Who remembers that thread Winb83 made on SOHH talkin bout he don't need women anymore


The Sensational Prince
May 10, 2012
The Palace of Eternal Sun
I make post talking about I don't need them here now today. Name me one benefit outside of sex which I don't really care about to having a woman around.

This ain't even no gay shyt cause I'm not running around fukking dudes. I'm not fukking anybody and don't want to or care to. if sex is removed from the equation men wouldn't even deal with women. since i don't care about sex i haven't found reasons to be bothered with them outside of work.

How is your relationship with your mother? What about other women in your family?


I Am A God
May 1, 2012
&#9608; W.D.Y.D. &#9608;;3342362 said:
Nah I look at this and see a guy who didn't have much success and gave up. And now is inventing justifications about why, and trying to act like he's above it all.

Dude's saying he doesn't want to have sex cause of he doesn't want to deal with child support, paying your wife after divorce or STDs. What would you say to someone who told you they never want to drive because there's a possibility they may die in a car accident, kill someone else, or wreck and end up having to go to jail pay or out a lot of $$? Risks are a necessary part of life IMO. And there's ways to lessen the risks of things like STDs that aren't extreme solutions like abstinence.

You'd be hard pressed to find many people who are in a position where they have women available to them, but refuse to act on it at all, on any level. The ones that do (only example that came to mind was Tebow and even he dates) are super rare. Is it because winb has some super strong willpower/mentality that none of the rest of us can comprehend? Or is it just a guy who doesn't believe he can get women looking for a way to justify that?

I'm not saying any of this to be rude, I'm genuinely curious.

I don't see that at all. From the post I've read from him, he has too much knowledge of "the game" and the way women operate. Doesn't seem like some nut who couldn't pull a chick. He's just not wired in same manner as the average person who's afraid to stand alone. It's clear he truly understands himself and what he wants out of life. It's assumed in our society that everyone should enter a monogamous relationship, get married and have kids even if it's not for them.....and trust me, those things are not for everyone, people are just not willing to step outside of that box.

As much as people find it crazy, This quote below is one of the realest things I've ever read. As a man tho, it is very hard to not chase to p*ssy tho, I always want p*ssy.......It's very difficult to go without and I've put myself in so many risky situations trying to get it.

I wonder how busy he keeps tho? What's his job? Hobbies?......One of the overlooked things in the 40 Year Old Virgin was how busy that man kept. He literally was able to entertain himself didn't seem bored at all. Between, work, video games, online poker, cooking for himself....dude was never bored or lonely. lol On the low, the amount of things you can do when you're not chasing p*ssy all the time is crazy.

i'm uninterested in committed relationships, marriage, children, child support, and sexually transmitted diseases. all those are common side effects of sex.

of course you can't co-sign. nobody could. none of this is really shyt people think about. they look at a fine chick and wanna fukk so they go holla and 5 years later when they're divorced from her paying child support and spousal support while she lives in their house he had to move out of they look back and wonder why they even bothered.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Your right. Women for the most part are annoying, nagging pain in the asses. We all know that :laugh: but unfortunately we need them..

I use to fukk with a girl that would literally annoy the living shyt outta me. I hung around just for her big ass and monster t*ts :ohlawd:

I endured incredible amounts of frustration until I couldn't take it anymore and bounced.

But still we need them dog.

Women are our weakness..

once you get beyond t*ts and ass what's left? going shopping? watching bad girls club / basketball wives? gossiping on the phone about other people and celebrities? talking shyt about people behind their backs?

i find the kind of things women are into boring and or silly. they could probably say the same about my interest of video games, movies, tv shows, anime ect.

in terms of personal interest me and women are far apart. we have almost nothing in common. i can take sex or leave it so beyond the persuit of sex there's nothing.

i wanna sit at home all day in front of a TV / computer / game console and she wants to be out around people. its oil and water.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
&#9608; W.D.Y.D. &#9608;;3342362 said:
Nah I look at this and see a guy who didn't have much success and gave up. And now is inventing justifications about why, and trying to act like he's above it all.

Dude's saying he doesn't want to have sex cause of he doesn't want to deal with child support, paying your wife after divorce or STDs. What would you say to someone who told you they never want to drive because there's a possibility they may die in a car accident, kill someone else, or wreck and end up having to go to jail pay or out a lot of $$? Risks are a necessary part of life IMO. And there's ways to lessen the risks of things like STDs that aren't extreme solutions like abstinence.

You'd be hard pressed to find many people who are in a position where they have women available to them, but refuse to act on it at all, on any level. The ones that do (only example that came to mind was Tebow and even he dates) are super rare. Is it because winb has some super strong willpower/mentality that none of the rest of us can comprehend? Or is it just a guy who doesn't believe he can get women looking for a way to justify that?

