why are anime characters drawn white??

Im Kemet Rocky & I like penis

googling gay porn :ahh:
Oct 28, 2013
This Mayu Watanabe person looks like the anime girls.

Here is an alternative theory I found online. Sorry, I lost the link. Not taking credit for it, doe.
Japanese are the east Asians with the widest eyes (wider than Koreans and Chinese). Japanese descended from more southern Mongolians. Also, something about the Japanese have descended from Ainu people.
This Mayu Watanabe person looks like the anime girls.

Here is an alternative theory I found online. Sorry, I lost the link. Not taking credit for it, doe.
Japanese are the east Asians with the widest eyes (wider than Koreans and Chinese). Japanese descended from more southern Mongolians. Also, something about the Japanese have descended from Ainu people.
japanese people are actually mainly korean with a small sum of native jomon, they cluster with koreans more than chinese by the way..


night owl
May 27, 2012
P.G. County
It's closer to the reality, is it not? You think these big "western looking" eyes make characters look more Asian? Stop caping for the self hate issues of Asians, Black people have way too much experience with this shyt and can spot it easily, well at least most of us can. :mjpls:

Breh, people are really trying to convince us that big, blue eyes depict Asian characteristics. :laff:


May 21, 2012
A lot of smart dumb generalizations in here that comes from living
as minorities in a white country.
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May 21, 2012
Dont forget the part about a lot of things being true too :mjpls:
A lot of these things ARE NOT true though.
All of you (if you're black at least....) live in a "white" country,
consume a lot of white media and when you see someone
on T.V. who doesn't have darker skin and their hair is straight
you automatically assume "They're trying to be white !!".
This is a matter of perspective born out of being in
a white country.

Anyone who watches or listens to Japanese media knows there
is a clearly distinction between Japanese and American culture.
most of the time this distinction is OUT RIGHT.
The characters will have "western" names, behaviors linked to being
"western" and often times they'll throw in some English too.
Japanese artists, writers and producers aren't so dumb that they can't
see the differences between Western and Eastern culture.
I watch anime :ld: and a lot of the anime I tend to watch these days
is "Down to earth" and "Slice of life", often times they'll have jokes
where they specifically showcase differences between the Japanese
and the west in values,style, language, and even attire.

With that said in Japanese culture THEY DO attach themselves
onto cultures from other countries and build sub cultures around that..
Why ? They do this to differentiate themselves from other Japanese people.
For example there are Rock Cultures and Hip Hop Cultures in Japan.
Even in these sub-cultures they have their own distinct styles, music, and differences in
language. And when I say "Style" I mean this :

Some of this is specific to Japanese culture, despite the massive influence
of American or British culture on the overall sub-culture.
They'll often differentiate themselves through dying and styling their
hair, wearing certain brands, even dressing certain ways from styles
appropriated through media from the West.
It's NO DIFFERENT than when Americans attach themselves
to cultures from other countries or even other cultures IN America.


night owl
May 27, 2012
P.G. County
A lot of these things ARE NOT true though.
All of you (if you're black at least....) live in a "white" country,
consume a lot of white media and when you see someone
on T.V. who doesn't have darker skin and their hair is straight
you automatically assume "They're trying to be white !!".
This is a matter of perspective born out of being in
a white country.

Anyone who watches or listens to Japanese media knows there
is a clearly distinction between Japanese and American culture.
most of the time this distinction is OUT RIGHT.
The characters will have "western" names, behaviors linked to being
"western" and often times they'll throw in some English too.
Japanese artists, writers and producers aren't so dumb that they can't
see the differences between Western and Eastern culture.
I watch anime :ld: and a lot of the anime I tend to watch these days
is "Down to earth" and "Slice of life", often times they'll have jokes
where they specifically showcase differences between the Japanese
and the west in values,style, language, and even attire.

With that said in Japanese culture THEY DO attach themselves
onto cultures from other countries and build sub cultures around that..
Why ? They do this to differentiate themselves from other Japanese people.
For example there are Rock Cultures and Hip Hop Cultures in Japan.
Even in these sub-cultures they have their own distinct styles, music, and differences in
language. And when I say "Style" I mean this :

Some of this is specific to Japanese culture, despite the massive influence
of American or British culture on the overall sub-culture.
They'll often differentiate themselves through dying and styling their
hair, wearing certain brands, even dressing certain ways from styles
appropriated through media from the West.
It's NO DIFFERENT than when Americans attach themselves
to cultures from other countries or even other cultures IN America.

