. ..Sinister. ....
always wondered th!s cause even though hes never placed !n a rank!ng !ts obv!ous hes up there...Mister sinister and Baron Zemo.
Doom- and look, I KNOW that some people looking through this thread thinks that the "Time Machine" thing isn't that big of a deal. It's time travel. NO. Doom builds THE ONLY TRUE WORKING TYPE OF TIME MACHINE IN MARVEL. PERIOD. If someone else builds a time machine, it doesn't matter HOW far in the future they may be tech wise, when they use it, it makes basically a "What If" earth/universe. Whatever they change has little consequence because it can be changed back. Not DOOM'S though. If Legion would have went back in time and killed Professor X and started Age of Apocalypse that you all love so much? there would have been no changing it back. No other time machines in Marvel Comics work this way.
.so to reiterate....
Doom stole Surfer's powers by using a goddamned missile and was riding around on his board. lol
Doom- and look, I KNOW that some people looking through this thread thinks that the "Time Machine" thing isn't that big of a deal. It's time travel. NO. Doom builds THE ONLY TRUE WORKING TYPE OF TIME MACHINE IN MARVEL. PERIOD. If someone else builds a time machine, it doesn't matter HOW far in the future they may be tech wise, when they use it, it makes basically a "What If" earth/universe. Whatever they change has little consequence because it can be changed back. Not DOOM'S though. If Legion would have went back in time and killed Professor X and started Age of Apocalypse that you all love so much? there would have been no changing it back. No other time machines in Marvel Comics work this way.
On top of Doom being the only person who can build these things, Doom can build them from spare parts like an evil genius MacGuyver. He's built them out of Iron Man's armor when they were stuck in Ye Olde Camelot Times before.
Speaking of which, when Iron Man had the Extremis Armor, the most technically advanced- Tony hid the armor in the insides of his bones. But he couldn't hack Doom's armor with it.
Doom actually switched bodies with a dude from 20,000 years in the future once. Called using his machines "childs play"
Doom cut up the body of one of Black Panther's enemies and used the parts to make lenses for a machine and used it to steal Galactus' powers.
Doom put Reed in a suit of his armor once..... Reed wasn't smart enough to figure out how to take it off!
Hell, it may or may not be canon, but Thanos keeps Doom under 24 hour watch- he has people to watch Doom at all times because "he's too dangerous not to."
You wanna compare this type of smarts to a man who's like "" every time the joker escapes from jail.
doom hands down....
always wondered th!s cause even though hes never placed !n a rank!ng !ts obv!ous hes up there...
where !s th!s expla!ned cause that whole log!c is dumb as fukk..... !f a dude go back !n doom t!me mach!ne & k!lls xav!er, then leg!on warps me back & ! blow dudes bra!ns out f!rst... how would the age of apocalypse still pop off??? ! hope you a!nt referr!n to that age of ultron sh!t cause that was way d!fferent......
Assuming he hasprepstudy time
If you're going to defend batman provide evidence,because he doesn't stack with doom nor iron man.
If you're going to defend batman provide evidence,because he doesn't stack with doom nor iron man.
thats the way it's always been. It's the reason there was a billion versions of Kang/Immortus/Rama Tut and only one of Doom, and the reason that when Doom is disposed or his security is breached, heroes and villains scramble for Doom's time machine because "It's too dangerous".... when they already have time machines. t's the reason why when "objects of power" are gathered, Doom's time machine is sometimes there and not Cable's arm or Rama Tut's sphinx.
Hell, look at what's going on with the original 5 X-Men right now. That's regular time travel for you.
You see how there's different versions of The Rawhide Kid and records constantly change about how/when he died? Regular time travel.
There's records of Avengers West Coast in the past and of Mockingbird letting Phantom Rider die, but no mention of Rama Tut even remembering them. Because before they met Rama Tut, Tony and Wonder Man could only figure out how to use Doom's machine to send them backwards in time.... before they met Rama Tut in Egypt.
You missed the point with the Legion thing.
1. the legion shyt is missing the point because if you kill someone before something happens, it's not going to happen. I never said you couldn't kill Legion before he did it.
the rest of that shyt, you win, breh. I'm not about to argue theoretical temporal comic book science when I can't give a "real marvel" definition for shyt like pym particles, unstable molecules, vibrational attunement, extra dimensional mass displacement, Adamantium not weighing a ton, Wakandan vs Antarctic Vibranium, etc. etc.......
Hell, if you only want to use what marvel editorial said about Doom's time machine (edit: yes it was before Age of Ultron) in lieu of the history of Doom's time machine, then so be it.