His military background is too problematic for me. Unless you have more things I can use on him to make the republican smear campaign easier.
His military background is too problematic for me. Unless you have more things I can use on him to make the republican smear campaign easier.
Why folks keep avoiding this obvious debacle for him blows my mind
A lot can happen in 2-4 years. If he can demonstrate California's ability to resist the worst of the Trump Administration, and also make California better (reduce crime, homelessness, cost of living) then he'll have an excellent resume hearing into the primaries and disqualify Kamala's bum ass from even thinking of running for governor
He has
- high taxes
- residents leaving
- high costs of living
- companies leaving
And the state is the shyt too. It's beautiful and world-class cities and shyts on 90% of places in America.
The image of him is baked in man.
I like his message but I don’t think he has the “look” to be taken serious as a Presidential candidate.Chris Murphy is someone that I've had my eye on for a while now as a potential Presidential candidate. Really knowledgeable about foreign policy, thoughtful, etc.
For the posters that are further on the left, I would guess Murphy is a bit much of a centrist/too establishment for you to support his full platform. But I'm curious about your thoughts on how he speaks about the adoption of neo-liberalism by Democrats and says that the changes implemented under the Biden Administration were positive but not fundamental/structural. What do you think specifically of his economic message?
The interview I'm referencing is at the end of the latest "Pod Save the World" Episode (linked below)
@wire28 @Pressure @Outlaw @King Kreole @mastermind @Bleed The Freak
Pod Save the World- Chris Murphy Interview
Oh and he is separating from his wife of 20 years so he's not running for president in 4 years
His military background is too problematic for me. Unless you have more things I can use on him to make the republican smear campaign easier.
Let's see how he handles this stuff
I don't think a woman should be on the ticket next time at this point
For congress, Hakeem needs Pelosi to retire.
JB would make sense but he wouldn’t have a cult that would be able to excuse his obesity like the orange felon. 2028 would be full of excuses back to we need to see his medical records could he make it 4 years full of stress etcI like Beshear on paper. But, after seeing some of his media hits. He's going to need to polish up for a national run. I really would prefer him to take the Turtles seat. Getting a Dem to hold a Senate seat in a red state that isn't fence straddler like Manchin is going to be clutch in the future.
I'm leaning towards Pritzker. Middle of the country, fiery guy. Talks the shyt and backs it up. Independently wealthy, seemingly a solid Governor. I think he checks all the needed boxes. Pair him with a Newsom or Wes Moore and it's a fairly strong top of the ticket. But, Newsom will never want to be a VP.
Feel like Whitmer is stuck as a VP or some kind of party head as a future. Country clearly ain't voting a woman in the top spot. Pete's probably also ceiling out as a VP/Senator. If not in a cabinet seat again.
Let's see how he handles this stuff