almost all majority black cities are run by black liberals and almost all black cities are economic disaster zones, so liberal ideologies isnt really anything black people should be championing either
first you need to acknowledge that city leadership or even state leadership cannot control macro-economic policies or even local business decisions. they're in office to do the best they can with the budgets that are provided to them. this usually entails city business, not economic enrichment for constituencies. it's misplaced to blame any local politician for the economic success of a minority group imo. but it sounds good for the right to place blame where convenient. i see you didn't mention tx, bama, louisiana, etc....
I prefer enemies over fake friends.
Both sides have faulted to be sure, but liberals do it with a smile and a "We're lookin out for you" type of attitude.
Plus, the right is better fiscally
"fake friends" is rather conspicuous when you compare the actions of the dems vs the gop. i definitely agree with 'know thy enemy', but i refuse to support their cause. again, i agree the dems some times default to appeasement as a means of solidifying their base among minorities and it has created an epidemic of complacency with some disadvantaged groups. i prefer that vs the 'throw the baby out with the bathwater' approach of the gop extremists.
and the fiscal responsibility of the right only comes into play regarding social and economic programs. they want their blank check when it comes to the military complex, which by the way is the largest line item in gov but no one knows where much of that money goes...(but i suspect a lot of pockets are lined).
Fair enough, but the left isn't even in the right ballpark(no pun intended). Government needs to be shrunk for the benefit of everyone... and which side of the isle do you think is most likely to do this?
again, the right would like the gov to be shrunk but only in areas that don't fit their agenda. they're not interested in across the board fiscal responsibility or gov reduction. they also show a great amount of interest in deregulation which furthers the case that they're not interested in protections that cost money, but are beneficial.
like others have said, the talking points of the gop sound good, but when you pull back the covers on what they're really promoting it's either extremely self serving or potentially disastrous in practice.