Black Nate Grey
The God Emperor of Mankind
You do realize this will follow you for the rest of your coli 'career'? This information and maybe other information will be brought up again and again, even if you have an amicable disagreement with someone they'll pull the info up. This is, unfortunately, inevitable. Are you going to bring the law to them too?The issue is that he was trying to distribute my information via the forum. They banned him and are not liable. What he is doing is not legal online period.
I'd just ban the lot of you. Especially if the law might be involved. This situation can very easily become a slippery slope into complete disaster.

I'm not in charge though, so this opinion doesn't matter.
Note, I'm not dissuading you from dealing with Trill, if he is actually stalking you and doing other shady shyt, do what you need to do to secure your safety and privacy through the proper channels.