when did he meet magneto??? dont remember off top... i need that for my collection...
Uncanny X Men Gillen run....first 3 issues.
when did he meet magneto??? dont remember off top... i need that for my collection...
curious. where does dr strange rank on this list?
until i get a real marvel definition this "regular time travel" shyt still sounds stupid & illogical..... youre basically sayin dooms machine creates the mainline that cant be retconned but every other method makes a branch that can be retconned & that makes no sense.... all those other universes still exist as alternate realities anyway so why wouldnt dooms???? i'm asking, not your assumption or opinion but a story where this is stated & explained as non divergent cause that makes no logical sense.... the legion shyt makes sense, my problem is using dooms machine to do the same shyt age of apocalypse becomes mainline 616, not an alternate branch for some reason.... why?? that sounds stupid....
kang is the worst example cause that shyt has nothing to do with my question.... in a single timeline theres only multiple versions of the people that do stupid timestream shyt, doom doesnt do that..... kang jumps time, live for periods, then repeats, then goes into time & recruits alternate versions of himself & brings them to different eras to fight alternate selves from different eras, then goes back & does it again..... that could be done by ANYBODY with ANY time machine... doom is in alternate timelines & could easily be plucked out on some kang fukkery, hes not a singular entity.... he just aint a fukkboy like kang....
Dude is right he just didn't explain it simply.
Its like this. Whenever someone goes back in time and changes or alters something, they don't actually ater the timeline they are from. What they end up doing is creating a NEW alternate timeline with the changes that they made. Say, let's call him Cyclops105... say he goes back in time to stop Jean from dying. He does it, but when he goes back to his own timeline Jean will still be dead because what he actually did by saving Jean is created a NEW universe (call it universe106) where Jean SURVIVES instead of dies.
Dr. Doom found this time flaw to be inefficient so he created "Doomlocks" which lock a time traveler into their own time. So if they time travel using the Doomlocks then the changes they make in the past effect their own timeline instead of creating a new timeline.
Hope this helps
do you retain memories from both pasts, i remember this was touched on & now it makes sense....
@Mr. Negative egative i get it now.... has nothing to do wit 616 proper, it makes your personal timeline canon....
He is a genius but not on level of the big boys.I see Peter Parker really isn't getting that much love here.
where does he rank?
Hickman disagrees . Besides the current ironman Is placed among those guysBP? Sure..Pym and Banner? No fukking way..High Evolutionary. ..Sinister. ...Apocalypse is up there. ..Magneto...Dark Beast
Tony Stark? Lol....Kingpin punked him...Magneto made a fool out of him for decades and recently in Consequences and Not A Hero.