Who you got Batman vs Wolverine?


eienaar van mans
May 1, 2012
they changed it through the years, at first he would get shot and be laid out. then come back within a minute tho. dude was fit to take on the hulk in his first appearance. hes not weak. he takes mad shots and swords to the gut, explosives, and fists like whatever in a fight, that berserker rage keeps him going. hes the terminator with claws. two seconds hes back and its nothing.

later, they upped it, and he could take a NUCLEAR EXPLOSION and survive/heal up within an hour. later they said it was some mystical curse, or Phoenix power that kept him alive. but either way, really nothing short of a cosmic blast gonna really stop him. I think the only thing other that can really stop him is drowning him or putting his insides out

For the most part, wolverines healing factor is kept in check by the adamantium in his body, which poisons him. Because of this, his healing factor is always "on" and can never be used to just fully regenerate his bodies from injuries. When magneto removed it from his body his healing factor increased exponentially, to the point he could heal from a severed finger in seconds. You should read the Xavier protocols. According to Xavier, without the adamantium to keep his healing factor in check, you would have to decapitate logan, and then move his head for enough away from his body so that it cannot be attached, and then there would be no guarantee that he wouldn't just grow another head...

But anyway, Wolverine would kill batman and it wouldn't even be much of a contest:obama:


May 7, 2012
yeah cus batman never had scarecrow fukk up his world. yo, dudes need to stop sidelining everything with something else. not one person in here can come up with a good technique, reason, or situation where batman wins. we just got a giant magnet, superman helping him, or other retarded nonsense. just some extra on it with some, oh he would win. wolverine lost to so and so, and whatever. yall are straight deflecting like a mug. one on one, batman aint gonna take the win.

lol basically. batman would get his ass kicked the same way he did the first time around against youknowwho in TDKR. shyt, it'd be worse than that actually and that guy wasn't no chump either.

and if, afterwards, batman gotta sneak into logan's crip at 3am in the morning while the nikka drunk as shyt / sleeping and attach a giant magnet to his ass while having superman hovering above ready to heat vision him and the entire bat family waiting ready in the cut... well i dunno what type of moral ass "victory" muthafukkas think batman will have but thats pathetic. that aint no win. that aint even a fight. it just further shows that batman can't beat Logan straight up and people gotta make up scenarios in which batman gets all the advantage and knowledge from jump.

batman gon win the 2nd fight? lol shiiiit who says theres even gonna be a 2nd fight? Logan gon take his W and go back to his own universe.

on some "hey logan, you mind running it back but this time giving batman 10 days of prep time to study you, find all your weakness and bring any and all cosmic powerhouses he can? I feel we can still categorize that as a fair fight...right? :heh:"

Logan: :stopitslime:


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
TNC is probably the only one who has come close to appearing like he knows what he's talking about.

The rest of you...hop on a torrent or something, figure out what's going on and then maybe join in the discussion. We're all fans of Wolverine here. No need to embarrass him or yourselves by forcing a win against Batman. Wolverine is very beatable and has taken L's to far lesser opponents than Batman. And Nolan's Batman has not helped...far too soft...

And no...gassing Logan probably won't work unless it's something designed for Croc or Solomon Grundy. Then yeah sure it'll probably take him down. Normal poisons and things of that nature won't stop Wolverine, only slow him down.

I remember on SOHH someone once shytted on Wolverine calling him a one-dimensional character and basically a revenge fantasy gone off the rails. I took offense to that cause I'm big a fan of the character, but now that I see the fukkkery in here it's clear that Marvel has created something of a mythical legend via cartoons and movies where the people think Wolverine can't take an L to anyone short of...I dunno...Thanos? Surfer? We should make that next...Wolverine vs. Annihilus or some shyt, where it would get like 3 replies cause most people would'nt know who Anihilus is and then the one Wolverine supporter on some HE'S GOT ADAMANTIUM!!!


All Star
May 17, 2012
TNC is probably the only one who has come close to appearing like he knows what he's talking about.

The rest of you...hop on a torrent or something, figure out what's going on and then maybe join in the discussion. We're all fans of Wolverine here. No need to embarrass him or yourselves by forcing a win against Batman. Wolverine is very beatable and has taken L's to far lesser opponents than Batman. And Nolan's Batman has not helped...far too soft...

And no...gassing Logan probably won't work unless it's something designed for Croc or Solomon Grundy. Then yeah sure it'll probably take him down. Normal poisons and things of that nature won't stop Wolverine, only slow him down.

