Which wrestlers of today do you think would be able to survive a territory locker room?


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Some of yall must be real ignorant to the past because REAL FIGHTERS had no way to make money back then… EXCEPT WRESTLING

Thats what mma/tough guys did back in
They created the trainings people use today.

Of course there were bums in wrestling. Always werr and still are.

But every terrutory had guys who could do whatever they wanted with any random person.

All the early shooters and hookers were WORLD CLASS fighters who couldnt make a living any other way then in WRESTLING. Fake as it was. Period. That was the business and what it was built on until the 70s/80s.

The list of guys who are straight legends in legit fighting world were in those territories and people talking about MATT RIDDLE and BOBBY LASHLEY because they had a few fights.

like wow.

Harley race got in more fights a month then those guys been in their whole life

Talking about jay strongbow lmao. Try wahoo mcdaniel.

Some of yall talking like every territory was memphis with jerry lawler and bill dundee. Or some indy show.

The whos who of tough guys were all in wrestling as mma didnt even exist. If you lost a bar fight ya lost your job.

Add that to an entirely different road life. I doubt very few could hack it whatsoever.

Cm punk was never a fighter. Got dropped by teddy hart in pajamas and flip flops. It wasnt the part that he was a wrestler and got washed. He was always getting washed.
Lashley from the 05 era would murder every name you think of..Andre the Giant is super strong though. Ernie Ladd was strong. Ron Simmons and Scott Steiner wouldn't be afraid of nobody. Bad News Brown would step to anybody. Macho Man was fighting police and had them scared..lol