White people made extraordinary wealth and wage gains under Barack Obama...But Black folk lost wealth under Obama

Seoul Gleou

Feb 11, 2017
think critically about what you're posting

when obama took office he inherited a global recession on the brink of depression. through quantitative easing and subsequent relaxation of rates, borrowing became historically cheap. black people, not historically having access to lending, did not partake. as a result, they did not get assets that improve wealth like homes. that wasn't obama's fault, that is a systemic, american issue.

he wasn't the emperor of black people he wasn't the king of america. the guy did the best he could with what he had in just 8 years and still gets shyt from mouth breathing retards that havent achieved object permanence yet
Jan 24, 2016
so tell me, what problem did the settlement solve as it pertains to Black wealth?

if it's not a big deal to you that they got the 2nd largest housing discrimination settlement, why were you dikkeating the poster that brought it up as a a factor in the wealth disparity ? :what: nevermind the fact that dude got your dikk hard by lying saying obama did nothing about it and i proved that wrong with actual facts lol. then the go to goal post move "that's breadcrumbs"... if he just approved legislation (legislation meaning something CONGRESS had to do) you would call it symbolic. but here you are shytting on a 9-10 figure monetary resolution by a department he actually had more control over. there is no winning with you idiots that don't know politics very well :russell:

North of Death

All Star
Mar 10, 2017
think critically about what you're posting

when obama took office he inherited a global recession on the brink of depression. through quantitative easing and subsequent relaxation of rates, borrowing became historically cheap. black people, not historically having access to lending, did not partake. as a result, they did not get assets that improve wealth like homes. that wasn't obama's fault, that is a systemic, american issue.

he wasn't the emperor of black people he wasn't the king of america. the guy did the best he could with what he had in just 8 years and still gets shyt from mouth breathing retards that havent achieved object permanence yet
Lets discuss this for a second...As @that guy said, Obama did not put forth any policy proposals both as a senator nor as President to address this crisis in general much less specifically of African Americans...sure the justice department filed law suits against the culprits...However, what was needed from Obama and the democrats in congress was bill proposals that addressed African Americans losing their homes due to the subprime mortgage crises...We needed the specific reprieve to keep folk in their homes...We didnt get it..and now we have what we hav now which is the loss wealth of the African American community every year due in part to folks losing property and/or not being able to afford to buy property in this market, thus locking them into renters purgatory

North of Death

All Star
Mar 10, 2017
Racist cacs favorite go to from 2008 to 2016:
"I voted for Obama twice"
And looking at what's been presented in this thread, I can see exactly why.
And I once said that he did more for everyone else EXCEPT black people.
Yes indeed, thats why I always said it aint a flex for a cracker to boast about voting for Obama...they benefited the most for having him in office

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
Lets discuss this for a second...As @that guy said, Obama did not put forth any policy proposals both as a senator nor as President to address this crisis in general much less specifically of African Americans...sure the justice department filed law suits against the culprits...However, what was needed from Obama and the democrats in congress was bill proposals that addressed African Americans losing their homes due to the subprime mortgage crises...We needed the specific reprieve to keep folk in their homes...We didnt get it..and now we have what we hav now which is the loss wealth of the African American community every year due in part to folks losing property and/or not being able to afford to buy property in this market, thus locking them into renters purgatory
I would even bother. Obama has achieved a Jesus like status in the black community despite never actually doing anything whatsoever for black people. Remember, the posters you’re replying to were the same people putting Obama on t shirts with real heroes that fought and died fighting white supremacy and racism like MLK and Malcolm X before he even got elected. No amount of data or statistics will convince them otherwise.


May 25, 2022
By the chart Black Americans have never done well and are never going to do well in the US because of white obstruction.

Also Black people deliberately gave up their own businesses in the 1950's and 60's so they could put themselves at the mercy of cac employers who didn't want to hire them to begin with in the name of integration.

Which automatically reduced their wages and ability to build wealth.

So what policies could he have put into place to help Black Americans who purposely destroyed their own economy just so they could be near cacs?