Good post but I have to disagree with some of your points. Culture is one thing, the actual look of blonde hair and blue eyes is another that has nothing to do with rock, hip-hop etc. We are talking about the physical attributes of the characters. It seems like 90% of the animations that I've seen have huge eyes, some of which are blue with blonde hair. I could not imagine American cartoons having all the characters with smaller eyes that don't resemble "Americans", lots of black animated characters here are voiced by whites (disgusting I know). I could not imagine European animation having small eyes that resemble Asians. The Asian animators clearly prefer the big eyed look when depicting Asians...oops Eastern


May 21, 2012
Good post but I have to disagree with some of your points. Culture is one thing, the actual look of blonde hair and blue eyes is another that has nothing to do with rock, hip-hop etc. We are talking about the physical attributes of the characters. It seems like 90% of the animations that I've seen have huge eyes, some of which are blue with blonde hair. I could not imagine American cartoons having all the characters with smaller eyes that don't resemble "Americans", lots of black animated characters here are voiced by whites (disgusting I know). I could not imagine European animation having small eyes that resemble Asians. The Asian animators clearly prefer the big eyed look when depicting Asians...oops Eastern
You attribute it to "Whiteness" they don't see dying their hair Blue/Green/Blonde/Red or wearing different colored
contacts as trying to become "white people", they see it as differentiating themselves from Japanese homogeneity.
You also think "Huge eyes" is a "White" thing, someone here pointed this out with a video.
Most anime/manga drawings involve eyes with an Almond shape, this is considered
attractive in Japan/Asia, and so characters are drawn this way.
You don't get this because you're american, there is a clear culture gap here.
They don't have a multicultural manifestation of individualism like Americans do,
their culture is largely Japanese and because of this they do specific things which
may not make sense to someone who isn't from Japan or any country where everyone
"looks" the same.
You can see this in America when white people who grow up in largely white communities develop an affinity for a different culture. They'll change their attire and even their speech to fit the "image".

I brought up subcultures in Japan and related this to Anime/Manga because Anime/Manga obviously draws inspiration
from the entirety of Japanese culture, they also draw inspiration from "Western" sources as well.

This isn't to deny that an appreciation of White people's culture or beauty
happens in Japan, just that people completely overstate this while trying to
simplify complex cultural phenomena into 'Dey Just wanna Be White !"
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just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
A lot of these things ARE NOT true though.
All of you (if you're black at least....) live in a "white" country,
consume a lot of white media and when you see someone
on T.V. who doesn't have darker skin and their hair is straight
you automatically assume "They're trying to be white !!".
This is a matter of perspective born out of being in
a white country.

Anyone who watches or listens to Japanese media knows there
is a clearly distinction between Japanese and American culture.
most of the time this distinction is OUT RIGHT.
The characters will have "western" names, behaviors linked to being
"western" and often times they'll throw in some English too.
Japanese artists, writers and producers aren't so dumb that they can't
see the differences between Western and Eastern culture.
I watch anime :ld: and a lot of the anime I tend to watch these days
is "Down to earth" and "Slice of life", often times they'll have jokes
where they specifically showcase differences between the Japanese
and the west in values,style, language, and even attire.

With that said in Japanese culture THEY DO attach themselves
onto cultures from other countries and build sub cultures around that..
Why ? They do this to differentiate themselves from other Japanese people.
For example there are Rock Cultures and Hip Hop Cultures in Japan.
Even in these sub-cultures they have their own distinct styles, music, and differences in
language. And when I say "Style" I mean this :

Some of this is specific to Japanese culture, despite the massive influence
of American or British culture on the overall sub-culture.
They'll often differentiate themselves through dying and styling their
hair, wearing certain brands, even dressing certain ways from styles
appropriated through media from the West.
It's NO DIFFERENT than when Americans attach themselves
to cultures from other countries or even other cultures IN America.

I see what you mean but that still doesn't excuse them from having eyes that are anything but japanese and link more toward European than anything.

They can see it one way to where they believe otherwise but I know similarities when I see them and the anime eyes are anything but japanese.