word, but Wolverine literally got as many, or even more resources to call on if HE needed it. and why is dues acting like mr research man, Batman is the better hunter? he hunts "a cowardly, criminal superstitious lot."
Logan has hunted animals and wolves and shyt like it was nothing, just animal instinct vs animal instinct. dude could probably kill a dinosaur and eat if he got hungry enough
Wolverine actually has killed and eaten a T-Rex before in the Savage Land. Its his idea of a vacation.
But you have been 100% on point in this thread. There is just nothing Batman can do to Logan without elaborate prep-time and resources and even then its a stretch because Logan has about the same amount of resources as Batman. X-Men and Avengers tech vs. JLA tech is a wash.
Also, Wolverine has eons more experience than Batman, he's lived for over 100 years. Wolverine tends to fight sloppy mainly because he prefers to brawl and he can take the punishment whereas most of his opponents cannot.
Wolverine wins 10/10 straight up and its probably 50/50 with prep-time unless you count Batman using 3 armored suits, the Batwing, the Batmobile, Nightwing, Robin, Oracle, the lasso of truth, a Boomtube and Superman on call as "prep time"