Black people as a whole largely choose to live among other Black people in America, corny or not.
Some brothers might talk a good game about moving to a pred. White/Asian/Mexican community to avoid "trifling Black people" but most Black people don't live that way at all.
In fact, "corny" Black men are statistically more likely to choose a middle class Black neighbrhood to live in than a lily White area. That's one of the reasons why places like the DMV, Atlanta, Houston, and North Carolina have become major draws to Black people in recent years. They want to be around other Black people who share their level of education and interests.
Also, Black men of every single class level marry Black women at a rate of over 75%. In fact, U.S. born Latino and Asian men have a higher interracial marriage rate than we do. Of course, relationships with Latinos/Asians isn't as taboo as relationships with us which plays a role but it goes to show that Black men chasing after non-Black women like a frisbee is very exaggerated even among professional or college educated Black men.
Overall, I have nothing against Black men dating or marrying who they want. My sister in law is White. And I got some Puerto Rican in laws in my family who I treat as well as my blood relatives.
But dudes who talk about "divesting" from the Black community while citing every negative stereotype in the playbook remind me of Black Conservatives like Candace Owens and Brandon Tatum who ALWAYS throw the entire Black community under the bus to explain why they vote GOP. It'd be better for people to just do what they want without perpetuating White supremacist stereotypes of us.
You want to go to Thailand for a wife? Just do it breh. You want to live in Montana and West Virginia around the "civilized" Whites who allegedly tolerate nerdy Black men better? Just do it breh. But don't sound like an Uncle Ruckus while doing it.