Who you got Batman vs Wolverine?


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
Most of those things Batman has done...and more

With prep time....Logan takes that L and lives to tell about. Easily.

With no prep time...Bats takes a beating and DIES.

And you know what happens when you fight Batman and he lives? You lost, you just don't know it yet.


And you know what happens if you fight Wolverine and he wants you dead. You die.


May 3, 2012
*cracks knuckles*

Batman is a master of every martial art known to man.

Whoa. Stopping you right there.

This is incorrect.

DC's official stance is that Batman knows 127 martial arts style, not ALL of them. They specifically had storylines about this where Batman had to further his training from Lady Shiva, among others, to be able to beat certain opponents.

He's studied martial arts that you can't even learn cause either he's sole user or you gotta travel to some secret mountain stronghold and then go through a portal to another dimension to see some 10000 year old Monk who will only teach you if you're worthy. Tim Drake and dikk Grayson once tried to retrace Bruce's footsteps and realized it was a futile effort. Just be you, be Robin, you can't be Bats.

And Logan has done the same thing, tenfold. You act like Wolverine hasn't gone through multiple forms of mysical martial arts training from Stick AND Ogun (Stick's rival). Also, once again, Wolverine has lived and trained longer than Bruce and been doin it before he was born. Experience edge will always go to Logan here.

If Wolveine knows it, Batman knows it and probably does'nt use it because he knows arts where you hit a person once and they're death (see Lady Shiva)

Which is another reason Batman loses this because NOTHING short of a killing blow will even stop Logan. This is the same dude that takes punches from Spider-Man, The Thing, Wonder-Man, Hulk and Gladiator and keep coming, No wing-chun-tiger-stance flip kick Batman or any street leveler does is gonna do more damage than a punch in the face from Hulk.

Batman has fought an hugeeeeee list of super powered villains. I mean huge. And not just his people, other people's villains too.

Every hero has. Comes with the job.

He's an imbodiment of fear. The Yellow Lantern rings sought him out once and he was like :smugdraper:

No he isn't. He is worthy to be a disciple of fear just as Hal Jordan is a disciple of courage. Completely different things and an infactual statement.

The reason why chose Darkseid stopped Batman and Green Lantern FIRST (during Final Crisis) was because he wanted to create an army of Batman clones. Fearless, trained to the utmost in every discipline known to man, and with a will that can't be broken. He knew that leaving the door open for Batman to stop him was a fatal error. And he STILL LOST.

Maybe if Darkseid created a clone army of Wolverines instead, he might have won :smugdraper:

Bats is without a doubt, the most dangerous man in all of DC universe. He has the Kryptonite ring because Supes knows if push comes to shove, Flash can't do it, Lantern can't do it, Wonder Woman...nobody but Bats.

What does this have to do with Wolverine vs. Batman? We already know Batman ain't killing anything human.

Batman has fought (and beat) people that would destroy Logan. I mean destroy him straight up no healing factor, NOTHING.

And Logan has fought (and beat) people that would destroy Bruce. I mean destroy him straight up no Batgear, NOTHING.

Bats is that dangerous AS IS. Beating him and letting him live is what makes him even more dangerous.

Batman is not jumping on to Wolverine in a dark alley after just seeing 12 inch claws protrude from his hands and puncture another person like that.

That's a Hawkeye move...a Captain America type strategy...Bats would give a Robin 3000 pushups in the cave for something so foolish

Look man, I understand you like Batman, we all do. But you letting his swag sway you from logic here. The chances of Batman winning a straight up fight with Logan are too little to compute. Hell, Batman even LOST to the specifically made Wolverine architype in the Loeb written Superman/Batman arc "With A Vengence".

Link for reference: GCD :: Issue :: Superman / Batman #20

Yeah, Batman is cool, but he's not winning this one.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
Most of those things Batman has done...and more

With prep time....Logan takes that L. Easily.

With no prep time...Bats takes a beating and lives to tell about it.

And you know what happens when you fight Batman and he lives? You lost, you just don't know it yet.

so thats what Im saying. its all about how the writers want to make it. anyone could have anything happen, at any time. Robin could throw a nuero toxin at Wolverine and it was "generated from our Batcomputers to stop mutants" so they take him in. or Jubilee could blind Batman and he takes three claws through his stomach and out his back. :pachaha:

but the truth of the matter is, outside of all that, physically or skill wise, Batman doesnt match up to take the win one on one. when its to the death, based purely on natural fighting skills and strength, Batman will not keep down a guy like that. unstoppable healing factor, unbreakable skeleton, decades of experience, same martial arts level, animal reflexes and senses tempered with a human mind, and spy training, its over. dude will get flayed alive.


May 3, 2012
hold the fukk up

Wolverine: of course Batman wont win in a straight up slugfest

Captain America: Its a toss up but Cap doesnt get tired

Black Panther: Another toss up but Batman's standard gadgets > BP's standard tools

Deathstroke: They've fought like like twice already. The first time Deathstroke won by a slim margin but his shyt was fukked up for a while. I gots scans breh. The second time was a draw. Deathstroke, the nikka that bodied the JL (minus Superman but including GL and Flash), dolo

Deadpool: Would get his wig pushed by repeatedly, literally. Tie this nikka up and throw him in the bushes

Taskmaster: :upsetfavre::upsetfavre: Batman has over 100 marital art style for this lame to copy. He gets curbstomped:youngsabo:

Farve gon have to remain upset then :smugdraper:

Wolverine, of course Batman takes the L. I think most of us agree here.

