Who Will Run In 2024 Republican Primary?


May 7, 2012

Uncle Phil 36

All Star
Feb 24, 2014
i don't think trump could win the rep primary in 2024.... he lost arizona and georgia, that's a colossal fukk up.... the sitting republican president can't even win two red states....? trump is through... he might be able to play kingmaker though...

Arizona has two D Senators and GA has been very close lately (Abrams got robbed imo) so they're def more purple than red

Def not disqualifying for him


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
Republicans ain’t giving a woman power. If Trump has shown y’all anything that the key to Republican power is baseline power dynamics.

The reason deficit talking points work is people think government spend like families do. It ain’t true

Same thing with military. We got bigger weapons so we win. It ain’t true.


May 19, 2012
the black cat is my crown...
Arizona has two D Senators and GA has been very close lately (Abrams got robbed imo) so they're def more purple than red

Def not disqualifying for him
it has been understood by political parties for a while that if they allow a sitting president to be primaried by their party, they stand a large likelihood of losing reelection... this is why clinton, bush, obama, and trump were not primaried by their party during their reelection runs.... third parties are also excluded from the debates for the same reason.... trump neither faced a primary from his party nor a serious third party challenger from the right... had trump made a couple of MINOR tweaks to his reelection run, he'd have won arizona and georgia EASILY...... trump is not making any changes at all because he's far, far, far too stubborn to admit he ever does anything wrong...

however, 2024 wouldn't be an incumbent republican running for the white house, it would be an open primary for the republicans... since a victory for republicans wouldn't be most likely (incumbents are favored to win reelection and usually do), there wouldn't be the same motivation to clear the lane for trump... you think candidates running against trump in a republican primary won't use the fact that trump couldn't even carry arizona and georgia against him....? trump is so toxic, he's toxic to republicans... even republican voters, admittedly a small slice, turned on him... that's devastating... and he's still doubling down on the very thing that turned them off.... he's learned NO lessons at all.... yes, he excites HIS base, but turns everyone else off, including enough republican voters... opponents would feast off that alone... never mind the fact that trump has never been over 50% approval rating....

look, trump is currently going to war with the republican governors of arizona and georgia.... his allies are actually encouraging republican voters not to vote in the georgia runoff races... trump is disqualified most definitely... he would get eaten alive in the republican 2024 primary.... no way he'd get enough (key word: enough) votes to win... he's damaged goods....

p.s.: i can agree that arizona and georgia are purple states, but i'd argue a large reason why is trump... if he didn't create the shift, he most definitely accelerated it.....

Uncle Phil 36

All Star
Feb 24, 2014
it has been understood by political parties for a while that if they allow a sitting president to be primaried by their party, they stand a large likelihood of losing reelection... this is why clinton, bush, obama, and trump were not primaried by their party during their reelection runs.... third parties are also excluded from the debates for the same reason.... trump neither faced a primary from his party nor a serious third party challenger from the right... had trump made a couple of MINOR tweaks to his reelection run, he'd have won arizona and georgia EASILY...... trump is not making any changes at all because he's far, far, far too stubborn to admit he ever does anything wrong...

however, 2024 wouldn't be an incumbent republican running for the white house, it would be an open primary for the republicans... since a victory for republicans wouldn't be most likely (incumbents are favored to win reelection and usually do), there wouldn't be the same motivation to clear the lane for trump... you think candidates running against trump in a republican primary won't use the fact that trump couldn't even carry arizona and georgia against him....? trump is so toxic, he's toxic to republicans... even republican voters, admittedly a small slice, turned on him... that's devastating... and he's still doubling down on the very thing that turned them off.... he's learned NO lessons at all.... yes, he excites HIS base, but turns everyone else off, including enough republican voters... opponents would feast off that alone... never mind the fact that trump has never been over 50% approval rating....

look, trump is currently going to war with the republican governors of arizona and georgia.... his allies are actually encouraging republican voters not to vote in the georgia runoff races... trump is disqualified most definitely... he would get eaten alive in the republican 2024 primary.... no way he'd get enough (key word: enough) votes to win... he's damaged goods....

p.s.: i can agree that arizona and georgia are purple states, but i'd argue a large reason why is trump... if he didn't create the shift, he most definitely accelerated it.....

I see what you're saying but I can't agree that there is anyone out there that could knock him off in a primary.

Even the preliminary polling for 2024 with him included shows him as a favorite

People who would run in 2024 are already kneeling to him right now (Hawley, Scott...)