God Emperor of SOHH
No, just pointing out how you knowingly or unknowingly adopted one of the classic conservative logical fallacies. It had all the hallmarks- racism, baseless slander of liberals and irrelevance to the point it was disputing.
If you want a dispute to your assertion though, and this ties in to your whole theory of success, look at the macroeconomic markers of liberal + conservative regions at large. Liberal areas are places on the coasts... NYC, LA, SF... you know, the cultural, financial, technological, educational centers of the country. What are the conservative analogues to these places? There aren't any. The red states are fatter, poorer, less educated and most ironically more dependent on the govt than the blue ones. Even in the red states, you look on a county per county basis, the major cities and educational hubs generally vote Democrat. So I dont think you want to play that game, friend. You can't take the worst segment of a group as representative of the whole, or attribute where black peopel are today solely to the embrace of liberal policy. By this logic all liberals would be in the same socioeconomic tough spots
"B-b-but what about Texas????" Thanks partially to the flight of outpriced coastal liberals and a booming Latino population, Texas AND Arizona are on the left's radar and are estimated to be turning blue in the next decade. This isn't an endorsement of the left or an indicator of some permanent shift... there was a time not long ago that the whole country voted Republican, federally. But its just a rebuttal to your seemingly endless parade of logical fallacies and Republican boot licking.
well im glad you are not disputing the statement becuase its a factual statement
second of all the issue was race, so if you breakdown the liberal cities like LA, NYC, SF, where do black people fit into those cities and into the economies of those cities....what is so great about the liberal policies of those cities that black people need to fight for
liberal policies in those cities as far as race consist of housing black people in public housing tenements and section 8 housing, encouraging illegal immigration and working against school choice, and also some crumbs under the guise of affirmative action, essentially when it comes to blacks the liberal position is one of "social justice" and IMO social justice and civil rights are not real economic plans
im an independent, my point is the notion of some economic disaster if black people dont vote for liberals is hogwash and im not aware of any reason that precludes black people from looking at right wing economic ideas to revitalize black areas and black education, we should be open to all ideas not just ideas from people that are supposedly less racist