Captain America, Batman already admitted Cap would beat him in JLA/Avengers #2 and considering Cap owns every Batman analogue he's ever fought and Batman loses to most Cap analogues, I'd give Cap the comfortable majority

Black Panther, his standard gear actually TRUMPS everything Batman has normally. Black Panther is almost unfair with the shyt he pulls off. His suit is a cross between Batman and Iron Man's armor and he got everything (trancs, explosives, rope, foam, etc) Batman keeps with him but he got the Vibranium blades that are shredding through Batman's gear. And his herb he takes puts him physically above Batman. I'd give him the comfortable majority here.

Deathstroke has actually fought Batman over 10 times and won every single fight. Batman has NEVER beaten Deathstroke in a straight fight. Deathstroke on the other hand has KOed Batman numerous times in the same issue and expressed boredom with beating up Batman. He's basically an evil Captain America, but he has ownership over Batman.

Deadpool, Batman would never stop Deadpool. Period. Batman is more skilled, but Deadpool has a stronger healing factor than Wolverine and is more likely to shoot Batman in the face than anyone named here.

Taskmaster, turns his fast forwarded, bullet catching speed, webs Batman with his mock Spider-Man webs, then proceeds to go upside his head like Snoop.

But I would give Batman a close majority over Iron Fist and Daredevil

:pachaha: :smugdraper:


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
*cracks knuckles*

Whoa. Stopping you right there.

This is incorrect.

DC's official stance is that Batman knows 127 martial arts style, not ALL of them. They specifically had storylines about this where Batman had to further his training from Lady Shiva, among others, to be able to beat certain opponents.

127 vs. Times when the writers have said EVERY + Unknown. I'll let you tell it.

And Logan has done the same thing, tenfold. You act like Wolverine hasn't gone through multiple forms of mysical martial arts training from Stick AND Ogun (Stick's rival). Also, once again, Wolverine has lived and trained longer than Bruce and been doin it before he was born. Experience edge will always go to Logan here.

Logan living longer that Batman means nothing when Batman has defeated people that have lived longer than Logan and have even more experience. Also, Logan is not that bright. Combat genius yeah but he's no brilliant tactician. He leaves that up to Summers and Cap. He does the slicing.

Which is another reason Batman loses this because NOTHING short of a killing blow will even stop Logan. This is the same dude that takes punches from Spider-Man, The Thing, Wonder-Man, Hulk and Gladiator and keep coming, No wing-chun-tiger-stance flip kick Batman or any street leveler does is gonna do more damage than a punch in the face from Hulk.

Moving the goal posts for a character who does'nt kill = weak :smugdraper:

Every hero has. Comes with the job.


No he isn't. He is worthy to be a disciple of fear just as Hal Jordan is a disciple of courage. Completely different things and an infactual statement.

Potato PotAto

Maybe if Darkseid created a clone army of Wolverines instead, he might have won :smugdraper:


What does this have to do with Wolverine vs. Batman? We already know Batman ain't killing anything human.

Been there done that

And Logan has fought (and beat) people that would destroy Bruce. I mean destroy him straight up no Batgear, NOTHING.


Look man, I understand you like Batman, we all do. But you letting his swag sway you from logic here. The chances of Batman winning a straight up fight with Logan are too little to compute. Hell, Batman even LOST to the specifically made Wolverine architype in the Loeb written Superman/Batman arc "With A Vengence".

It's not a matter of liking Batman cause if it was Wolverine vs some obvious answer I'd explain why Logan wins as well cause I've read jsut about every issue of Wolverine...thank Demonoid for that one

Link for reference: GCD :: Issue :: Superman / Batman #20

Yeah, Batman is cool, but he's not winning this one.


May 3, 2012
What I would like to see is someone present a logical scenario in which Batman could actually beat Logan without prep. Is this even possible?


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY


We forgetting what happened at the end of the issue where he fought Deathstroke??

Once again, if you don't kill Batman the FIRST TIME YOU MEET HIM

You LOST. You just don't know it yet. He will beat you.

Batman is NOT. NOT. I'll say it again, NOT approaching Wolverine in a dark, close quarters alley, after watching him for 5 minutes from a rooftop. He's not doing it.

You want him to, because that's an EASY W for Wolverine sure. But it's not gonna happen. Not Bruce Wayne. Maybe dikk Grayson though.

Breh Obama

First Breh President. Coli Prophet.
Jul 5, 2012
Leader of the righteous Brehs!
nikkas swear up and downthat Batman is a god. He is a human with toys. Wolverine is a god damn mutant with healing powers and god damn meta claws.:skip:. Batman has flaws as all men do. TDKR will prove this
May 2, 2012
thetown to global
Most of those things Batman has done...and more

With prep time....Logan takes that L. Easily.

With no prep time...Bats takes a beating and lives to tell about it.

And you know what happens when you fight Batman and he lives? You lost, you just don't know it yet.

What does that mean tho? Like Batman realizes he is gonna get got and runs? Because if its a fight to death Logan won't just leave him when he has him where he wants lol.

But yeah, like I said it depends on the context. It would be out of character for Batman to just jump Logan. But if Logan ambushes Batman or if they were bought by someone else into a neutral fighting ground without prior knowledge, Wolverine wins hands down. With prep time Batman could win this tho, he will find a way. Prep time usually favors Batman because he is meticulous in his planning, but that doesn't mean it would be easy given Wolverine's abilities.

But the thing is if scenario one happens, it wont lead to Batman getting a rematch cuz he'd be dead in round 1 :sadcam: