God Emperor of SOHH
So does public policy not effect the people at all?
yeah it does, did i say it doesnt?
So does public policy not effect the people at all?
yeah it does, did i say it doesnt?
yeah i definitely believe in tearing down public housing and section 8
public housing is literally one of the worst ideas that came out of marxist ideology and the Great society, it doesnt do it directly but in a roundabout way it violates the individual and economic rights of the residents and it separates them from the economic system that is built on property ownership, public housing is very unamerican and all public housing should be torn down or time limited
section 8 is ok, but it also should be time limited, it really represents a transfer of government money to the people who own property and it doesnt encourage people who are in section 8 to ownership
and black parents should have the option of sending their kids to charter schools, public schools or access to vouchers
overall we have to focus on education and also expanding our economic and individual liberties
So if you "care" about black people, and public policy CAN'T change culture, then why don't you "care" who black people vote for?
Public housing came out of the Great Society?
i dont care who black people vote for, the only thing i am concerned about is the intellectual stagnation that i see occurring, i think the notion that black people are doomed if we dont vote democrat are laughable and silly
ive said a million times black people shoud vote for whoever they want to vote for, its all good
and i thank you sharing your views and i thank dr carson for sharing his views
nah it came out of marxist and leftist ideology but it was one of the pillars of the great society and most projects came out of the great society
but either way its an absolutely horrible idea, its unamerican for the government to own your house
pure nonsense as I thought. Well carry on then
Most projects were built before the Great Society initiatives. What are you talking about? Public housing started in the late 30's and went on all through the the Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy administrations.
Most projects were built before the Great Society initiatives. What are you talking about? Public housing started in the late 30's and went on all through the the Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy administrations.
apparently im having a slight memory lapse, why dont you do me a favor and link me to where i said that
i could have sworn i just made a speech about intellectual freedom and voting for whoever the fuk you want to vote for
almost all majority black cities are run by black liberals and almost all black cities are economic disaster zones, so liberal ideologies isnt really anything black people should be championing either
ok, sure, that doesnt change anything, its still a horrible idea
The implication in the context of a thread about a black conservative being that if blacks didn't vote liberal black neighborhoods wouldnt be economic disaster zones
But I am sure you will go into a verbal diarrhea spasm making all types of tenuous logical leaps to claim you meant otherwise
And then close it with a cowardly "people can do whatever the fukk they want to do"
If you dont care what people do then shut the fukk up
i was just saying if republican ideas are bad, liberal ideas are just as bad
I was just correcting your factual flaw.
Question though, why were so many white people able to use projects as the temporary transitional housing they were designed to be, while so many black people have been disproportionately stuck there?