White girl rapping Lil Baby goes viral, Twitter birds start projecting: UPDATE N Word Tweet Exposal


Jan 3, 2017
It's been going on for a long time..

Fundamentally built on the appropriation of black culture, the Beat Generation adopted the term ‘Beat’ from the systematically oppressed—and thus validly marginalized—black jazz musicians of the 1940s.

By Laura Blumenfeld July 20, 1992

They try to act black, says Traci Wilson. Blue-eyed girls, Chinese boys, even her Indian friend Gary Deol -- who is shrinking beside her in the high school parking lot -- all try to wrap themselves in her dark skin.
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Mzee Tchalla

Apr 25, 2020
”You people” are hypocrites. Many of you enjoy being stereotypes and then cry victim when it bites you in the ass. Also considering she is rapping to that she has said ”nikka” a thousand time as lyrics of those rappers contain that word 99% of the time. Considering the context there is no need to be outraged as she used the word the same way ass 99% procent of you people here complaining use it. Stop using the word otherwise, stop listening to trash musik and stop caring about none important issues while othee communities are surpassing black/ados people.

Watch these c00ns call me a cac while listening to rap music that calls on the death of black people…

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
I told y’all that her liking hip hop didn’t mean she still wasn’t white. some of you just don’t really know white people like those of us who do because we lived with them most of our lives. They have no issue latching on to things they like about our culture while also continuing to be racist especially in those all white red neck areas. At that party it was nothing but whites, yet people thought this meant that those whites weren’t racist because they like rap. It’s just really simple/stupid thinking from our community and its embarrassing.

One of my girls in college was friends with a white girl who loved hip hop and was all about our culture. She was also close with the girl’s family who were nice to her and cool with her. But look the girl grew up in some mostly white trash area in Illinois. So every time my friend went to her house she would hear the whole damn family use the n word with the “er” ending to describe anyone or thing they didn’t like. And they used the word so often it was like they weren’t even conscious when it was coming out of their mouths when my friend was there.

the girl was embarrassed of her family and always had excuses but my friend was pretty sure the girl was using that word too. I didn’t know why she kept going to that girls house like a dumb ass. Unfortunately it’s common in these white redneck areas.

What are you talking about nobody is shocked by white people being racist.

The Exchanges

All Star
Mar 27, 2017
”You people” are hypocrites. Many of you enjoy being stereotypes and then cry victim when it bites you in the ass. Also considering she is rapping to that she has said ”nikka” a thousand time as lyrics of those rappers contain that word 99% of the time. Considering the context there is no need to be outraged as she used the word the same way ass 99% procent of you people here complaining use it. Stop using the word otherwise, stop listening to trash musik and stop caring about none important issues while othee communities are surpassing black/ados people.

Watch these c00ns call me a cac while listening to rap music that calls on the death of black people…

You're generalizing. On top of that, you didn't even bother mentioning which stereotype people on this site enjoy playing into. Not to mention the sample size on this site of anonymous users shouldn't be the bar to be criticizing black people since we cant even verify the race of anyone on this site.

For all we know (and it probably is) its a melting pot of several different races masquerading as black people.

considering the context there is no need to be outraged as she used the word the same way ass 99% procent of you people here complaining use it.

There's no context for someone who isn't black to be saying nikka.

99% procent of you people here complaining use it
99% of your post is complete bullshyt (see how that works?).

The other communities that are supposedly surpassing black/ados people don't have our history or stigma. The Civil Rights movement weren't that long ago. People who went through it are still alive, still racist and in positions of power.


There's only one bar of violence in that entire song.

"This gun ain't gon' jam, when I blow, I ain't missin'
I'm droppin' hit after hit, I'm just chillin'
But I'll send a hit while I chill with my children"

The rest of the lyrics are about fukking women and having a lot of money.

Mzee Tchalla

Apr 25, 2020
@The Exchanges

The whole rap industry is a stereotype of black ignorance... Again, posters here didn't see anything wrong with the cac but now crying victim because she said ''nikka''... If she listenes to that music then she says that word tohusand times as its present in majority of music today. Stop using the word ans spreading the image of black ignorance to the world, yes i said it. Black people who use that word are deemed as ignorant because they are.