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
if it's not a big deal to you that they got the 2nd largest housing discrimination settlement, why were you dikkeating the poster that brought it up as a a factor in the wealth disparity ? :what: nevermind the fact that dude got your dikk hard by lying saying obama did nothing about it and i proved that wrong with actual facts lol. then the go to goal post move "that's breadcrumbs"... if he just approved legislation (legislation meaning something CONGRESS had to do) you would call it symbolic. but here you are shytting on a 9-10 figure monetary resolution by a department he actually had more control over. there is no winning with you idiots that don't know politics very well :russell:
You don’t know politics well. Wells Fargo got sued for $175 million for predatory lending when in a single QUARTER they made $2.9 billion. Let that sink in. In one quarter.

It was the second largest discriminatory housing settlement only because it was one of the most profitable. The more money the banks make the larger the settlement.

If you think Obama had anything to do with the lawsuit of the fair lending division of the DOJ just doing their fukking job then you’re a book licking fool

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
By the chart Black Americans have never done well and are never going to do well in the US because of white obstruction.

Also Black people deliberately gave up their own businesses in the 1950's and 60's so they could put themselves at the mercy of cac employers who didn't want to hire them to begin with in the name of integration.

Which automatically reduced their wages and ability to build wealth.

So what policies could he have put into place to help Black Americans who purposely destroyed their own economy just so they could be near cacs?
The real question is why in the hell are you talking about the 1960s when the thread is specifically about the post recession of 2008 recovery?

The question that has already been answered is why did black wealth fall under Obama while whites became wealthier.
Jan 24, 2016
oh and a simple google would return search results of several legislations that went into effect to help homeowners under foreclosures during the housing crisis and several other discrimination lawsuits won by the obama justice department on behalf of minorites as a result of the housing crisis. but i'll let yall figure that out since you bytches don't like copy and pasted facts :umad:

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
think critically about what you're posting

when obama took office he inherited a global recession on the brink of depression. through quantitative easing and subsequent relaxation of rates, borrowing became historically cheap. black people, not historically having access to lending, did not partake. as a result, they did not get assets that improve wealth like homes. that wasn't obama's fault, that is a systemic, american issue.

he wasn't the emperor of black people he wasn't the king of america. the guy did the best he could with what he had in just 8 years and still gets shyt from mouth breathing retards that havent achieved object permanence yet
You realize these are the same deflections and excuses since 2012? “Obama didn’t create racism” “he did the best that he could”

You even resort to name calling people to defend a man that doesn’t even know you exist. It’s crazy how a politician can achieve such deity status all because he has brown skin

If Obama had the same track record as president but was a white man would you defend him so vehemently? If I showed you those same graphs under trumps presidency would you be here saying “trump didn’t create racism!”

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
oh and a simple google would return search results of several legislations that went into effect to help homeowners under foreclosures during the housing crisis and several other discrimination lawsuits won by the obama justice department on behalf of minorites as a result of the housing crisis. but i'll let yall figure that out since you bytches don't like copy and pasted facts :umad:
What legislation was put into place to reverse the damage to black homeowners credit after they defaulted on their mortgage? Or filed bankruptcy?

What legislation was put into place to help elderly black people find housing when they lost their forever home because they switched from a 30 year fixed to a subprime loan?

You copy and paste all of these articles about “fines” but the data doesn’t lie. If the legislation worked then black you would see a recovery of wealth in the data. They specifically targeted black people but then the legislation put into place is to help “minorities”

Do you know what a minority is?
Jan 24, 2016
You copy and paste all of these articles about “fines” but the data doesn’t lie. If the legislation worked then black you would see a recovery of wealth in the data. They specifically targeted black people but then the legislation put into place is to help “minorities”

Do you know what a minority is?

first you lied saying they didn't do the legislation and now you moved to legislation didn't work. and they also targeted other minorities which is why i stated that.... because it's a fact smart guy.
now, foh, go cry in someone else's mentions, im sure OP will dap you up for it lol