White boy tells us what we all know about that ONE popular black kid in a group of white friends


Aug 9, 2013
That's not true. We get nefarious people who grow up thinking they don't have to answer to anyone about the awful things they do when we remain silent. We get people like Harvey Weinstein or George Epstein; these two men didn't have to answer to anyone for a long time because everyone around them were too scared or too complicit to say anything. I know that's a jump, but the mindset is there.

The black parents are wrong for the racism committed against their son? That thinking is no different then saying certain people deserved to be robbed because they dare to dress nice and wear jewelry. At some point people will have to decide if white racists need to change or black people have to accept that they'll always be judged for the color of our skin. If you think about it, even if you teach your child the ins and outs of racism, will that omit them from being a victim of racist behavior? We can be responsible all day, but that's a band-aid. The root of the issue is white people who refuse to change their ways and pass that onto their descendants.

White people aren't going to change their ways my friend. Not the white people who count. Sorry to bust that utopian bubble. And why would they? In their minds, to "change" would be risking everything they've fought and died for since before this country was officially founded. White people have a system designed to identify and train those who will uphold the system of white supremacy into the future generations.

The tone of your thinking is that of someone who sees himself as inferior. White people don't have to change for Black people to understand who we truly are and what we're capable of doing, in every facet of society. Teaching my child the ins and outs of racism, while instilling in him his own history and a strong sense of self will teach him how to deal with racists when he encounters them. Instead of trying to squeeze into white spaces and conforming while accepting all manner of abuse and hoping the racists around him will "change," or some other benevolent white person will step in and speak up for him, hopefully, if I've prepared him properly, he'll work to create his own space. Failing that, he'll at least find a healthier environment with a better group of people.

The Black kid in OP's post didn't have to hang around those white kids and take their abuse everyday, and at a certain point there should've come a time where he said enough is enough. Not saying he had to be Nat Turner, but he could've found a different group of people to hang around. So yes, I'd have to question the job his parents have obviously failed to do.


All Star
Dec 23, 2016
White people aren't going to change their ways my friend. Not the white people who count. Sorry to bust that utopian bubble. And why would they? In their minds, to "change" would be risking everything they've fought and died for since before this country was officially founded. White people have a system designed to identify and train those who will uphold the system of white supremacy into the future generations.

The tone of your thinking is that of someone who sees himself as inferior. White people don't have to change for Black people to understand who we truly are and what we're capable of doing, in every facet of society. Teaching my child the ins and outs of racism, while instilling in him his own history and a strong sense of self will teach him how to deal with racists when he encounters them. Instead of trying to squeeze into white spaces and conforming while accepting all manner of abuse and hoping the racists around him will "change," or some other benevolent white person will step in and speak up for him, hopefully, if I've prepared him properly, he'll work to create his own space. Failing that, he'll at least find a healthier environment with a better group of people.

The Black kid in OP's post didn't have to hang around those white kids and take their abuse everyday, and at a certain point there should've come a time where he said enough is enough. Not saying he had to be Nat Turner, but he could've found a different group of people to hang around. So yes, I'd have to question the job his parents have obviously failed to do.

I don't know how me arguing against other people's bad behavior makes me inferior. When you see people doing bad or wrong do you say anything? If your child did something awful to another person, would you not correct them? It's parents and people who turn a blind eye to things that make it okay for bullies and racists exist. And in hindsight, it makes me wonder if you think like that, what else are you comfortable turning a blind eye to. I hope you and your family enjoy the rest of your day.


Aug 9, 2013
I don't know how me arguing against other people's bad behavior makes me inferior. When you see people doing bad or wrong do you say anything? If your child did something awful to another person, would you not correct them? It's parents and people who turn a blind eye to things that make it okay for bullies and racists exist. And in hindsight, it makes me wonder if you think like that, what else are you comfortable turning a blind eye to. I hope you and your family enjoy the rest of your day.
My point is, you can't dictate how someone else's parent feels or what they teach their child. The parent may be a racist and teach their child that, the child may turn out like the parent or may not. I lived next door to a family like that when I was growing up. The mother was racist, her son wasn't. Racism doesn't need anyone to turn a blind eye to it. To white people, "racism" per se, is a mechanism that ensures their race survives and thrives.

