God Emperor of SOHH
Bu bu bu bu but why is questlove blaming the music, music is just a product of the environment, why doesn't he address the real issues?
I'd say Black America failed to maintain control of Hip Hop or at least keep a piece of it which stays true to its original purpose. This is the price of overwhelming commercial success.
But at least we still got lil boosie, he's keeping it real
Don't blame Boosie for Blackstar not making an album in awhile, I think it'd be a good look if they did.
But seriously
what really happened to rap music is that Delores Tucker was right and Russell Simmons was wrong
I'm not blaming boosie I'm blaming Russell Simmons and his ilk and your ilk for telling us that we need to defend somebody like lil boosie, I'm blaming myself too for letting a clown like Russell Simmons misguide me
Breh you're entitled to believe what you want you don't have to "defend" anyone but yourself if you choose. Some of us just have a different view on things from you, a much different view.
I think the issue here that these guys seem to miss,Don't blame Boosie for Blackstar not making an album in awhile, I think it'd be a good look if they did.
If you let another man misguide you, that tells me
You couldn't think for yourself in the first place
The problem always gets muddled though, black people are treated
like special cases who can't differentiate reality from entertainment.
I think the issue here that these guys seem to miss,
is even if Black star dropped an album it wouldn't
change the average lower income black person's state of affairs.
I mean if Lupe fiasco and Kid Cudi were blaring over the radio all the time :
iIt wouldn't stop poor kids from being poor.
It wouldn't suddenly stop the failing of inner city public schools.
It wouldn't suddenly stop police corruption.
it wouldn't suddenly stop the incredible wealth that's generated
from drugs illegally imported into this country.
It wouldn't stop a whole host of other things I could list.
When Michael Jackson and Prince were running the charts we still
had ghetto's, we still had heroin (and then crack) completely decimating
neighborhoods, we still had areas like Harlem, Watts etc.
seen as "Bad Places" among other things.
Dudes can post dumb shyt like "bu bu bu but Real issues!" all they want
but I would imagine fixing these things would take precedent over criticizing rappers
and their content.
In no way would I defend Lil Boosie, but Tucker was wrong, too. The lyrics she despised in hip-hop have been in Black music since before she was born.
Crime is lower than it has been in the past decades, drug use has also decreased among youth, sexual activity has also decreased among youth, yet rap songs about drugs, crime, and sleeping around remain on top, just as songs with these topics have always been popular in Black music since at least the 1920s. Clearly music has not been a major factor in any of these things, especially since crime, for example, was far higher during the Golden Age of hip-hop when conscious artists were more popular and more prolific.