Who Afraid of The Big Bad Wolves? - The Walking Dead Season 6


Bushes Hall Of Famer
Sep 14, 2014
:dead: :dead: :dead:

USA TODAY -- A Montana family gave their neighbors quite a scare while enjoying a favorite TV show Sunday evening.

A 911 call came in at 7:28 p.m. from a Great Falls neighbor who heard “screaming from a house about someone having a gun,” according to Great Falls Police Department notes from the call. A second caller helped the seven responding officers locate the house.

Great Falls Police Department Sgt. Brian McGraw said the officers surrounded the residence, responding to a disturbance possibly involving a gun.

“We had a whole bunch of guys on that one,” he said.

The call notes say the officers heard “loud talking” from inside the home and observed “flashing lights.”

According to the notes, the officers saw two adults and several children, ages unknown, watching “a show about firearms” with two windows close to the TV opened. Everyone appeared to be OK.

McGraw said he later found out the show was the midseason premiere of AMC’s The Walking Dead, an hour-long drama chronicling life during the zombie apocalypse.

Based on the outcome, no report is required for the call. The call notes do not include what the family had to say about the police response.

Verbal Kint

May 13, 2015
TC, Ap
i call bullshyt
all you have to do is stay consistent with the rules youve set in place

the only thing consistent about this show is that its inconsistent

That's real regarding the zombie rules but even that isn't all that much of a sure thing. Lets be real here: The walking dead zombies shouldn't be much of a problem at all other than the fact that there's a lot of them. The rules say they're slow, dumb, and are only attracted to sound and light. Shouldn't be all that hard to keep them away. For instance we know radio's work. Why not set up radios or even walkie talkies periodically in a diameter around the town and make zombie trap ditches and periodically have them make some sort of noise. You distract all zombies that wander nearby. Stuff like that isn't all that difficult to think up but they don't do it. How about clearing out some trees or just making a moat around the perimeter?


Jun 10, 2012


:jbhmm:Can human teeth/jaws bite through a skull? I have no idea how these Zombies are supposed to work. They're dead but technically they're still alive since they're conscious and moving. Since they eat flesh there must be a need to acquire sustenance but since meals are scarce where are they getting energy from? Unless they've evolved to run on photosynthesis they shouldn't be able to operate. They walk/stand on their feet all day in hot ass 90° summer heat but they don't drop from exhaustion and bodily decay:martin:. Flies aren't swarming their carcasses:dahell:. There was an episode in season 1 where Rick passed through a street and walkers were sitting on a bus and in cars seemingly resting. They never explored that further.

The episode was dumb but entertaining which is all this show is anyway. Darryl bodying dude in silence even though he sustained a gash on his back:heh:. The writers aren't even trying at this point.

Why didn't Rick lead them into another house instead of hanging out in the middle of a walker horde? He did a shyt job protecting everyone.

How did fukk boy still have a gun when he already tried Carl? Why pull it on Carl in the middle of a horde? You pop him you get eaten. If you want to die use the gun and commit that and die painlessly. Instead he gets a katana through the chest and eaten:damn:

Notorious 1 E.Y.E.

Nov 12, 2012
the low end. southside chi
That's real regarding the zombie rules but even that isn't all that much of a sure thing. Lets be real here: The walking dead zombies shouldn't be much of a problem at all other than the fact that there's a lot of them. The rules say they're slow, dumb, and are only attracted to sound and light. Shouldn't be all that hard to keep them away. For instance we know radio's work. Why not set up radios or even walkie talkies periodically in a diameter around the town and make zombie trap ditches and periodically have them make some sort of noise. You distract all zombies that wander nearby. Stuff like that isn't all that difficult to think up but they don't do it. How about clearing out some trees or just making a moat around the perimeter?
Walkers aren't the real problem or threats. The threats are other people.
They shown is supposed to be about making it in the world

Walkers are supposed to be nothing but an inconvenience


May 7, 2012
Walkers aren't the real problem or threats. The threats are other people.
They shown is supposed to be about making it in the world

Walkers are supposed to be nothing but an inconvenience
Exactly . The walking dead are the survivors that's always been kirkmans thing . I've said before alot of the complaints that people have are somewhat from the comics . They don't keep covering themselves in gore in the comics ( granted Kirkman said that's not safe several times but people keep ignoring this ) they don't just go get every weapon and body armor etc , they don't go around systematically killing all the zombies etc..


