A lot of these things ARE NOT true though.
All of you (if you're black at least....) live in a "white" country,
consume a lot of white media and when you see someone
on T.V. who doesn't have darker skin and their hair is straight
you automatically assume "They're trying to be white !!".
This is a matter of perspective born out of being in
a white country.
Anyone who watches or listens to Japanese media knows there
is a clearly distinction between Japanese and American culture.
most of the time this distinction is OUT RIGHT.
The characters will have "western" names, behaviors linked to being
"western" and often times they'll throw in some English too.
Japanese artists, writers and producers aren't so dumb that they can't
see the differences between Western and Eastern culture.
I watch anime

and a lot of the anime I tend to watch these days
is "Down to earth" and "Slice of life", often times they'll have jokes
where they specifically showcase differences between the Japanese
and the west in values,style, language, and even attire.
With that said in Japanese culture THEY DO attach themselves
onto cultures from other countries and build sub cultures around that..
Why ? They do this to differentiate themselves from other Japanese people.
For example there are Rock Cultures and Hip Hop Cultures in Japan.
Even in these sub-cultures they have their own distinct styles, music, and differences in
language. And when I say "Style" I mean this :
Some of this is specific to Japanese culture, despite the massive influence
of American or British culture on the overall sub-culture.
They'll often differentiate themselves through dying and styling their
hair, wearing certain brands, even dressing certain ways from styles
appropriated through media from the West.
It's NO DIFFERENT than when Americans attach themselves
to cultures from other countries or even other cultures IN America.