I said your posts come off as inferior because you expected a 15 year old white boy to speak up for a Black kid who was perfectly capable of speaking up for himself. And it seems like you expect that across the board in society in general. People turn a blind eye to bullies all the time, as well as speaking out against bullying, usually to no avail. It's when the bully gets dealt with in a manner he or she understands that the bullying comes to an end. Hope you and yours enjoy the rest of your day as well.


May 24, 2022
actually this isn't true. most Black kids in the suburbs hang with other Blacks. it's the rare few who insisted on hanging with the crakkkas. it's so prevalent they actually wrote books and have done studies about it.

from what i saw growing up, it was usually the Blacks that came from all-Black areas that turned out to be the biggest c00ns and teeth showers once they got around white people.

and i went to Black schools and predominately white schools.
I agree

I grew up in suburbs didn't really fukk with cacs like that in school

most of my friends were black few others from other groups here and there including a few cacs but didn't need to be under them all the time.

I would be nice to the white kids that got picked on by other white kids though
just in case if they shot up the school he would warn my black ass.

who I befriended that was non black was strategic lol
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May 5, 2012
North Jersey
Even though I was an anime nerd ass nikka, I was jock in HS. I was on the football and wrestling teams, in a predominantly white Jewish town. The football team was full of nikkas, but the wrestling team was cacced out. Them wrestling white boys never tried that nword shyt on because I wad affiliated with the football....we would do shyt like trash the field then blame the soccer team. Raid the janitors fridge then blame the color guard:mjlol:and get away with it.

But them cacs on the football team:francis:first of all, they all had starting positions which was highly sus cuz we had multiple losing seasons. Like 3-7 season endings. Second, they would throw the nword around but only when the Haitians and Jamaican players were around to cosign them. A few of us that said something got hazed during practice or games.

I come to find out from the white boys on my wrestling team that these nikkas were letting things slide because they got access to one of the players beach house. nikkas was giving out nword passes for bland white girl p*ssy and house parties.

I got shyt for free by being a trash wrestler:russ:

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
I would honestly rather my kid join a gang than to be this kid. One can be saved,the other:respect:?

Maybe its possible,just cant say ive ever seen a reformed c00n.


Dec 4, 2015
I feel sorry for any young brehs that have to go through this man.

Growing up in Canada 99% of my friends were Black with the odd white boy/girl from my class that I spoke with until the semester was finished.

But the horror stories I used to hear about black kids who went to predominantly white schools males you wanna puke. You'd think it was still the 1950s the way these guys got treated...and they weren't even popular or have any clout.

This world isn't right.


May 20, 2015
He sounds like a lame ass white boy to be honest even if True.

The black boy definitely smashed his crush now he hates blacks typical white nerd online

u never see military or jock white boys making videos like this about the black on the team or military squad because they at least have the balls to say it person.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
The one in the gang is the bigger c00n idiot

Thats a reach:mjlol:?

Obviously im not promoting joining gangs. I just prefer it over joining a friend group of cacs and allowing yourself to be humiliated.

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
My highschool in Toronto was majority white. In 9th grade I was friends with everyone. By 10th grade I had a primarily Black crew.

There was only a handful of us in every grade. One day one of my homies got into a fight with some white trash brothers. The next day it was 5 brehs with one white boy facing off against hundreds of white kids outside school. The fight never went down but that day I learned how shyt was. All the white kids took up for the losers and the one white boy we had with us was not even from our school just a black hood and we brought him there for back up lol.

We also had some cac we called ism (short for plagiarism). Dude used to be talking normal n see us and all over sudden he was doing a Malibu's most wanted impression. He had a fake accent and all. He got his name from stealing Eminem lyrics and spitting them in cyphers like they were his own. Eventually he realized he wasn't clowning us we were clowning him. He really thought he was getting over. :skip:

All Knowledge

Speak up...
Jan 17, 2014
Belo Horizante
I'm so grateful to have grown up in a/the Chocolate city :blessed:

Having white friends and dealing with their BS is so foreign to me :blessed: