just your usual nerdy brotha
So basically they find non japanese eyes as attractive?You attribute it to "Whiteness" they don't see dying their hair Blue/Green/Blonde/Red or wearing different colored
contacts as trying to become "white people", they see it as differentiating themselves from Japanese homogeneity.
You also think "Huge eyes" is a "White" thing, someone here pointed this out with a video.
Most anime/manga drawings involve eyes with an Almond shape, this is considered
attractive in Japan/Asia, and so characters are drawn this way.
You don't get this because you're american, there is a clear culture gap here.
They don't have a multicultural manifestation of individualism like Americans do,
their culture is largely Japanese and because of this they do specific things which
may not make sense to someone who isn't from Japan or any country where everyone
"looks" the same.
You can see this in America when white people who grow in largely white communities develop
an affinity for a different culture. They'll change their attire and even their speech to fit the "image".
I brought up subcultures in Japan and related this to Anime/Manga because Anime/Manga obviously draws inspiration
from the entirety of Japanese culture, they also draw inspiration from "Western" sources as well.
This isn't to deny that an appreciation of White people's culture or beauty
happens in Japan, just that people completely overstate this while trying to
simplify complex cultural phenomena into 'Dey Just wanna Be White !"
Well that proves the point of this thread even more.