Yes, willingly. No one is forcing anyone to work for company A or sign contract B. People sole-invent things every day without the imminent threat of homelessness, hunger or starvation, and overwhelming majority of those who are in such dire circumstances aren't there because they decided to be entrepreneurs. You can't use the backdrop of a fundamental reality of life - that some form of labour must be expended to survive - to criticize the alleged lack of freedom in capitalist societies. That factor exists in every society. What differs is that in a free market society, the decisions are in the hands of the people. The type of predation by monolithic and all-powerful forces leeching off the labour of the worker you're describing was actually a historical reality in non-capitalist countries, and it came from the government/monarch, not corporations. I prefer a system that puts the power in the hands of the people to decide for themselves how they allocate their efforts and allows them to reap the benefits of their labour.