King Kreole
natural blondie like goku
So your original point implied college professors were overly compensated(even though compared to individuals of their education in the private sector, they make less) and that was a cause of student debt, but you don't actually think that. You think it's a combination of underfunding and poor management. Ok we agree.
If people making 80k are aristocrats, what does that make the business man making 100m? How is he of a lesser class because he doesn't read as a hobby?
Except in the great capitalistic period you're championing, little billy had been working in the coal mine for 3 years by the time his dad bought that tractor.
Just to lay this out for about the 7th time in this thread, I don't think everyone should be payed the same. I believe everyone owns the fruits of their labor. The tractor is in part the fruit of the inventors labor, but unless he built it himself, it's not solely his,
- Nah, I never meant to imply they were overcompensated, and definitely don't believe they're to blame for the student debt crisis.
- I guess that would make the 100m business man a king

- I'm not championing an era, i'm championing a system. I believe the modern age is the greatest age there has ever been. The capitalist world of 70 years ago is not the same as the capitalist world of today, and I'm glad that many of the changes have taken place. The fact that Billy doesn't have to work in the coal mines and can go to school is great, and while capitalism set the stage for that change to take place, social movements have been necessary in making the transition.
- In a capitalist society, it's decided that the person who came up with the idea gets ownership because we value ideas. To posit that labour should be compensated with ownership is putting labour on an equal footing with inventiveness, which is a recipe for disaster. What makes capitalist societies great is the entrepreneurship and inventiveness that it promotes. This is the whole working smart vs working hard dichotomy. The Soviets and Chinese were working very hard, but they were outgained by the inventive West because the West worked smart and rewarded its citizens as such. I can spend 20 backbreaking hours a day mining into a mountain, or I can invent a mining drill that will reduce that time in half. The latter situation is far more likely to come about when I am being rewarded for my inventiveness. The labourer does own the fruits of his labour, which is his wage. The inventor is compensated for his efforts with ownership. The systems works well. You want to reap the benefits of ownership? Use your head and be inventive. We value that over labour.