i peeped thatSaid the Nigerian.....
Implying this woman has anything to do with it...wtf wit you negrosWhen are they gonna discipline the cops who kill innocent black people
There's nothing thuggish about protesting for black rights, foreigner. The mother does cac's work for them and that is why they praise her.
Implying this woman has anything to do with it...wtf wit you negros
It feeds into the idea that all black kids have lazy parents that let them run the streets and don't discipline them.So now it's acceptable for black parents to beat their kids on public video. Interesting how that works.
Enter at your own risk...........![]()
That wasn't protesting, that was destroying your own neighborhood, dummy! Destroying a neighborhood that wasn't even rebuilt from the 1968 riots no less. Again, where were all the BM to rebuild it instead of sitting on their hands and complaining when nonblack males come in and capitalize off of his people?
single mother of 6
no wonder she can't handle her fukkin kids without hittin em......ON LIVE TELEVISION HAVE YOU
Oooh ok. It's my insecurity as a black man that I projected on this mother and SHE has to step up and lead since black men are no good and not leaders. Got ya.
So was it everybody's insecurities who condemned Adrian Peterson for spanking his child? Was he paraded as a dad of the year for discplining his child? According to your logic kids need some licks, right?
My question is who raised these no good black men the last 50 years in the first place since black men aren't leaders and not around?
Let's look at this great leader of a woman mentioned in this thread shall we?
Single mother of not 1....not...2....not...3..not 4...not 5...but 6!
Did you see a ring on her finger? Nope. This is cause to believe she is just as irresponsible as the no good black fathers you shame. If someone has six children and none of the men stuck around....who's the common denominator?
She also assaulted her son on national television. Yes, actually punching and slapping her child. Good parenting, huh? Ok. If you don't want your son to take part in that kind of activity, cool, no problem with that at all. But good parenting would've been to explain to this young man why she was upset with him and take him home. But no, that wouldn't be good enough. She decided to make a fool out of her own son and herself in front of everybody and live up to every black woman stereotype in front of the cameras. Now she's basking in her 15 minutes of fame (go check out her facebook).
So we have an irresponsible person using violence to stop her child from using violence. What an excellent leader!
And these people are destroying their own community huh? How many black owed businesses were destroyed out there? Do blacks own CVS and the majority of other businesses?
Blacks destroyed their own neighborhoods in the 1967 riots, and reaped Civil Rights. The Haitians destroyed their plantations and economy, and reaped freedom. The Americans destroyed their own economy, and reaped independence. All riots and all worth it. When are foreigner females like yourself going understand history and to shut up about black men? News flash: Non-black males make up 92% of the American population. They control the country.
I didn't agree with the way Adrian Peterson was treated for the was he disciplined his child and that is not who we are talking about anyway.
The question should be WHO created these conditions for single motherhood and out of control youth. Black men fought tooth and nail for integration only to abandon their communities once they achieved it. The Black men that stayed behind created and glorified a thug and drug culture that influenced the youth as well as damaged the minds and souls of millions of Blacks. I know, I know, you're going to say the CIA put drugs in our neighborhoods, but it was BLACK MEN who turned around and sold those drugs to their fellow Blacks and turned them into junkies.
I've said ad nauseam that no matter where in the world Black men are, Black people are suffering from high rates of poverty and dysfunction, why is that? We could have had a utopia in Liberia, but again, Black men destroyed that so now we don't even have that.
Those may not have been all Black businesses, but Black men have no one but themselves to blame for allowing nonblacks to come into their communities and countries and economically dominating them.