Yes, considering that black people wen't through all those things and are lagging behind then there is no time to care for these non issues. Black children should be going to school and excelling to eventually start STEM education and catch up. Education, family units is the way to success. Not this waste of time of a random cac who said ''nikka''.

Last sentence, I was talking about general, not this specific song :snoop:


Bih call me senpai
Mar 16, 2014
”You people” are hypocrites. Many of you enjoy being stereotypes and then cry victim when it bites you in the ass. Also considering she is rapping to that she has said ”nikka” a thousand time as lyrics of those rappers contain that word 99% of the time. Considering the context there is no need to be outraged as she used the word the same way ass 99% procent of you people here complaining use it. Stop using the word otherwise, stop listening to trash musik and stop caring about none important issues while othee communities are surpassing black/ados people.

Watch these c00ns call me a cac while listening to rap music that calls on the death of black people…
Nas the GOAT rapper called Gwenyth Paltrow a real nikka, gave her a “nikka pass” and even said he’d smack anyone who had a problem with her saying nikka. But we’re supposed to cry over some white bytch calling a cat a nikka on twitter :mjlol:

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
This is why I don't like white hip hop heads to begin with.

They cant hide their racism...it eventually shows.

If they like our music but dont like us...they can go listen to some cracker shyt like country.

nobody needs to be saying the word anymore in music or entertainment. trying to manage the use is a stupid tiresome and pointless occupation. it's clearly not working. when is the last time you heard gook, paki, kike, spic even honky? you can hear nikka a countless times a day effortlessly.

brehs got better shyt to do than word police. put it to sleep, kill the passes and let the world move on collectively so that it's not fashionable to anyone.

Black people are the most influential... start using that power. I'm perfectly fine with a world where nobody can say it.

our value system is broken and it cannot be fixed while these glaring hypocrisies fight to co-exist in the same space as our self respect. we are at stalemate. other people know that, they are not confused about the use of the word or the double standard. same latinos that say nikka all day have a conniption if you say spic, wetback etc. they know insults are not endearing and have given no passes. Cali Latinos were mad about snoop saying vato on a song for fukk sakes... even with a B Real cosign.

I'm saying all that to say toss the word in the bushes, toss anyone using it in the bushes (including myself). time to elevate. A white girl reciting rap lyrics gave brehs a boost then her saying nikka casually broke their hearts... to me all i see is people predicating their value on acceptance from others which ties in with the overall issue and point. what is our value in ourselves? is it derived from us or others? in the last couple years we have jews, arabs, koreans flex on brehs for things said in rap songs and get the shyt cancelled or erased but they will still come back to listen to said songs about nikkaz dying unbothered because we accept it. we got all the examples we need to see what time it is and the moves we need to make. the measure of respect we get from the public will emulate what we show for ourselves in public outside emboldened racists

go ahead n neg n bush me if this offends brehs :yeshrug:

Amare's Right Hook

Southeast World Champion
May 1, 2012
The average Twitter bird talking big shyt is getting fukked by regular nikkas with regular jobs

2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012
I told y’all that her liking hip hop didn’t mean she still wasn’t white. some of you just don’t really know white people like those of us who do because we lived with them most of our lives. They have no issue latching on to things they like about our culture while also continuing to be racist especially in those all white red neck areas. At that party it was nothing but whites, yet people thought this meant that those whites weren’t racist because they like rap. It’s just really simple/stupid thinking from our community and its embarrassing.

One of my girls in college was friends with a white girl who loved hip hop and was all about our culture. She was also close with the girl’s family who were nice to her and cool with her. But look the girl grew up in some mostly white trash area in Illinois. So every time my friend went to her house she would hear the whole damn family use the n word with the “er” ending to describe anyone or thing they didn’t like. And they used the word so often it was like they weren’t even conscious when it was coming out of their mouths when my friend was there.

the girl was embarrassed of her family and always had excuses but my friend was pretty sure the girl was using that word too. I didn’t know why she kept going to that girls house like a dumb ass. Unfortunately it’s common in these white redneck areas.
These dumbasses were quick to dump on black women just to big up a white girl rapping :smh: They either white boys in digital blackface or c00ns