May 1, 2012
Hate watcher review:
- Son you got 8 cats with you strapped and you only sent one nikka with a pistol to the back with this dude?

really nikka? :mjlol:

- Daryl learned ninjaful moves now? You disarming and murking nikkas in silence now? :stopitslime:
- Daryl somehow arms and aims a rocket launcher with nobody noticing even though the 8 cats on bikes are wide enough on the road to easily see anyone on the side of the tanker:stopitslime::stopitslime:

- Why come Rick and them can have a whole conversation with nothing happening to them but the kid whispers a bit and all the walkers jump him :yeshrug:
- What mother lets her son walk behind her in that situation? Why didn't they pull the kid with them? Somehow it went from broad daylight to night on their walker stroll so it ain't like they were in a rush? Why they couldn't just stuff a cloth in his mouth and keep it moving?:what:
- How did Carol bucking shots not get all the walkers to attack the house they were in?
- Why did everybody get their courage at the same time?:yeshrug:
- Why did everyone decide to jump on board with Rick's suicide mission when nikkas got chastised for doing the same thing last season?:jbhmm:



Sep 5, 2015

:jbhmm:Can human teeth/jaws bite through a skull? I have no idea how these Zombies are supposed to work. They're dead but technically they're still alive since they're conscious and moving. Since they eat flesh there must be a need to acquire sustenance but since meals are scarce where are they getting energy from? Unless they've evolved to run on photosynthesis they shouldn't be able to operate. They walk/stand on their feet all day in hot ass 90° summer heat but they don't drop from exhaustion and bodily decay:martin:. Flies aren't swarming their carcasses:dahell:. There was an episode in season 1 where Rick passed through a street and walkers were sitting on a bus and in cars seemingly resting. They never explored that further.

The episode was dumb but entertaining which is all this show is anyway. Darryl bodying dude in silence even though he sustained a gash on his back:heh:. The writers aren't even trying at this point.

Why didn't Rick lead them into another house instead of hanging out in the middle of a walker horde? He did a shyt job protecting everyone.

How did fukk boy still have a gun when he already tried Carl? Why pull it on Carl in the middle of a horde? You pop him you get eaten. If you want to die use the gun and commit that and die painlessly. Instead he gets a katana through the chest and eaten:damn:

youre meant to suspend disbelief and just enjoy the muthafukking show bruh


Oct 9, 2015
Avengers compound

:jbhmm:Can human teeth/jaws bite through a skull? I have no idea how these Zombies are supposed to work. They're dead but technically they're still alive since they're conscious and moving. Since they eat flesh there must be a need to acquire sustenance but since meals are scarce where are they getting energy from? Unless they've evolved to run on photosynthesis they shouldn't be able to operate. They walk/stand on their feet all day in hot ass 90° summer heat but they don't drop from exhaustion and bodily decay:martin:. Flies aren't swarming their carcasses:dahell:. There was an episode in season 1 where Rick passed through a street and walkers were sitting on a bus and in cars seemingly resting. They never explored that further.

The episode was dumb but entertaining which is all this show is anyway. Darryl bodying dude in silence even though he sustained a gash on his back:heh:. The writers aren't even trying at this point.

Why didn't Rick lead them into another house instead of hanging out in the middle of a walker horde? He did a shyt job protecting everyone.

How did fukk boy still have a gun when he already tried Carl? Why pull it on Carl in the middle of a horde? You pop him you get eaten. If you want to die use the gun and commit that and die painlessly. Instead he gets a katana through the chest and eaten:damn:

The human teeth can tear flesh but they don't feel any pain while biting so their able to clamo down harder. Skull probably not but once again their eating the flesh:huhldup: