I am not opposed to the idea of Glenn being killed off but I do have issues with the way they went about (seemingly) killing the character. It was one of the most inconsequential deaths to befall a main cast member since the start of the show.
The guy who wrote the note to his wife on the roll of toilet paper had a better death than Glenn.
The chick with the bum ankle had a better death than Glenn.
Glenn's death was on the level of the guy who was whining about Rick and the idiot with the stupid hat.
And if the show does what some of the fans are hoping and have Glenn miraculously survive by hiding under Nicholas' body then TWD will have jumped a zombie shark.
I am also getting tired of Rick's crew having to give the same damn speech to all of these Alexandrians about how not ready these soft ass people are for the zombie apocalypse. Dr. Dre was especially getting on my nerves spending the entire episode with constant bytch face.
Morgan is a certified waste of space now...he is directly responsible for Rick almost getting killed and for Rick now being surrounded by that herd of zombies. All because he has become this zen p*ssy who doesn't want to kill even the worst murderers but has no issue letting those same murderers walk away armed with a loaded gun.
I hope when Rick finds out he shoots Morgan in the face.
And I really am not pleased that the previews for the next episode show its going to be a Morgan-centric one. I hate this new version of Morgan and really am not interested in seeing what brought him to this shytty point.
Thats only if you see it literally as in the zombies killed Glenn.
In alot of ways Glenn's forgiveness and belief of others killed him.
He continually put his faith in that same dude Nicholas time and time again, despite being let down over and over. His last couple actions are letting Nick go on the mission, then when they get to the feed store which isnt there anymore he asks Nick which way, then Nick leads them into a dead end where they die.
Thats like LeBron or Kobe not taking the last shot of the game. If its just Glenn and Nick, then Glenn should be making the calls. But he kept repeatedly putting his life in Nick's hands and it got him killed.
I might not have recognized that as a theme, except Maggie made a huge deal out of explaining to Tara that Nick left her but it was Glenn's choice to forgive him, then when Nick tried to kill Glenn in the woods it was his decision to forgive him again... so I look at his ultimate death as being a result of the conflict between Glenn's way and Rick's (which keeps Rick alive).
Like, Rick says at the beginning to Chonne and Glenn basically you have to leave ppl to survive.
Throughout the ep Michonne's squad leaves the limping chick at the store when she falls, then they leave dude that got bit at the gate... meanwhile Glenn sticks by Nick and well... we see how that worked out. So there is definitely a deeper meaning to it all.
Or maybe its not that deep.
Maybe Glenn died by a dumpster cause he was