I'm not saying any of this to be rude, I'm genuinely curious.
you need to get around to live. my job involved driving. its a risk but its nessesary.

i'm saying what's the reward for sex? why is it worth the risk? first off you can masturbate to porn and get a nut with none of the adverse effects sex comes with. you basically have sex for the "experience" and to satisfy your ego and lastly because you've been genetically wired to do it so the human race lives on.

if i meet a random chick and fukk her and birth control fails and i've not got a child's mother i can't stand and i'm paying out child support to her and forced to deal with her i'm giving up a lot and what did i get for it? cheap thrills and memories?

i'm asking you because i looked at it myself and realized sex isn't worth the risk it comes with because there's virtually no reward and on top of that people brainlessly chase it (my self included at a time) just because they're programmed to.

because women know you want sex they're constantly trying to leverage their p*ssy into favors, commitments, money, and marriage. i'm not giving up anything for p*ssy because all the p*ssy i've ever got in mt life means nothing to me now. p*ssy is like alcohol you but it consume it and its gone and you have nothing to show for it but you lost to get it.

Joe Sixpack

Build and Destroy
May 11, 2012
Rotten Apple
once you get beyond t*ts and ass what's left? going shopping? watching bad girls club / basketball wives? gossiping on the phone about other people and celebrities? talking shyt about people behind their backs?

i find the kind of things women are into boring and or silly. they could probably say the same about my interest of video games, movies, tv shows, anime ect.

in terms of personal interest me and women are far apart. we have almost nothing in common. i can take sex or leave it so beyond the persuit of sex there's nothing.

i wanna sit at home all day in front of a TV / computer / game console and she wants to be out around people. its oil and water.

This cant be.

You sound like you are unwilling to compromise at all.


I Am A God
May 1, 2012
once you get beyond t*ts and ass what's left? going shopping? watching bad girls club / basketball wives? gossiping on the phone about other people and celebrities? talking shyt about people behind their backs?

i find the kind of things women are into boring and or silly. they could probably say the same about my interest of video games, movies, tv shows, anime ect.

in terms of personal interest me and women are far apart. we have almost nothing in common. i can take sex or leave it so beyond the persuit of sex there's nothing.

i wanna sit at home all day in front of a TV / computer / game console and she wants to be out around people. its oil and water.

I think you're generalizing a bit...I think there are plenty of women who have similar interest. We're on a music forum....there are women you can connect with musically. There's women who like sports, videogames, art, movies....you just have to find one who's the right fit for you......you might be different in some ways but learning each other's interest can enrich your life and also it's nice to have your own separate interest so you're not up under her all the time.

This cant be.

You sound like you are unwilling to compromise at all.

The fact that he's unwilling to compromise says a lot about the fact that he knows himself well and doesn't want to fit into the box of what society says he should be. There's a lot of miserable married people because of that. lol Let dude be happy living his life the way he wants to live it.


All Star
May 6, 2012
i wanna sit at home all day in front of a TV / computer / game console and she wants to be out around people. its oil and water.

there are girls out there that like to do the same shyt as you :manny: not many, but they exist
May 8, 2012
The Ghetto of Oz
The only thing I miss about Sohh are. The aliases

Victorian Thug. Cam Ron..

And classic threads like the .."I had a dream about Nas"
Or the "my stepmom caught me humping the floor"

Type of stuff that had me :deadmanny: in random places cause I'm laughing so hard


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
there are girls out there that like to do the same shyt as you :manny: not many, but they exist

so i'm going to go look for the needle in the haystack. why? what's the point of it?

i'm incredibly anti-social most people talk to me through the internet or through text messages. i don't even like to talk on the phone. i pretty much stopped dealing with everyone i was friends with because i don't like to leave the house and outside my parents i haven't told anyone where i live. my own parents have never been to my apartment nor do they even know my address.

the older i've gotten the more socially reclusive i've become. i live 10 minutes from my parents and go to see them once or twice a month and outside of them i have no real relationship with anyone on either side of my family and have seen none of them in several years.

physically being around people makes me uneasy and uncomfortable. i'm not a people person. facebook, twitter, text messages, internet forums that's about as social as i get.

i'm not a prisoner of my lifestyle its my preference. i don't sit at home wishing i was out doing the things yall do because if i lived your life i'd hate it probably as much as you'd hate mine.


Simp City
Jun 8, 2012
You're making it worse sitting up here defending your sexual "choice" b. :snoop: Don't worry, with the way things are going with these androids pretty soon everyman gon cop himself a sex robot and women will be a thing of the pass.
