This is something I've seen across all forms of SM for years: this one-sided beef they have with Haitians.
I've been following a Haitian subreddit since 2021 and I've rarely seen them on there mentioning those people.
But I remember seeing Dominicans on there posting all kinds of negative remarks about them, sometimes overruning threads with hate, going out of their way to visit their sub just to troll.
I'm in there asking questions, chopping it up and these MFs interrupting with that racist bullshyt.