For CRIMINAL cases.The jury system in America works well though.
Not private business decisions.

This dude wants UPS to hold meetings on how everyone thinks they should run their business:
"Hey Becky thinks we should deliver all brownies to Becky's mom's house...all in favor!"
Stop this foolishness

This sort of tyrannical bullshyt is specifically what I'm trying to get you all to acknowledge. @Swavy Karl Marx would seriously run up in Xerox and tell them that all workers have to vote on all decisions or that Cargill can't decide what to spend money on without voting on all levels.
Nah fam. Not everyone gets a seat at the decision board...and thats the beautiful thing about capitalism...they don't HAVE to care what people on the bottom of the pyramid of their businesses think. If they're successful, they win. If they're not successful, they succumb to the market.
It regulates itself, with exceptions, for the most part.