All Star
Most of The singles are classic but outside of that who remembers or cares about any of the songs off of that album? The rest of those songs on the album just ain't that good as you sayin they are....4.5....it came out in 2005 and it don't get the love albums like Grodt,tm103,Carter 2,Trap Muzic get and rightfully so....hate to say this and make Gunit stans day but it ain't better than Beg For Mercy....its more on par with Hunger 4 More by Lloyd Banks which ain't a classic,just talkin albums outta that camp....its the 3rd best album out the Gunit Camp,how the fuk is it top 5 west coast albums of all time

documentary > grodt. its the best g-unit release ever. the only wack song is special. everything else is a banger on that album with plenty of classic cuts