I remember on SOHH someone once shytted on Wolverine calling him a one-dimensional character and basically a revenge fantasy gone off the rails. I took offense to that cause I'm big a fan of the character, but now that I see the fukkkery in here it's clear that Marvel has created something of a mythical legend via cartoons and movies where the people think Wolverine can't take an L to anyone short of...I dunno...Thanos? Surfer? We should make that next...Wolverine vs. Annihilus or some shyt, where it would get like 3 replies cause most people would'nt know who Anihilus is and then the one Wolverine supporter on some HE'S GOT ADAMANTIUM!!!

You might have read all the comics and whatnot, but basically you're still saying Batman wins with prep time.


eienaar van mans
May 1, 2012
TNC is probably the only one who has come close to appearing like he knows what he's talking about.

The rest of you...hop on a torrent or something, figure out what's going on and then maybe join in the discussion. We're all fans of Wolverine here. No need to embarrass him or yourselves by forcing a win against Batman. Wolverine is very beatable and has taken L's to far lesser opponents than Batman. And Nolan's Batman has not helped...far too soft...

And no...gassing Logan probably won't work unless it's something designed for Croc or Solomon Grundy. Then yeah sure it'll probably take him down. Normal poisons and things of that nature won't stop Wolverine, only slow him down.

I remember on SOHH someone once shytted on Wolverine calling him a one-dimensional character and basically a revenge fantasy gone off the rails. I took offense to that cause I'm big a fan of the character, but now that I see the fukkkery in here it's clear that Marvel has created something of a mythical legend via cartoons and movies where the people think Wolverine can't take an L to anyone short of...I dunno...Thanos? Surfer? We should make that next...Wolverine vs. Annihilus or some shyt, where it would get like 3 replies cause most people would'nt know who Anihilus is and then the one Wolverine supporter on some HE'S GOT ADAMANTIUM!!!

Wolverines has taken L's...and prob will continue to take L's...hell sabertooth tracked him down and beat his ass on his birhday (or maybe him and silver fox anniversary ) and beat his ass... So yeah, no doubt Logan can take an L...

But batman could not give him one in a one on one fight. Aint happening, not even close. You act like wolverine is just some big ass butter bean brawler who doesn't know how to fight.

Like he hasn't been in the special forces longer than bruce been alive :mjpls:
Like he hasn't been a ninja?:mjpls:
Like he doesn't know at the very least as many different fighting styles as batman does...and that is being generous...

If you put both of these dudes in an alley, and tell batman "you can't get out of this alley unless you kill wolverine" and tell wolverine "you can't get out unless you kill batman" I don't see how anyone could think bruce would even stand a chance...

There is a difference between beating Wolverine and killing wolverine... If it's not to the death, then sure it is possible for wayne to do something to keep logan down long enough for him to get the hell out of there...but anything else...pppffff...


eienaar van mans
May 1, 2012
No, his hallucigens did though.

Actaully, I believe he was Logans commanding officer way back when before they got all gassed up with suits and codenames. They got in a fight and cyber gouged wolverine eye out. This was i think the first time his healing factor really had to work to heal him, and logan has admitted several times that he was the only person who really scared him.
May 2, 2012
Im not going to read through this thread but its simple enough...

with prep Batman wins easily

without prep, just throwing the two of them into a battle pit type situation, wolverine would son the shyt out of batman


May 3, 2012
I'm also saying that to think Wolverine is steam rolling over Batman WITHOUT prep time is a foolish notion.

But its also a foolish notion to think Batman would steamroll Wolverine WITH prep time.

A fight, with or without prep time, would be a hard fought victory for either but Logan has a clear advantage without prep-time. Batman is more known for his prepping skills, but Wolverine has some amazing prep-time feats of his own. However the main reason Wolverine wins is because Batman has nothing on his standard equipment that would be more than momentary annoyance for Logan.


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
But its also a foolish notion to think Batman would steamroll Wolverine WITH prep time.

A fight, with or without prep time, would be a hard fought victory for either but Logan has a clear advantage without prep-time. Batman is more known for his prepping skills, but Wolverine has some amazing prep-time feats of his own. However the main reason Wolverine wins is because Batman has nothing on his standard equipment that would be more than momentary annoyance for Logan.


May 9, 2012
I think a more appropriate fight would be Batman vs IronMan

Doesn't seem like Bats would be able to matchup in terms of physical characteristics.