Who is the fifth most popular individual comic superhero of all time?

Disgustya Stallone

Man Who Owns 2 Microwaves
Nov 27, 2012
It says "Reppin: Rotterdam" underneath my avi, lol.
not sure what the hell that is nor do i care

thanks for telling me you're some eurof*ag, your opinions on anything are now 100% irrelevant

lol @ thinking what you say matters

Mr. Negative

Conspiracy Weirdo
Aug 10, 2012
A Mississippi Cotton Field
I look at character popularity like this.

It even works when talking "All Time GOAT Popularity" listing.

Pick a decade from the 60's up.

Now imagine walking up to at least random 100 people from all over and showing them a picture of a character.

1. How much can they tell you about the character? Like Superman. damn near any person from any decade will tell it's Superman, his name is Clark Kent (a lot of people won't know Kal-El), He works at The Daily Planet, he's an alien from Krypton, Lois Lane is on his nuts, Lex Luther is his enemy (and batman lolz shut he fukk up), will tell you his powers, he's powerful as shyt, Justice League, Kryptonite will kill him.

That's cause Superman is so ingrained into culture that even folks who don't read comics know this stuff. Hell, if they don't know, bet them some money. They gonna remember.

You really cant say that about a.... say.... Black Panther or Carol Danvers. Sure, folks may recognize them, but that's about it. It also means they aren't interested enough in said character to learn, instead of pop media culture forcing it on them in a fun and money making manner.

2. How much merch is this character pushing? Are kids dressing up as this cat on Halloween? Got toys and lunch boxes? Movie tie ins and TV shows? Is little R=G rocking the Magneto Was Right Underoos™?


May 3, 2012
But the thread says ALL-TIME, so we're talking about more than amongst comic book readers. Robin & Lois Lane trumps Wolverine, but the only thing against Lois is because no one will recognize her if she's not along side Superman.

That means she isn't that popular or recognizable. You could put Lois Lane up with Zatanna, Donna Troy, Linda West, Betty Brant and any 5 random other heroines and not be able to pick her out of a line up, meanwhile Wolverine can be identified with a mere sound effect. Their popularity is not even comparable.

I get what you guys are doing, you are attempting to attribute Superman's notority to Lois, but it just doesn't work. She isn't even integral to the mythos if you want to get technical. Lana Lang could easily replace her and we could have the argument with her instead of Lois. She is known in the same way Jim Gordan known as a supplement to Batman, which is not true popularity. Also keep in mind Wolverine has WAY more appearances in comics than either Robin or Lois despite them being in existence almost twice as long, there is a reason for that. :sas1:


May 3, 2012
I look at character popularity like this.

It even works when talking "All Time GOAT Popularity" listing.

Pick a decade from the 60's up.

Now imagine walking up to at least random 100 people from all over and showing them a picture of a character.

1. How much can they tell you about the character? Like Superman. damn near any person from any decade will tell it's Superman, his name is Clark Kent (a lot of people won't know Kal-El), He works at The Daily Planet, he's an alien from Krypton, Lois Lane is on his nuts, Lex Luther is his enemy (and batman lolz shut he fukk up), will tell you his powers, he's powerful as shyt, Justice League, Kryptonite will kill him.

That's cause Superman is so ingrained into culture that even folks who don't read comics know this stuff. Hell, if they don't know, bet them some money. They gonna remember.

You really cant say that about a.... say.... Black Panther or Carol Danvers. Sure, folks may recognize them, but that's about it. It also means they aren't interested enough in said character to learn, instead of pop media culture forcing it on them in a fun and money making manner.

2. How much merch is this character pushing? Are kids dressing up as this cat on Halloween? Got toys and lunch boxes? Movie tie ins and TV shows? Is little R=G rocking the Magneto Was Right Underoos™?

The difference is notoriety is based on how known you are, popularity is based on how well liked you are. Superman is just as notorious as Batman, but Batman is much more popular than Superman is.

Comparing supplemental characters like Gordan or Lois to people like the Hulk or Wolverine might work on a notoriety basis as they are given life based on the history of the characters they supplement but they are nowhere NEAR as popular as the big name characters they are being compared to. Nobody here is going to see a Lois Lane, Jim Gordan or Aunt May movie, you might go see a Wolverine, Hulk or Iron Man movie. That's the difference.
Sep 12, 2013
The difference is notoriety is based on how known you are, popularity is based on how well liked you are. Superman is just as notorious as Batman, but Batman is much more popular than Superman is.

Comparing supplemental characters like Gordan or Lois to people like the Hulk or Wolverine might work on a notoriety basis as they are given life based on the history of the characters they supplement but they are nowhere NEAR as popular as the big name characters they are being compared to. Nobody here is going to see a Lois Lane, Jim Gordan or Aunt May movie, you might go see a Wolverine, Hulk or Iron Man movie. That's the difference.
There's a Jim Gordon series on prime time network tv as we speak isn't there?


May 3, 2012
There's a Jim Gordon series on prime time network tv as we speak isn't there?

No, there is a series about GOTHAM that has not only Jim Gordan in it, but Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle and a host of recognizable people, places and events that are synonymous with Gothan City and the Batman mythos as a whole.

You gonna try and argue that the selling point of the series is Jim Gordan by himself? Then why didn't the series focus on Jim's life BEFORE he was transferred to Gotham? :sas1: Tons of literary content to explore there, wonder why it wasn't?? :sas2:

And seriously bruh, are you understanding what I'm saying about the difference between notoriety and popularity? We can spar with posts all week but let's at least try to reach an understanding if possible?