The greats usually are marks for themselves.
which is why Orton will never make this list 

The greats usually are marks for themselves.
which is why Orton will never make this list
Bret Hart took a shot at Macho Man? When?Im sorry but internet obsession in hating on HHH reeks of pure jealousy. There is no way around it. Im not a huge fan of his, and he's done things that have made me shake my head, but you guys are devoted to irrationally hating the guy.
Answer is obviously Bret. Guy wrote a book detailing how great he was, how he never made a mistake in the ring, and how everyone around him from colleagues, to bosses, to family were all selfish immature idiots who didnt deserve to breathe the same air that he did. I remember in his old calgary sun articles where he hoped that Davey boy would get hit by a car, because he signed with the WWE. Every interview he has ever done hes usually talking mad sht about somebody.
He's taken potshots at pretty much every legend in wrestling. He thought it was a national tragedy for him to lose a match, as he was leaving the company. I like bret as a man, and love him as a worker but when it comes to self-markdom he stands alone.
I was entertained by many Hitman matches. I liked his in-ring style and I even thought he was a good promo guy (not saying he was one of the best talkers ever, but his character came across as believable on the mic).
So I'm a fan of the dude. But I can't deny he's a gigantic mark for himself. I will never understand why he thought the world would end if he had to lay down for HBK in Montreal.
And this is all that needs to be said about who's really winning the poll.The thing was he originally didn't wanna lose to Shawn at all.. he said he'd drop it to anyone eelse but when Vince insisted it'd be Bret he needed Vince to compromise by not having it be in Canada which to me is fair considering Shawn disrespected the fukk out of him for years. Tried to insinuate Bret slept with Sunny. Refused to lose to Bret at Mania 13 to return the favor for the Iron Man match. I don't blame Bret for not wanting to end his illustrious WWF Carter by not only dropping the belt to someone who refused to have the courtesy to do the same, but to do it in front of fans who treated him as a patriot at the time considering it was during the US vs Canada feud.
As for Bret being a mark for himself, that's an unarguable fact. You can tell he loves talking about his career. He always goes on about being proud of never hurting anyone in the ring, and how it always looked real at the same time. But you never get an egomaniacal vibe from Bret, nor has he ever tried to hold others down and put his friends on. Plus he doesn't come across as a dikk like Punk or Hogan
I agree with what many of y'all said about bret. Imo hhh is just kinda there. How about ultimate warrior tho? That dude was bad for business even though he was my fave as a little kid.
Surprised there's not a lot of talk about Kevin Nash
The HHH thing was a straight up oversight.
Another good mention, like HHH......
TSC is obviously run by the Kliq :myspotnash:
nash don't care as long has he gets the check on the 15th and 30th. He's ONLY about the payday. Really, he should have nothing to do with this list. He games people so he and his people stay at the top of the card to get paid. Thats the only reason.