Which DNA test is best for African Americans?


Waxing Intellectual
Apr 14, 2013
Phi Chi Connection
I heard African Ancestry is the best for black folks. I went with plain old Ancestry because I was trying to find family. But Ancestry keep switching my percentage of Nigerian/Ghanian/Mali/Benin/Congo every couple of months.

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
23andMe is great. It's been updated with a LOT more African populations
First of all cool ass screen name. Dude was a baller.

The new updates are better, but a person with an older account might have to submit a near sample because for some reason the updates don't cover the old accounts.

The one thing that impressed me about 23andme is that they have a feature called Ancestry Timeline that allows a person to review the last period of time that an ancestor was 100% from a particular modern country. I found that interesting as a Black American because it dovetailed perfectly with slaveships and historical accounts of the slave trade. My timeliness show that an Angolan/Congo relative was born in around 1700. Then I had a relative from Senegambia/Guinea born in around 1750 along with a relative from Ghana/Liberia/Sierra Leone. So that coincides with the historical record of slaves first arriving from the Empire of Kongo and then shortly thereafter a large group of people came to the USA from the Empire of Mali. The last group to come were from Nigeria just like slaving records implied. That relative was born between 1820 through 1880. Of course you can see the raping by the White men, because you can also see when their DNA entered the gene pool.

That feature by 23andme is incredible especially if you overlay it with African Ancestry results that provide haplogroups. African Ancestry indicated that my direct maternal line is Mende from Sierra Leone so looking at the 23andme timeliness I can almost pinpoint when she was likely brought to the USA, which was likely at some point around 1750, give or take a decade in an direction. African Ancestry indicate that my paternal direct line was Bissa from Burkina Faso/Ghana who are actually Mandingos from Mali. My great-grandfather was likely born around 1750 just like my great grandmother from Sierra Leone. I am beginning to lean towards the notion that a lot of the Nigerians brought to the USA in the 1800s were likely Igbo women, because African Americans have high Nigerian scores, but the paternal haplogroups that I have seen have not shifted significantly to Nigerian groups. However I have seen Nigerian maternal lines. So that leads me to believe that a lot of Nigerian from Igbo women were brought here in the 1800s.
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6th Man
May 29, 2018
Which company throw the sample in the trash.

none since you can't take it at home and keep the results private.

23andMe has African ethnic groups depending on how long ago you have ancestry from those groups. If it’s more than 300 years old, it may struggle to identify those ancestral connections.
I ain't trusting NONE OF THEM!!!! Theses genetic tracing companies just looking for another Henrietta Lacks, all that shyt they do for tracing seems like a smokescreen marketing tactic. It may be interesting to trace your genetic code but you can go pretty far back just by using birth and death records from your family. We've been able to trace Hatian ancestors and Native American heritage on each side of my family using records and not giving up any DNA. ESPECIALLY dealing with companies catered towards Black Americans, I guarantee that DNA will be used for more prison pipelines, those companies NEVER tell you what is being done and who's purchasing your DNA and exactly how much it's worth.

And you relieve yourself of any legal action because it's voluntary, that's the carrot being dangled.

I even knew some people years ago that were messing with CRISPR in Eastern Europe and wanted to use human samples to play with while they were trying to modify animals


A Wilsonian Garveyite
Jan 3, 2015
The Original Man and the First Gods
I ain't trusting NONE OF THEM!!!! Theses genetic tracing companies just looking for another Henrietta Lacks, all that shyt they do for tracing seems like a smokescreen marketing tactic. It may be interesting to trace your genetic code but you can go pretty far back just by using birth and death records from your family. We've been able to trace Hatian ancestors and Native American heritage on each side of my family using records and not giving up any DNA. ESPECIALLY dealing with companies catered towards Black Americans, I guarantee that DNA will be used for more prison pipelines, those companies NEVER tell you what is being done and who's purchasing your DNA and exactly how much it's worth.

And you relieve yourself of any legal action because it's voluntary, that's the carrot being dangled.

