When People Say "There's No Black People In LA"...

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
When we're talking large cities though, there's an added dimension to the conversation. 8.4% of Los Angeles isn't the same as, say, 8.4% of a city the size of Kansas City. That's still over 320,000 black people in the city of Los Angeles, there's more black people in Los Angeles than there are people period in St Louis...

It baffles me that people dont understand this, because I could take you to black areas in Los Angeles and you see nothing but black folk...

This is a city of 4 million people. Cats gotta stop talking about it like it has 400,000 people or 40,000 people...

In regards to New York, I just gave you a defined region of LA that is physically larger than every borough in New York besides one, and is blacker than every borough in NY besides Brooklyn and Bronx---->and those two themselves are really anomalies because none of the other 3 boroughs are more than 17% black...

So two things can be true: on the whole NY is much blacker; but also, there is a distinct, contiguous region of LA that is ~21% black and is larger than every NY borough besides Brooklyn...

In physical population, LA still has the 8th-largest black population in America (per '20 Census):

New York 1,795,113

Chicago 779,304

Philadelphia 625,772
Houston 510,280

Detroit 488,262
Memphis 391,951
Baltimore 349,358
Los Angeles 323,341
Dallas 301,499
Charlotte 294,703
Jacksonville 293,066
Washington 284,101
Columbus 261,987

Indianapolis 246,971
Atlanta 236,812
Milwaukee 219,192
New Orleans 209,219
Nashville 177,859
Fort Worth 177,747
Cleveland 175,532
Newark 149,309
Louisville 148,348
Boston 139,467
Kansas City 135,741
Birmingham 134,746

A city has the 8th-largest physical black community in the US but there's no black people, brehs 🤣 A city has an area larger than all but one NY borough that is ~21% black but there's no black people, brehs....

Both of these things are true but you can go a whole day in LA and not see any black people, brehs.......of course you won't, if you aren't in the black areas 🤣 😂 ...

Here we have a brother who doesn't know what the word contiguous means 🤣 😂 😆...

So lets start with this, ~1.25 of that ~2.555 million population, are in fact in city of Los Angeles neighborhoods. 49% of the population of this NY-borough sized region, are in the city of Los Angeles...

~309,000 of those ~538,000 black people are in city of Los Angeles neighborhoods. That's 57% of the black folk in this NY-borough sized region, are in The City...

Beyond that, there is no magic forcefield that separates the city of Los Angeles from Compton....or Inglewood...or The Gar, or any of the other adjacent cities that literally abut Los Angeles. Most of these places are just extensions of South Central anyway, and if you aren't a local you have no way of knowing if you're on the LA side or the Inglewood side of Florence, unless you're reading a "welcome" sign...

Every single area I named is contiguous, from Mid-Wilshire to Long Beach, from Long Beach to Culver, these are contiguous hoods that all bleed into each other seamlessly...

LA has black culture but really don't have black people.


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
LA has black culture but really don't have black people.
It has the 8th-largest physical black population in the nation. Saying it doesn't have black people is just factually untrue and doesn't make sense...

Los Angeles is massive, this is the second largest city in the country yet we're talking about it as if its the 122nd largest city. Los Angeles is also segregated. So the majority of Black Angelenos live in that Brooklyn/Chicago/Queens sized radius I outlined earlier...

In that Chicago-sized region the population is 21% black. The city of LA as a whole is only slightly over 8% black, bit when we're talking about mega cities like this, when you can fit Queens comfortably inside LA with room to spare, it has to matter that there's a Queens-sized area that's 21% black...

If someone barely sees black folk in LA they aren't in Black Los Angeles, period. There's really no gray area here. There's absolutely no way you spend time in the big ass region where most Black Angelenos are, and don't see black folk or black culture...


Jan 24, 2016
I understand what you're saying but it'll fall on deaf ears, this site's always had a "fukk L.A." agenda, breh. :yeshrug:

It probably doesn't help that most of us living here aren't die hard defenders like seen for other cities.

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
It has the 8th-largest physical black population in the nation. Saying it doesn't have black people is just factually untrue and doesn't make sense...

Los Angeles is massive, this is the second largest city in the country yet we're talking about it as if its the 122nd largest city. Los Angeles is also segregated. So the majority of Black Angelenos live in that Brooklyn/Chicago/Queens sized radius I outlined earlier...

In that Chicago-sized region the population is 21% black. The city of LA as a whole is only slightly over 8% black, bit when we're talking about mega cities like this, when you can fit Queens comfortably inside LA with room to spare, it has to matter that there's a Queens-sized area that's 21% black...

If someone barely sees black folk in LA they aren't in Black Los Angeles, period. There's really no gray area here. There's absolutely no way you spend time in the big ass region where most Black Angelenos are, and don't see black folk or black culture...

I think that is the point they are trying to make if you are not in a black section you are not going to see any black people.


Time to go!!
May 3, 2012
while LA has a large black population the whole city and state is single digit percentsge

Raw numbers matter but percentages matter more imo
La is huge. Probably the largest city I been too outside of Dallas. I didn’t even get to see all of LA but there’s area of concentration where you won’t see no black ppl like you in fukkin Phoenix
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