And where are these rich thriving black conservatives? You mean to tell me Ben Carson is where he is for no other reason than voting Republican? Or that he didn't benefit at all from liberal policy
im not sure what this means, im not a black conservative and there are no majority black cities that are lead by a black conservatives
ben carson is where he is becuase of education, and lets clarify what my ideology/theory/position is, its that education is the root cause of black poverty and that to solve the economic problems you have to deal with the culture of education in the black community, obviously my views are closer to conservatives but im not a black conservative and my position is why i make a big deal about hip hop culture and the knowledge element, because i think addressing culture is key
Liberal policy in those cities also consists of racially favorable govt hiring standards, more lenient higher education admission & financial aid requirements, and other pretty significant favorable policies. And you keep harping on the effectiveness of the liberal fiscal plan... what is the GOP's plan? Where/when have they ever implemented it in the real world????
but that is what i just said, liberal economic policies consists of social justice and affirmative action programs, and that is what liberals both black and white consider economic policy for black people, and if you look at liberal cities and black cities that adhere to liberal policies the state of black people is caca, so therefore im suggesting that black people need to look at other policies other than just social justice and affirmative action programs
i dont know what the GOP plan is, but what i think the plan should be is addressing black culture and the anti academic aspect that runs through it, so i support any policy that addresses culture, whether its the democratic, GOP or KRS-One
Well you can breathe easy as nobody claimed the result of black people voting right would be an economic disaster in the first place

this is a mind boggling statement, people are writing essays about how great liberal policies are and that liberalism is the way to go and if we follow GOP policies we are doomed, are you not reading what is being posted?
do you read the posts or do you just skim through them?
All people are saying is its not unreasonable to see why black people would vote for a party for whom the demonizing of black people is central element. But again for you "exercising intellectual freedom" is more important than acting in one's own interests. "People can do whatever they want though"
again i think you are confused, i made a post thanking meachthemonster and dr carson for sharing their opinion and I said God Bless America, thats all i said and then you jumped in
i think its perfectly reasonable for black people to not vote for the GOP and vote democratic, and i think its perfectly reasonable that black people that dont agree with liberal policies to vote for the GOP
i dont have beef with anybody, i dont know why people have beef with me just because im advocating an open intellectual environment where people respect each other and for advocating the intellectual development of the hip hop nation and the knowledge element of hip hop and and pushing for the upliftment of black culture, apparently those are bad things to some people