I even knew some people years ago that were messing with CRISPR in Eastern Europe and wanted to use human samples to play with while they were trying to modify animals
If this is what you believe then
1. Why are you posting in the thread?
2. What's really the worse that can happen?


Mar 11, 2022
Los Angeles
Yeah, 23andme is good but don't know if it's the best.

They used to only show Nigerian heritage but now include Ghanaian, Jamaican, etc. I never noticed those before. They're getting much better there.


6th Man
May 29, 2018
If this is what you believe then
1. Why are you posting in the thread?
2. What's really the worse that can happen?
To bring attention so people don't go in blind thinking it's fine to freely give your DNA out.

Like @Mowgli and @bnew Mentioned, they will have your DNA,...this is like freely giving away your fingerprints to a company because they want to make artwork from it, or when those face swap apps were popular years ago and now we've found out they were using the data for facial recognition software for surveillance and Ai training. AGAIN a company targeting Black Americans specifically to gather their DNA:martin:

Red Flag, please bookmark this thread for when that company gets sold and find out who bought all that data, beyond that 23andme was hacked last year and genotype data was leaked. So you give out your DNA to a company and then they get breached.......You'd be cool with that? How much you think that type of information is worth to an insurance company, medical researchers, etc...:mjtf:

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
Yeah, 23andme is good but don't know if it's the best.

They used to only show Nigerian heritage but now include Ghanaian, Jamaican, etc. I never noticed those before. They're getting much better there.
23andme is more accurate than AncestryDNA regarding regions.

23andme combines Ghana into same region as Ivory Coast and Sierra Leone. That is factually accurate becin those regions you will find large numbers of Manden and Akan people. 23andme also has a recent ancestors component that points to places you would have had a relative imported to such as Jamaica, Guyana, Barbados, etc.

The real issue with any DNA testing is what are the populations being tested to create the test panels. They simply do not test certain African populations and in turn they use proxies to represent certain groups. That is why I think African Ancestry is the best overall test for direct line tracing, but they don't provide overall autosomal results. So 98% of your results won't be provided by African Ancestry, but they nail your direct line testing even though I do question how they can tell the difference between someone that is Mandigo, Mende, Susu, etc., within the same Mande ethnic groups because all of those people would have a lot of overlapping DNA.

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
To bring attention so people don't go in blind thinking it's fine to freely give your DNA out.

Like @Mowgli and @bnew Mentioned, they will have your DNA,...this is like freely giving away your fingerprints to a company because they want to make artwork from it, or when those face swap apps were popular years ago and now we've found out they were using the data for facial recognition software for surveillance and Ai training. AGAIN a company targeting Black Americans specifically to gather their DNA:martin:

Red Flag, please bookmark this thread for when that company gets sold and find out who bought all that data, beyond that 23andme was hacked last year and genotype data was leaked. So you give out your DNA to a company and then they get breached.......You'd be cool with that? How much you think that type of information is worth to an insurance company, medical researchers, etc...:mjtf:
If you have ever been to a doctor, a dentist, a clinic or a hospital and they took blood or urine from you then they already have your DNA. That is how Henrietta Lack's DNA got into scientists hands. She went to her doctor and then they put her in the hospital.
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A Wilsonian Garveyite
Jan 3, 2015
The Original Man and the First Gods
To bring attention so people don't go in blind thinking it's fine to freely give your DNA out.

Like @Mowgli and @bnew Mentioned, they will have your DNA,...this is like freely giving away your fingerprints to a company because they want to make artwork from it, or when those face swap apps were popular years ago and now we've found out they were using the data for facial recognition software for surveillance and Ai training. AGAIN a company targeting Black Americans specifically to gather their DNA:martin:

Red Flag, please bookmark this thread for when that company gets sold and find out who bought all that data, beyond that 23andme was hacked last year and genotype data was leaked. So you give out your DNA to a company and then they get breached.......You'd be cool with that? How much you think that type of information is worth to an insurance company, medical researchers, etc...:mjtf: