the cac mamba
whole foods 

Outlawing things we dont like shouldnt be the answer to everything.And this is exactly why we as a society should allow for democratic laws to be enacted that reflect the values of the people and enforce the accepted constitutions. People think it is morally abhorrent for children to work... So they cannot work. Its that simple. Removing that restriction will NOT cause some kind of economic boom. Why would you be interested in the circumstances in which a child would work, which is obviously poverty? Your solution to this poverty is let the child work in a wealthy society for whatever rate the employer feels they are entitled to. Thats fukking unbelieveable.
So your opposition is to the name, not socialism itself?![]()
Outlawing things we dont like shouldnt be the answer to everything.
I clearly advocated for a basic income as an answer to poverty.
There is no incentive for a child to work under what I've laid, out, thus no need for the regulation, and if there wasnt its still something that should be on the table IMO.
Question what age is too young to work? in your opinion.
... and if people are naturally as altruistic as has suggested in this thread, no child will have to work anyways, there will be more than enough charity
they hate it...cause it shows Humans for what we really are....SHALLOW ..SIMPLISTIC and MATERIALISTIC
ethics don't mean shyt...............we want shyt...therefore we will take shyt (buy it)
So u where a BACK PACK RAPPER(Musician)....Who SUDDENLY SAW THE LIGHTand the error of his ways and made a complete 180 TO THE MINDSET OF JOHN D GTFOH
...first of all THIS IS NOT A DRAKE THREAD...get off the corporate music shyt
, the best music has never been "quantified" by album sales...JZ's REASONABLE DOUBT vs JZ's Kingdom Come's Reasonable Doubt hands down...but part of CORNY CAPITALISM's goal (which u clearly support) is to dull the audience into idiots that buy whatever capitalism can market best...thereby attempting to give marketeers control over the music economy at large, the artist buys into the bullshyt you kickin in your post and now we don't get material from the artist alone but also with your corny corporate hands in the mix. FUKK THAT AND FUKK THAT SHYT YOU TRYIN TO KICK
We know better BISH![]()
OT Genasis, Lil B or Chief KeefI agree 200%.
Anthropologist, for example, have dedicated their lives to putting a deceptive gild over a 100 thousand year history of greed, ultra violence, genocide, exploitation, warfare and slavery.
When Dr. Jane Goodall first discovered and documented the infamous Chimpanzee tribal wars, her colleagues pressured her not publish her findings because of their implications on human nature. This is prime example of the pitiful fact of intellectuals--Intellectuals can't deal with reality.
This is the prime example. You can't accept that most people like vanilla-like easy-listening or non-threating music, so you make-up conspiracy theories and blame corporations.
I disagree. I have my own opinions of what is good music. However, if wanted to actually sell music for a living I would definitely get behind a drake-like character. In all honesty I hate drake, and I can't stand his music for more than 2 seconds.
If you think corporate america has some objective in making pop music, you're not living in realty. The Corporate music industry doesn't make a move without either tons of research using focus groups or (especially in today's era) by leaching-off preexisting memes and movements.
How did OT genasis, Lil B or chief Keith get popular? It wasn't corporate America. They had their own organic movements first. Even drake started off as a internet emcee.
The hypothetical has to many unanswered questions. Where are the parents, what about adoption, what about charity etc.
Should there be no better option, making it illegal will turn him to the streets. Which ironically is what we see today.
OT Genasis, Lil B or Chief Keef
Suddenly I've tired of this convo
Yup, three artist with 100s of millions between them. who at their primes sold out shows of varying venue sizes
I am sure the corporations intentionally launched gangam style or "watch me nay nay" in global popularity as well.
This why people like me drive Audis and Beemers and people like you work at mcdonalds and cry about the minimum wage.
Define your personal worth by your material goods brehs
How many love points do you have?Define your personal worth by your material goods brehs
I don't care about 100s of millions between them...they probably all have debts 3x that collectively(just how the music biz is set up), but never the less, their finance has nothing to do with the quality of their music. So with your logic McDonalds is higher quality then every restaurant because they clock more dollars...that's not even sound business logic...and those three artists that you named have NO longevity and most know thatYup, three artist with 100s of millions between them. who at their primes sold out shows of varying venue sizes
I am sure the corporations intentionally launched gangam style or "watch me nay nay" in global popularity as well.
This why people like me drive Audis and Beemers and people like you work at mcdonalds and cry about the minimum wage.
You think feudalism is preferable to capitalism ?