JahFocus CS
Get It How You Get It
I am the furthest thing from a socialist but Im not even entertaining a discussion with these dudes. Duke really said a 10 year old should be able to work in the porn industry cleaning up semen.
I am the furthest thing from a socialist but Im not even entertaining a discussion with these dudes. Duke really said a 10 year old should be able to work in the porn industry cleaning up semen.
Explain your point
A good amount of intellectuals hate capitalism because of how they perceive the basic nature of man. They believe that man can overcome self-interest and be immune to the influence of power, and that the current systemic processes/institutions(constraints) that happen to be in place, at the moment, is at fault. Remove those constraints(Ex. free market economy) and man could begin his moral development and reach some form of moral perfectibility.
i tried to be a PLEASANT GUY all my fukking life..but now im down for WHATEVER AIN'T NOTHING NICE" -JAY Z
during that time I put my avi up...i was "feeding" alot of cats and being generous charity wise , putting cats on and everything........but then i realize the more you do for n1ggas the more animosity they have for ya
I am the furthest thing from a socialist but Im not even entertaining a discussion with these dudes. Duke really said a 10 year old should be able to work in the porn industry cleaning up semen.
Nah but for real... do you understand why your positions on the employment age are worthy of mocking in 2015?
Whatever the terms are of the contract that he voluntarily entersHow much should he get paid for his "labor", compared to his "owner" and should he have the same benefits that his "owner" gets? Why? or Why Not?
Nah but for real... do you understand why your positions on the employment age are worthy of mocking in 2015?
What voluntary decisions can a child make? can a child voluntarily be in love with a grown man? Are you in NAMBLA?
80-120k is enough to put you into the top 10% in the richest country in the world. More importantly, the professorial class has historically come from the entrenched aristocracy. It was only recently that more or less ordinary people were able to enter that class, and it was due to the upward mobility brought on by capitalism. But there is still a residual social stigma connecting academia with elitism.
No, not at all. Firstly, I actually do like what most of what Chomsky says, particularly his critiques of US foreign policy. Secondly, I believe professors should be compensated according to how society determines their value. I personally find them to be very valuable because they possess a highly specialized and important skill, so I don't have a problem with them being relatively highly compensated. Intellectualism should be promoted by a progressive society.
Europe was raping and pillaging those continents long before the emergence of the leisure class. You had colonial powers operating under monarchist systems where the plunder wasn't as efficiently distributed or utilized to promote growth. The economic burst was inextricably tied to innovations and efficiencies of production that capitalism brought about. Little Billy no longer has to quit school at age 13 to work on the family farm because his father just bought the new automated tractor that was designed and sold by Capital Corp for profit. Thinking that the inventor of the automated tractor would have still been incentivized to do the work and take the risks necessary if he knew the janitor was going to get an equal share of the profit is foolhardy to me. It becomes far more rational to just be the janitor and free ride on someone else's labour.
In my opinion, the student debt crisis is an example of an under-regulated market / public good operating as a private good. Most of these are publicly owned institutions and as such aren't (and shouldn't be) as beholden to profit maximization as a private company. The government's job is to ensure the most stable and prosperous society for its citizens, and allowing people to be racked with debt as soon as they enter the workforce doesn't seem to be in line with that mandate, so I think they have the right to step in. Although, this is not an area of expertise for me, so I'm open to hearing others' opinions.
Whatever the terms are of the contract that he voluntarily enters
Cause life isnt fair and the state IMO need not compensate for unequal starting points that people occupy.
I love child labor discussions. The approach of the leftist is always so
And this is exactly why we as a society should allow for democratic laws to be enacted that reflect the values of the people and enforce the accepted constitutions. People think it is morally abhorrent for children to work... So they cannot work. Its that simple. Removing that restriction will NOT cause some kind of economic boom. Why would you be interested in the circumstances in which a child would work, which is obviously poverty? Your solution to this poverty is let the child work in a wealthy society for whatever rate the employer feels they are entitled to. Thats fukking unbelieveable.
The real question is why is a 10yr old seeking employment?
I'm more concerned with the circumstances bringing about his necessity for work rather than trying to the option off the table.
You act as tho children are voluntarily(which is key here) choosing to work over play and school.
Any child choosing work has a set of circumstances causing him to feel he must make that choice. Im interested in those.
If work is the only way he can survive for whatever reason, I want that option available as unpleasant as it may be.
I don't believe giving people fewer options(via govt. force) makes them better off.
The hypothetical has to many unanswered questions. Where are the parents, what about adoption, what about charity etc.The key is whether you find it possible for a 10 year old to be able to resist coercion. I'd say no.
Just to throw out another basic point that I think gets lost in these discussions; In Marxism, capitalism is necessary for humanity's development, it's role has and continues to be played. It is innovative and dynamic and awe inspiring. It is far better than feudalism or classical slavery.
Just to throw out another basic point that I think gets lost in these discussions; In Marxism, capitalism is necessary for humanity's development, it's role has and continues to be played. It is innovative and dynamic and awe inspiring. It is far better than feudalism or classical slavery.
However it is also amoral, inherently unequal, inherently flawed. It rewards the worst of humanity for the goal of progress. Necessary progress. It cannot hold. Capitalism is revolutionary in its own way, but it will ultimately fail and fall to some form of socialism.
So your opposition is to the name, not socialism itself?By then hopefully we have a new system or label for it.